By, uav-jp 08/06/2022

"APEX" season 11 reviews.New legend "Ash", we will deliver attention points and development interviews such as new maps 15%larger than World Edge!

 Electronic arts Battle Royal FPS "aPEX LEGENDS" (Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC).From November 3, 2021 (Japan time), Season 11 “Escape” has finally begun.


 In the already released launch trailer, many people will be able to check the new legends "ash" and new maps, and are excited about their expectations.This time, we were able to play the new season ahead of the new season, so we will send you the contents of the new season and the points you care about while interviewing the development team.

* The information described in this article is at the time of preceding play.

 Famitsu's game -based video channel "Famitsu Tube" has released videos that summarize the pre -play patterns of the new season, so if you check it together, you should be able to understand the details of the new season.

  • Super aggressive new legend "ash"
  • Watson is easier to use and strengthens
  • New weapon C.a.R.Changes in SMG, weapons and attachments
  • Change of rank match
  • The largest new map "Storm Point"

     "Storm point" that appears as the fourth map.The size of the map is about 15 % wider than the largest "World Edge", which is characterized by the spread of mountainous areas and forests from the north to the center, and the beaches in the southern part.In addition, "Gravity Cannon", which enables quick movement of two points, and plowers and spiders that appeared in past events, are prepared as a new device.

     There are a total of 17 main spots with names, and there are small camping and base in the meantime.Depending on the spot, there are areas consisting of several tower and complicated passages, so if a new map appears, it is better to get off at each main spot and know the map to some extent.

     Gravity Cannon is a new means of transportation that allows you to move specific points while flying over the sky.By riding the launch, you can fly to the opposite side, enabling long -distance travel in a short time.While you are in the air, you can do the ability and shooting of each character, but when you use it, you will be aware of the enemy with the sound, and after landing, there is a rigidity, so it seems that you need to be careful for the ambushed enemy.

     In the "Storm Point", although there is no jump tower, it was possible to confirm transportation such as "Trident" in Olympus and zip lines like cable cars.Therefore, even though it is the largest map, it will not be a problem to move due to area contraction.

     another new device is a plaura and spider nests in various places.When the plaurer approaches the nest, spiders attack the player by destroying the nest, and if they defeat them, they can get weapon ammunition and attachments, and also earn armor damage and craft points, so that they can enhance their equipment.。

     However, there is a risk of being asked for gunshots and being targeted by another party, so when the early map is large, it will be actively defeated, and after the middle stage, which is easier to be targeted by map contraction, it will pass through.It is necessary to use it according to the situation.

     In addition, a flyer appears randomly for each before, damaging not only drops supplies with supplies, but can also get the evolution of armor.

    ―― The new map has a creature and can be used to enhance the equipment, and there are catapult (gravity cannon) and tridents, so it contains a lot of tricks.Please tell me the concept of the new map.

    ロドニー・リース(以下、ロドニー)ほかのマップとのもっとも大きな違いは、キングスキャニオンにしてもワールズエッジにしても、そしてオリンパスの開発初期ぐらいまで、『apex Legends』のリリース前に開発が行われたということです。キングスキャニオンとワールズエッジは同時でしたが、それぞれが実験であって、複数マップを持つゲームになるということすら、さだかではありませんでした。

     The storm point, on the other hand, is the first map from Ichi after LeX Legends launched.I started with myself and Jason McCord (design director), and while playing "apex Legends" every night, I compared how Walls Edge is different from the Kingscanion in terms of third -party issues.。

     Therefore, when it was decided to start a new map (storm point), the most goal was how to deal with things that did not predict the third party ( *), etc.It was that.Many decisions from such a storm point, such as the aim of putting a trident or a balloon (jumping tower), came from such a background.

    * Third party: "Fisher" in Japanese slang.It refers to the third party where the two parties come to attack for where they are exhausted.

    ――Why is that the width of the catapult is a bit narrower than the Trident and cannot fire a trident?


     (In the development version) The time when I could do it ... it was supposed to be like "Mario Kart" (laughs).That was quite interesting, but there was a problem with the pace of going on the map.The trident became even faster (compared to walking, etc.), and a very fast mechanism was born, a shortcut was created, leading to a third party problem ...It was cool.

