By, uav-jp 10/11/2022

10 young female pop stars swept the world [with video]

Now that the world of pop music is always easy to move and streaming is becoming the mainstream, pop stars (especially female pop stars) are to compete with most rapper and DJs that have penetrated pop charts.In addition, the ability to determine the times and skillfully adapt is required.

Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Rihanna, Adele, Katie Perry and Lady Gaga.Top -class hit makers like them cannot be ignored.They continue to have a great influence enough to be talked about without publishing songs.

But who is the next generation to create a new pop history?People from the star stars, singer -songwriters who have created sensation on the Internet, and female pop artists like stars in the modern pop world are diverse, but they are all.He is successful in the way.

Liot Girls: Women who have changed the world ・ Women who have asserted the independence of women, women who led the Pop Scene of Women: Girls Group Power

1.Billy Irish

If you still have no knowledge of Billy Irish, you will notice that in the 2020s you will never be avoided.

Since the break in the "Ocean Eyes" announced in the form of self -release in 2016, her trends have always been highly interested and hoped.Billy's singing voice is delicate, but her song is a somewhat disturbing pop song.Therefore, he was recognized for his sincere and unbearable attitude, and captured the hearts of young people.

Billie Eilish – Ocean Eyes (Official Music Video)

やがてメジャー・レーベルと契約を交わしたアイリッシュは、2017年にEP『Don’t Smile at Me』をリリース。同作には大ヒットしたシングル「Bellyache」や、ヴィンス・ステイプルズとのコラボレーションの成果「&burn」といったトラックが収録されており、プロデュースは、実兄であり、ソングライティングのパートナーでもあるフィニアス・オコンネルが担当している。

Digging themes such as desires and betrayal is not common in teen pop, but Irish is a pop star that exceeds expectations.And her record sales and her debut album "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?"It has been counted as one of the great pop stars.

Billie Eilish – everything i wanted

2.Alessia Carla

As many singers of her generation, Alessia Carla initially performed a cover version of a hit song through YouTube.Eventually, she signed a contract with Def Jam and announced her debut single "HERE" from the label.The song was a song that captured the feelings of the introverted people who did not like the party.

The personal emotions of Carla that resonate with the unstable teenagers are the perfect single that shows downtempo beats and Sampled Isaac Haze's "IKE'S RAP II".Although this "here" was not advertised and released, it gradually gained popularity.

Alessia Cara – Here (Official Video)

Following "here", she announced "Wild Things" and Anthem "Scars to Your Beautiful" that promotes self -affirmation.At the end of 2015, when the album "Know-IT-ALL", which contains these two songs, was released, the critics were sent to the finest praise.

そして、もっと社会を意識した活動をしたいという思いから、カーラはさらなる一歩を踏み出した。自殺防止のホットラインの電話番号をタイトルにしたロジックの作品「1-800-273-8255」にポップR&Bのスター、カリードと共にゲストとして参加。その後、アルバム『The Pains of Growing』(成長に伴う痛み) をリリースし、自らの真価を世に問うたが、21歳になった彼女は、素朴な女の子から、自信に満ちたシンガーソングライターへと成熟を遂げたとみていいだろう。

Carla is also one of the new type of pop stars, like today's singers who are completely different from the 1990s and late 2000s.In other words, she sublimated the lyrics that expose the inside as an art work as an outsider that is not bound by the social framework, and refused to put it into a specific type.

Alessia Cara – October (Official Video)

3.Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, found on the Disney Channel, following the same background stars (Demi Rovat, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus) and Nikolodon's Ariana Grande, Pop from children's stars.・ One who turned into a singer.She is a 25 -year -old and veteran in the industry, and in 2017 she was selected as a "Woman of the Year (a female artist in the year)" by Billboard Magazine.

当初、バンドの一員としてその音楽活動を始めた彼女だったが、2013年に『Stars Dance』でソロ・デビューを果たし、これを気に快活なティーン・シンガーから成熟した女性アーティストへと変貌を遂げ、ボリウッドの影響を滲ませたシングル「Come & Get It」で世界中にその名を知らしめた。

Selena Gomez – Come & Get It

Her rebellious attitude is mainly demonstrated as an actress, but on the other hand, she has a variety of songs that have grown creativity.A single "Bad Liar" sampled with Talking Heads "PSYCHO KILLER", a single -cheerful "BAD LIAR", a dance pop tune "it ain'T me" in collaboration with Kaigo, and a producer of Mashmello as a producer.Is an example of the result.

While keeping the dance number hits, Back to You knows her skill as a serious pop artist.The song is included in the soundtrack board of the teen drama "13 Reasons" where Gomez is an executive producer.

