By, uav-jp 15/08/2022

The hidden camera in the Korean police station toilet is a colleague's police officer = Korean net "Publish the identity" and "Strict punishment" (December 26, 2021) --Excite News

In South Korea, an incumbent police officer who installed a hidden camera in the toilet at the police station where he worked was caught. On December 22, Korean media JTBC reported. According to reports, on the night of the 17th, a hidden camera was installed in a toilet at the police station in Kiyoshu, Chugen Kitamichi. A female police officer working at the police station noticed when the toilet was used, but after discovering, her colleague, male police officer, confessed. The incident was immediately taken over by the Chugoku Kitamichi National Police Agency Women's Youth Investigation Team, and the male police officer was canceled the next day. The female police officers are currently leaving her work and receiving psychological treatment. The toilet at the police station where the camera was installed this time is shared by gender, and the inside is divided by partitions. It is said that the general public visiting the police station was also using it, and the police are investigating the scale of the damage. It was said that the "voyeur inspection table" was posted before the toilet, but it was the last inspection in August 2020. The article states that "the N B -Room Incident has been strictly punishing sexual crimes, but sexual crime has occurred inside the police, which is a position to crack down on it." From a Korean internet user who saw this news, "Is it black comedy for police officers to set up in a toilet in the police station? South Korea is really" the Republic of Molca (Hidden Camera) ". If a young woman wants to get married even though she is lurking, she says she shouldn't treat a man as a potential criminal, but she can't do it from a woman's point of view. " How many men were caught in? The level that too many and I couldn't remember everything. "" Because the police officer forgot and committed sin, it should be dismissed immediately and the weight penalty "" All voyeur criminals are disclosed. There are a lot of angry voices, such as "I want you to do it," "Incompetent and crime ... I don't need a male police officer anymore." (Translation/editing/Maruyama)


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韓国の警察署のトイレに隠しカメラが、犯人は同僚の警察官=韓国ネット「身元を公開して」「厳罰を」 (2021年12月26日) - エキサイトニュース