    ――Is it the first map that storm points started after the launch, so was there any difference in the effects on the map structure and how to do it?


     On the other hand, at the storm point, I was able to recognize that there was a map update, so in a sense I was able to think about it.It is not a permanent thing of whether it is completely eliminated or replaced, but there is a premise that it will be twisted again, so it is now possible to judge with more confidence.

    ――Since the storm point has a high wall here and there, I felt that it was somewhat difficult to use Valkyrie's Ultimate ability (Sky High Dive).What do you think about this?

    ロドニーはい。ヴァルキリーを使うプレイヤーがよくやるテクニックにPole Vaulting(棒高跳び)というものがあって、上空に上がってから(大きな障害物の)反対側に飛び出てくるというものなんですけども、それをストームポイントではもう少しコントロールしたかったんです。

     You can do it depending on the area.For example, the beach is an open area that is open.On the other hand, as part of a third -party problem measures, I wanted to limit it a little in a higher area.

     If you hear Valkyrie's flight noise, you may be able to get rid of the possibility that you may jump over something that you can't get over, and be careful as your opponent will come based on the map knowledge.Want to.By the time you learn detailed routes and techniques, I think it would be nice to be aware of places and routes where you can go without legendary abilities.That is why that kind of design.

    Super aggressive new legend "ash"

     The popular character "ash" that appeared as an enemy character in "Titan Fall 2".In this work, not only is the manager of the arena, but he often appears in past events, but when he is connected to characters such as Horizon and Pass Finder, the details of the relationship are gradually visible throughout the season.That's it.His ability was that he had a wide range of skills, such as the detection, restraint, and movement of the enemy, and it was a fairly aggressive legend, and it was easy to use as a feeling of use.

     Passive skill "branding of death" has two elements, and the first thing is that the location of the most recent Death box is displayed on the map.The second is the ability to find the location of the attacker (defeated player) by touching the Death Box that another team has defeated.In a casual match, it will be compatible with the play (kill movie) that aims for a kill, and it will be very useful for grasping the enemy's position in rank matches and competition scenes.

     The tactical ability "arcsnair" can be damaged by throwing a rotating trap and applying it directly, or damaging enemies that have entered the extended trap, and detention of enemies around the trap for a certain period of time.The performance is similar to the Horizon's Ultimate "Black Hall", and it is possible to shoot and move during restraint, but if you try to get out of the restraint, you will be pulled back or slow.It can also be used as a stop or trap by installing it near the ground or door.

     The Ultimate ability "Passier" is a versatile ability that creates a one -way portal and moves instantly toward the target.This is similar to the Ultimate ability "Dimension Lift", but it is different from the fact that you can instantly connect the portal to the destination point without moving from the place.The advantage is that you can secure a position safer and more, and to take high places that are advantageous for shooting.

     However, it should be noted that ash enters the portal when activated, so it takes a little time for allies to support, and that only a straight line can be created.Therefore, if you do not decide the destination carefully, you may be able to return.

    ―― ash's passive skills are likely to be a powerful ability for players who want aggressive fights, but on the other hand, what is often said when designing the map is to reduce the third party problem (fisherman situation).。But her passive looks perfect for being a fisherman.How do you capture the balance around here?


     This is because in the case of attacking from the side, it is more likely that you will hear the sound of fighting in the first place and rush.So you can get there before you hear the firing has begun, but in the case of ash's passive, you know that the battle is happening at the time of "someone has already died".right.Since it is already settled or is on the stage, you have to overcome a considerable time difference in the point of "attacking during the battle".

     So, due to its nature, I don't think that it will cause a third party problem.There are already some adjustments to adjust when there is a problem, for example, you can have a grace time before the icon is displayed after the death box appears.

     On top of that, the route of the map is designed on the side of Rodney (in charge of the map) so that the third party problem can be reduced.In summary, the concerns are that we are aware of it and do not.

    ――The following is about ash's Ultimate ability, she opens the portal in Katana.Is that a tribute to Ronin -type Titan, her aircraft in Titan Fall 2?Why is she linked to a samurai element in the first place?