Selena Gomez – Back To You


At one point, she had stopped working, but returned in 2019.Her wonderful ballad numbers "Lose You To Love Me" and the remaining dance pop tune "LOOK AT HER NOW", which are released following this, have not lost their momentum.I impressed me.

Selena Gomez – Lose You To Love Me (Official Music Video)

4.Charlie XCX

Charlie XCX, a singer -songwriter from the UK, may not be much more famous than the series of stars introduced this time.However, she wrote many hit songs after she got a recording contract at the age of 16.

Since providing an amazing hook to Icona Pop's "I Love IT", the most successful pop song in 2012, she has been songs on Gwen Stephanie, Iggy Azeria, Serena Gomez and Rihanna.Provides.

He himself also released works such as "BOOM CLAP" and "BOYS" as performers.In her satire's latter music video, she picks up the camera and shoots young people who are popular with Imadoki women.

Charli XCX – Boys [Official Video]

Shortly after her debut, the album "True Romance" is still supported as an alternative pop sample, and the album "Charlie" played her as a protagonist of the pop scene.She was a chorus in Iggy Azelia's "Fancy" and finally made her secret ability, not in such a role, to the world.

Charli XCX – Boom Clap (The Fault In Our Stars Soundtrack) [Official Video]

5.Hailey Steinfeld

Haley Steinfeld attracted attention with his singing skills in the movie "Pitch Perfect 2", a group of actresses who have been nominated for the Oscar Prize at the age of 14.Her first recording was Sean Mendes and acoustic duo number, Stitches, which had been very popular since her teens.Then she released EP "HAIZ"."LOVE MYSELF", which has become a leading single from the work, is a catchy anthem on the theme of women's advancement, and is considered a modern version of Divinal's "I Touch MySelf".

Shawn Mendes & Hailee Steinfeld – Stitches ft. Hailee Steinfeld

As with Carla, Gomez, and Charlie, Steinfeld has also been working in collaboration with DJ/producer.The hit song "STARVING" certified by her platinum disk has greeted Zed, a DJ, and proved that she can do it from acoustic pop to dance music.

Hailee Steinfeld, Grey – Starving ft. Zedd (Official Video)

The song "MOST GIRLS" created by Steinfeld with a dance pop trend and a powerful lyrics is a tropical house -style catchy work, and this track makes her read for the first studio album.It was prepared.She has proved her stunning skills of her composition so far, and is known to have signed a publication contract with Warner at the age of 20.In addition, she played the leading role in the Apple TV's original drama series "Dinkin -the Melancholy of a young female poet", and proved her talent as an actress."Afterlife" recorded for "Dickinson" has been released as a single.

Hailee Steinfeld – Afterlife (Dickinson)

6.Curly Ray Jepsen

Curly Ray Jepsen's debut hit song "CALL MEBE" should have heard somewhere, even if it is familiar to the world of pop music.The song, which is engrossed in many people with a tremendous momentum, has already hit more than 1.4 billion times on YouTube.

Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe

Following this song, which has the nickname of the best pop songs, Jepsen released was a completely different tendency.Deves is known as Shia and Brad Orange, who are well -known for Shia and Brad Orange, who are familiar with the genre in the 1980s, with a strong synth pop album "e • MO • Tion", and the same genre.・ Hines and others are being used.

"E • Mo • Tion" became a cult hit, attracting a mature listener who loves indie pop rather than young people who were the starting point of her career.By the way, almost all of Jepsen's lyrics are written on her favorite 'unreliable love', and has been born to a manifesto inspired by this pattern.In the fourth studio album "Dedicated", Jobsen has expanded its capacity for more magnificent songs, magnificent productions, and magnificent emotional expressions.

Carly Rae Jepsen – Want You In My Room

7.Ariana Grande

Like most of the artists who listed this time, Ariana Grande's path to Star began with a teen television program.However, unlike Miley Cyrus, her wiping out of her "child entertainer" was really skillful and succeeded in attracting her older audience without losing her existing fans.

The trademark ponytail and the oversized sweatshirt may look younger than the actual age of 25, but has evolved firmly into a mature female artist, and has its powerful singing voice.There is even a reference to "Mini Mariah Carey".She also attempts to collaborate with many hip -hop artists like the carry, and in the debut single "THE WAY", Mac Miller and Nicky Minage in "Side to Side".I have made a hit.

Ariana Grande – The Way ft. Mac Miller

Ariana Grande first won the chart in the UK when streaming was tangled on the chart, appropriate for the pop stars of the Spotify era.She was blessed with a unique singing voice to reinterpret the retro pop sound, but she never stayed in one genre.

