By, uav-jp 19/02/2023

About the case where the person in the Windows 10 user folder can only be seen by Kenichi Mikawa -Yajimonomori -Window Forest

"Yajimo no Mori" will tell you a wide range of topics that are not particular about news reviews.

Windows 10のユーザーフォルダーにいる人が美川憲一さんにしか見えない件について

The tweet that only Kenichi Mikawa is visible to Kenichi Mikawa in the Windows 10 user folder (%UserProfile%) icon is a hot topic on Twitter.He didn't care until now, but when he was told, he could only see it.Is it a new curse?

Every time I look at this folder, I feel like I want to claim an apology and compensation!

Windows 10のユーザーフォルダーにいる人が美川憲一さんにしか見えない件について - やじうまの杜 - 窓の杜

By the way, you can also make your favorite folder other than the user folder into Kenichi Mikawa.First, access the [Properties] dialog from the right -click menu of the folder.


Then open the [Customize] tab and press the [Change Icon] button.Then the dialog appears, search for the "Mikawa Kenichi" icon, select, and press the [OK] button to close the dialog.


If there is no Kenichi Mikawa in the icon list, press the [See] button to open the file selection dialog and specify the following DLL file.


If you master this trick, you can also make Kenichi Mikawa and recreate a collaboration with croquette.It is also possible to remove the folder icon and only Kenichi Mikawa.You did it!!

ダブル美川(フォルダー付き)シングル美川シングル美川 on PC。好みのアイコンを探そう!

In Windows 11, the design of the folder icon has changed, and the same icon as the Windows 10 user folder seems to be included in the OS.But if you look here and there, there seems to be a similar icon, but it's a bit lonely.

Windows 11ではフォルダーアイコンのデザインが変わっており、Windows 10のユーザーフォルダーと同じアイコンはOSに含まれていないみたい……でも、あちこち探せば似たようなアイコンはあるぞ!