By, uav-jp 12/11/2022

"Life like a prostitute" Britney Spears is a voice of sympathy in rice

 Only prostitutes live in California in modern California.In the past 13 years, Britney Spears, who has been completely deprived of freedom due to the adult guardianship system set by the court, has finally expressed its cruelty in his own words.

 In recent years, the "#Freebritney" movement has occurred in the United States, saying that what is happening to her is unreasonable.Last year, her sympathetic documentary "Framing Britney Spears" was broadcast, and the exercise was even more exciting.Nevertheless, Britney was basically silent, but he said last week, when he visited the court in the court, he said that he wanted the judge to do everything and release it from the adult guardianship system.

"Work for 7 days without a break. I forced my work without agreeing, and confiscated all my belongings, such as credit cards, cash, mobile phones, and passports, and live together 7 days a week.Everyone, such as nurses, lived in my house to monitor me, and to monitor me. The chef came every day on weekdays and cooked for me.Everyone saw me changing clothes every time. I look naked. In the morning, day, and night, "Britney was confined somewhere in the situation where he was placed and was forced to prostitute.It is repeated in the situation of women who are pinched.

 Britney was determined to be a guardian when she was worried about addiction, divorced, and was taken to the ex -husband Kevin Feder Line, and was at the bottom of her life. However, she rehabilitated, and revived her career, such as succeeding in the show in Las Vegas and appearing as a judge on a TV contest program. Meanwhile, her money and actions have been completely managed by Jamie Spears, a designated father designated as a guardian. According to FORBES, Jamie has paid $ 16,000 (approximately 1.177 million yen) every month from Britney's assets and $ 2,000 for office rent. He also received a part of Britney's earnings, and he paid for his payment to lawyers, psychological counselors, doctors, and nurses who hired "for Britney".

 Britney itself is not allowed to choose those people.Her unknown person suddenly appears in front of her, and if she does this, she seizes her money.Britney is also forced to put IUD (uterine contraceptive).She wants to remarry and wants more children, but she can't be forgiven.Jamie, who says "for Britney" but does not like Britney's lover Sam Asgari who criticizes himself, is the father of the child or a child if a child has a child between Britney and Sam.Some say that Sam also doesn't want to get the right to get money.

"I want to sue my family," said Britney."And I want to tell the world what they did. It's just a secret to keep it secret.She appeals to me, I'm angry. I'm crying every day. It's terrible not to talk about those who did this kind of treatment. "


Amber Tambulin: "I was everyone's ATM"

 Her screams resonated with the hearts of the people.Major media, including "New York Times" and "Los Angeles Times," reported this event from all aspects, such as issues of long -pointed guardian systems and the legality of forcing contraception.

 Celebrity also raised.Britney's past lover Justin Timber Lake said, "We had good and bad, but it's a long time ago, but it's wrong, regardless of that.Tweets should not restrict women making their own decisions. "Paris Hilton also called on the Las Vegas show, which appeared as a DJ, saying, "Britney, we love you. Release Britney."

 Amber Tambulin, on the other hand, has contributed to the New York Times a sympathetic article based on his own experience. Like Britney, she grew up in a non -wealthy house, and she has been active in the entertainment world since her childhood, and she supported her family. I felt it. " Unlike Britney, Amber was close to his parents, and he was not given work and under pressure, but he still experienced the unhealthy created by his parents managing his own earnings. Amber paid every month for his father, an entertainment manager, and his mother who manages money as a business manager, and his family trips and eating out came out of her earnings. She writes that she has become able to make money from far away relatives and friends, making it difficult to understand who she can trust.

 As a female celebrity, she also looks from a unique perspective that Britney was forced to put in the uterine contraceptives.

"They want to control not only Britney's money, but also the body. For young women in the entertainment industry, they are connected. I have experienced it myself. As I grow up, my family and my family.Everyone, including Hollywood, has talked about my weight. I just smile and endure it. If you're silent, and if you're thin, you'll get a job again. "In accusation of women's contempt that has long existed in Hollywood.

The bad thing is not my parents, but money

 After marriage, Amber finally cut off his relationship between his parents and his work."It was a painful experience for all three," but she has no regrets.My parents seem to think, "What's wrong?" She says she was not the parents who did bad things, but money.Makoray Calkin also decided to make his parents managed their money from their parents, as the teenagers were young.It is a bold action for teenagers to sue their parents, but he has finally been released.

 Britney is 39 years old.He has overcome the addiction and has been successful at work.There are many fans.It is not necessary for another adult to order this respectable adult.If you want to consult, you will pay for those who feel that she is reliable.

"I have thought that I can't believe anything," Britney said in his appeal to the judge.But now people heared her voice.As long as I heard, I can't go back if I didn't know anymore.The world is watching what will happen next.