ゼッドのサポートを得たEDMチューン「Break Free」、挑発的なR&Bナンバー「Dangerous Woman」はそんな彼女の姿勢を裏付けている。また一般のポップ・スターたちに比較して政治に対する意識が高いグランデは、折に触れて我々を驚かせてきた。マンチェスター・アリーナにおける爆弾テロ事件の直後、熱心なファンのために限られた時間で大規模なコンサートを実現に導くという偉業を成し遂げたこともその一例に数えられよう。

Ariana Grande Performs 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' – One Love Manchester

2018年8月、アリアナ・グランデはサード・アルバム『Sweetener』を発表。チャートの首位をマークしたこの記録破りのヒット作で、グランデは見事にシーンに復帰した。マックス・マーティンやファレル・ウィリアムスといったプロデューサーのサポートを得た『Sweetener』は、トラップの影響を受けたトラックからダンス・ポップ、ソウルフルなR&Bナンバーなどが並ぶ、従来のポップ・ミュージックの枠を超えた傑作だったが、それでもまだ十分ではないといわんばかりに、彼女はおよそ1年弱で、新作『thank u, next』を発表。前作と同様、ヒット・チャートの首位に送り込んだ。ポップ・ミュージックの世界におけるグランデの最大のライバル、それは彼女自身だと言っていいだろう。

Ariana Grande – 7 rings (Live From The Billboard Music Awards / 2019)

8.Demi Rovato

It's strange to think of these pop stars as young new talents, as they have seen their appearance since they were children.Like Selena Gomez, Demi Rovart's career, produced by Disney, was brilliant.

Her debut album "Don't Forget" was ranked second in the US charts in 2008.She has made all the five albums she released since then.However, the step up to that was not flat.She borrowed the power of "Disney" and was responsible for maintaining a clean image.And he speaks frankly that he is unrelated to alcohol and meds, and he is stating that he keeps a healthy spirit.He has tried to wipe out the prejudice on the delicate problem.

Simple arrangements, instrumentation affected by traps, and modest vocals are the mainstream of pop music these days, but Rovart has shown a consistently confident vocal through its work.。The area is clear in the SORRY NOT SORRY, a lead track of the album "Tell me you love me".

Demi Lovato – Anyone (Official Lyric Video)


He was hesitant to add the road to this list.Now she is steadily working in her field.She made her mysterious debut with the shocking album "Pure Heroine", and was allegedly suspected of being suspected of being ill and was already mature at the age of 16.It's not really her who writes the song, or maybe he's falsifying his age.In short, in the pop scene at the time, she was out of the standard.

Lorde – Royals (US Version)

Four years later, Road returned to the line with his second album "Melodrama", but at this time she did not try to follow a great success.She completed her conceptual album with her internal confession and a degree of degree, and her human relationships and her worries about becoming an adult.

She continues to send the work to a hit chart, but still she is a sincere singer -songwriter who is good at appealing poetic lyrics to the public.As a songwriter and as a producer, the newly -laid -native woman from New Zealand has completely made her creative freedom, and the pops' pops that have been addicted to her may end.

【和訳】Lorde – Solar Power /Load – ソーラー・パワー【公式】|約4年振りのアルバム『Solar Power』収録曲


As the road is, Hallzy is also a new pop star that represents the Internet era.New Jersey, who did not have a traditional backing like Disney, had a huge number of followers on YouTube at the age of 18.After self -release of his own music, he signed an EP "ROOM 93" in 2014 with Astral Works.In 2015, he released his debut album "Badlands", which recorded the platinum hit.The smoky Alto of Hallzy was perfect for dark electro pops, and the young people were tired of the typical music on the radio.

However, in 2016, the singing and singing of the chainsmookers' world -class hit "CLOSER" is one of the most successful moments in her career.CLOSER, which has been certified as a diamond hit, has been the third largest track since the launch of Spotify services, and has also been nominated for the Grammy Award.

The Chainsmokers – Closer (Lyric) ft. Halsey

Even in her own works, two works, "Badlands" and "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom" (2017), recorded a huge hit that is recognized by the Platinum Disk.Hallzy is also very popular as a live performer, and she performed in a stadium class venue around the world, performing a full audience.Like the stars listed this time, they are also eager to raise the awareness of women's rights and "LGBTQ +", and that trend can be seen from her work and fans.

Her works are largely based on a variety of concepts and characters, but they have a glimpse of themselves in the Singing Anthem "without me".She sent her "without me" to the top 20 of the US charts.She is proceeding smoothly for the release of the third album "Maniac" and "I Can't Have Love, I Want Power" and new steps.

Halsey – Without Me

Written by Udiscover Team

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