By, uav-jp 23/06/2022

Trend total financial results for 2021!Including buzzword awards, "Real Nikkai / Show Time", "AHAMO", "Clubhouse", "Maritotso".2021 Search keyword summary

Released on December 01, 2021

Trend survey (153) Dockpit (164) Search keyword analysis (300)

The second year of Corona, 2021, was only a few, but what kind of year was this year?Value analyzes the web behavior log of the monitor panel you hold and investigates search keywords that are rising weekly.Continuing from last year, we analyzed the trends of 2021 from the analysis of the 2021 new and buzzword awards in the 2021 new language and buzzword awards in the weekly search keywords from January to October 2021 this year.


table of contents

● 2021年の新語・流行語の年間大賞は『Real two -sword style / show time』に● Next -generation SNS competition?"CLUBHOUSE" has a peak over the peak● Surprisingly, the search user is in his 40s.

2021年の新語・流行語の年間大賞は『Real two -sword style / show time』に

早いものでもう12月。毎年恒例の新語・流行語大賞が12月1日に発表され、今年はロサンゼルス・エンゼルスの大谷翔平選手の「Real two -sword style / show time」が年間大賞に選ばれました。今年の年間大賞とトップテンは下記のようになっています。


U -Can New Language / Buzzword Awards 38th 2021 Grand Prize

New words / buzzwords Top Ten

[Annual Grand Prize]

 Real two -sword style / show time

[Award -winning]


 Parent gacha

 Gon attack / Bitttabita

 Gender equality

 Human style

 Sugim rising

 Z generation


 Silent food

年間大賞に選ばれた「Real two -sword style / show time」のうち「二刀流」というキーワードの直近2年間の検索ユーザー推移を、ヴァリューズのWeb行動ログ分析ツールDockpitで見ると、やはり検索数は右肩上がり。特にMLBオールスターゲームが開催され、大谷選手が史上初の球宴二刀流(投打同時出場)を果たし注目を集めた2021年7月は、検索数が大きく伸びていることがわかります。

"Niken style" Search number of users (November 2019 -October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

ノミネート語を振り返ると、昨年は半数近くを新型コロナウイルス関連の言葉が占めていましたが、今年は東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの開催もあり、スポーツに関する言葉が目立つ結果となりました。「ゴン攻め/ビッタビタ」や「13歳、真夏の大冒険」などオリンピック中継の実況から生まれた名言に加え、「カエル愛」「Sugim rising」といった選手個人にフォーカスした言葉もノミネートされており、オリンピック・パラリンピックへの人々の関心の高さがうかがえます。また、日本人として20年ぶりに全米野球記者協会が選ぶ最優秀選手賞・MVPを獲得した大谷翔平選手にまつわる言葉「ショータイム」など、2021年はスポーツ界全体が大いに盛り上がった1年であったことがわかります。


U -Can New Language / Buzzword Awards 38th 2021 Nominated Language

Next, here are the weekly search keyword rankings analyzed by Value, which summarize the symbolic phrases every month in the week.

Weekly search key Word Ranking from the rapid rise word

Like the nominated words of the new and buzzword awards, there are many words related to sports such as keywords related to the Olympic and Paralympics and golf and baseball until August.It is also characteristic that the new rate plan name of each company related to the request for reducing mobile phone charges that the former Suga Cabinet had been focusing on from the beginning of the cabinet from January to March is lined up.On the other hand, the keywords related to the new Coronavirus are less than last year, and it can be seen that people are getting used to the life of Coronona, which is the second year of Corona.

2021年のトレンド総決算!流行語大賞の「Real two -sword style / show time」をはじめ「AHAMO」「CLUBHOUSE」「マリトッツォ」など。2021年検索キーワードまとめ

Next -generation SNS competition?"CLUBHOUSE" has a peak over the peak


FIG. 1] CLUBHOUSE Search number Changes (December 2020 to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

According to the attributes of search users, about 60 % of the men are about 60 %, and the age is mainly in their 20s and 40s.

FIG. 2] CLUBHOUSE search user attribute / gender (January to October 2021) Device: PC / smartphone

FIG. 3] CLUBHOUSE search user attribute / age (January to October 2021) Device: PC / smartphone

Furthermore, when the user who searched for Clubhouse was extracted and arranged other interests, the following result was as follows.

FIG. 4] Interest word (January to October 2021) Device: PC / smartphone


FIG. 5, DISPO, Voicy search user number of users (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

[FIG. 6] DISPO, Voice search user attribute / gender (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

FIG. 7, DISPO, Voice search user attribute / age (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

In recent years, various SNSs have appeared, but there are not many SNS, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.2021 was a year when the interest in the new voice platform has increased, but the excitement will continue, and we will keep an eye on what SNS will be in next year.▼ CLUBHOUSE and DISPO are also featured in the following article.

CLUBHOUSE, which satisfies real conversation hunger -Consider the impact and the future of Corona

The US SNS application "CLUBHOUSE" from the United States landed in Japan in January 2021, causing a big boom.There are a number of voices requesting invitations on existing SNS, and many people may have learned about the application after seeing the post.This time, in addition to the search data of the accumulation of Value, the background of the fashion, the current status, and the future prospects, with the views of CLUBHOUSE beginners and Value's marketing consultants that they have been fully utilized from the beginning of landing.I will do it.

▼ Regarding VOICY, you can download the following survey report for free.

Trends in the voice media market and the main theme survey of each media

As the number of people who enjoy disseminating information and listening while listening to individuals is increasing, focusing on voice media that shows excitement, "VOICY", "", "Spoon", "Radiotalk", "REC" "REC" "REC" "REC"Comparative and analyzed the characteristics of 6 media in. "(Number of pages | 25p)

Surprisingly, the search user is in his 40s.


FIG. 8] Maritosoo search Changes in number of users (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

FIG. 9] Maritosoo Search User Attribute / Gender (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

FIG. 10] Maritosoo Search User Attribute / Age (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

Furthermore, when "Maritoso" was searched with what keywords were searched with, the following results showed the following results [Fig. 11].

FIG. 11] Device: PC / smartphone


[Fig. 12] Investigation site (January to October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

Yemone is an information media in the house (Jenaka) on the theme of living and freedom.We provide a variety of information that colors home time, such as sweets, interior goods, and stylish home appliances.

H TPS: // No.JP /

It was launched in October 2019, and the number of users has increased at a stretch since March 2020 of Corona evil [Fig. 13].

FIG. 13] IEMONE search user changes (November 2019 -October 2021) Device: PC / Smartphone

The house has increased since the spread of the new colon virus has increased, and it matches the consumer needs that want to make the time spent at home more comfortable, and it seems to be a information site suitable for corona evil.

Compared to the 2020 Corona, there were many bright topics in the fields of sports, culture, and food in 2021.I hope that next year will be a year when the new colon virus will converge and will be born more trends.

Analysis overview

With the cooperation of monitor members nationwide, we analyzed users' search behaviors on the Internet using the marketing analysis service using internet behavior logs and user attribute information.* The number of users is speculated in accordance with the domestic network population based on the appearance rate on the Value -holding monitor.

"Dockpit" is very useful for consumer trend surveys on what changes and signs have occurred in the past.There is also a function that can be used for free, so please register for free.

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