By, uav-jp 23/08/2022

Aiming for domestic drone manufacturers to actively pR in India | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

ACSL exhibits at two exhibitions


ACSL has announced plans to promote the flight robot (drone) developed in -house at two exhibitions in India in January 2022.The Dorone Festival will display the main model at the Drone Festival at the "Viband Gjarat 2022" to be held in Gujarato on the 10th and 12th and the "Drone Festival of India" held in New Delhi on the 22nd and 23rd.。As in Japan and Europe and the United States, India is aiming to promote the drone market and eliminate Chinese aircraft from security.

ACSL has established a joint venture in September 2001 with the approval of India's authorities, and export permission is "Application and permission will soon be permission" (President of Satoyuki Washiya).Of the exhibitions, the drone festival is particularly focused.As the name suggests, there is also a plan for Prime Minister Modi in the government's hindrance project aiming to develop the drone market.

国内ドローンメーカーがインドでPRを積極化する狙い|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

In a country with an immature drone market, the government has a large penetration.India has a large land area and has a variety of terrain and climate, so the drone market can be expected to grow.The company plans to promote employment creation with related services, in addition to non -security security.

In addition to the main model "PF2", the model to promote will also be introduced in the video of the high -security "SOTEN" developed in the project of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).It has high wind resistance and appeals the advantages of automatic flight via the Internet in mountainous areas.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun December 23, 2021