By, uav-jp 13/10/2022

50s "Lower progress" what you can do now [Doctors explain] (Shueisha Hapi Plastic News) --Yahoo! News



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In the case of me, a beauty journalist, Yuiko Oda, the presbyopia Mondai that started in my forties! After the age of 50, the eyes of the eyes after the evening have become severe, and it is difficult to see in the distance and hands, and it is difficult to work and private. I interviewed Prof. Kaseda, a superior in ophthalmology, how to see things comfortably after the evening! [Photo] Symptoms that are likely to occur during menopause. Tennis, a hobby, is hard to see the ball in night game lighting, and avoid playing after the evening. The most troublesome thing is that the calibration work, which has to check the letters, is blurred. In addition, lunchtime is OK, but you can't read the menu at night restaurants! Is this a so -called "evening presbyopia"? We talked to Masayoshi Kajita, an ophthalmologist.

50代老眼“進行を遅らせる”今できること【医師が解説】(集英社ハピプラニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

"In the evening presbyopia", which starts in his forties, is the initial symptoms of presbyopia.It will be difficult to see the "distant" in the evening

Web Eclat

I heard the word "presbyopia in the evening, and I thought it would apply to this ... "The presbyopia in the evening is the initial symptoms of presbyopia. It is a little different from the presbyopia, like Oda, which is already more difficult to see near the evening after the evening. There is a blur with Blur (Blur). When you are going to return after work, it will be unclear and difficult to see. " There is a difference between it is difficult to see the distance and that it is difficult to see nearby. "Yes, let's explain from the presbyopia in the evening, which is difficult to see in the distance. The reason why it is difficult to see in the evening is that you only spend time watching the day during the day, and when you come home, you suddenly see far away. The problem is in the lens that regulates the focus of the eyes. The lens is the role of the lens in the case of a camera. It exists on the front of the eyeball (right behind the cornea), and has a rugby ball standing up. The top and bottom of this crystalline has a muscles of the body muscles, and the focus is adjusted by pushing it tightly, pulling it, and thinning it. When you look at the distance, it becomes thinner and focuses, but the crystal, which has been thick all day long, does not suddenly become thin in the evening, and if you look far away, the focus will be blurred. "

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