     I got a lot of inspiration from Samurai and Ronin, but she was careful not to overdo it because she wasn't it.However, she liked Ronin's battle style and thought she was suitable for ash, so she incorporated it as a cool motif.

     and I wanted to include a single wolf atmosphere, so it is reflected.That's what was inspired.

    ―― ash appeared in Season 9 in a form like a arena mode commissioner.and he finally appears as a legend this time, but this season is a larger update that has a new map.Was the appearance in Season 9 the preparation for this moment by Brisk or development?

    アシュリーあぁ、それはおもしろい見立てですね(笑)。確かに、アッシュをどうやってゲームに本格的に入れていくかは最初にapex Legendsで触れることとなったシーズン5から考えてきたことでした。

     From that point on, I started thinking about putting her as a legend ... I wasn't sure when it was "this ability, let's go with this", but at that time (Season 5)) From), he was discussing, "How do I make ash a cool legend?"

     and in Season 9, it was like "What kind of story can you do about OK, ash?"Certainly, what to do with ash as a legend is solidified.However, I noticed that the arena fits her, and said, "If she lets her do it, it would be perfect."She had an arena in "Titanfall 2".So she said, "I'm fine, it's versatile."


     after a few months, I gave a go -ahead saying, "Okay, you can go in season 11", so there was plenty of time for the story team to prepare for her so that the ash's unveiled was performed smoothly.。

    ―― Can you expect more “Titanfall” story?The fans feel, "Brisks must come someday in the legend."

    スティーブン・フェレイラ(以下、スティーブン)はい、これからもっと『タイタンフォール』関係のものを『apex Legends』で目にすることになるだろうと思います。同じDNaを持っている作品ですし、私たちはいつもチームが熱心なものを促進しようと考えていて、『タイタンフォール』はそういったもののひとつですから。ロドニーのシャツ(『タイタンフォール2』のシャツ)を見てくださいよ。もう何年も経ったのに着ている。(『apex』に『タイタンフォール』ネタが来るのは)保証できます。

    Watson is easier to use and strengthens

     In existing legends, Watson has been strengthened from Season 11.The hit box is a little bigger, but still small, and has been significantly revised to the performance of tactical abilities and ultimate abilities.

     The "surrounding security" of tactical abilities is half the cool time and the installation range is doubled.In addition, the slow effect before the node installation and the fence are completed has been deleted, so the speed to install is much faster, and fences can be installed frequently.

     The Ultimate ability's "Inter Septer Pylon" has been changed from the time system to a certain amount of recovery, like the lifeline health drone.The recovery of one pylon armor is about 250 damage (for 2 red armor), and the recovery speed is more than twice as fast as before, which is also quite easy to use.However, it is impossible to install two.

     In the new map, there are many complicated buildings, so it seems to be powerful to secure the floor.

    ――Watson is enhanced this time, but it was not easy before.Why are you ready to strengthen now?


     Well, the feeling I heard is cool, but in many cases the fence is not so effective in the overall composition, so to improve the improvement plan (in the development version).I needed to spend some time experimenting.

     I didn't just say Watson main staff, so I first tried to get used to it and feel what Watson player is thinking, and then try it in a variety of tuning.So we explore whether it is more risky to pass through the fence and what benefits should be.

     However, because the hit box (hit judgment) was small, the data was a little postponed because the data was recorded on the data.Perhaps the enthusiastic fan was pushing up.In summary, the answer to "why now" is "I tried a lot and it was just right now."

    New weapon C.a.R.Changes in SMG, weapons and attachments

     "C" newly added.a.R.SMG is a feature that both light ammo and heavy amiko are easy to manage ammunition. Magazines can also be equipped with either an expansion light magazine or an expansion heavy magazine (one damage and number of ammunitions.Is common in light and heavy). Because it is between light and heavy weapon, it is close to the R -99 as a feeling of use, but the higher the damage, the more precise recoil control is required.rice field.

     The major change in existing weapons is that the G7 scout has become a care package (care pake) weapon, and the triple take has returned to the normal weapon.The G7 has a double tap trigger (a hop -up that fires two shots quickly), but it can also be switched in a single shot, enhancing the launch rate and damage.

     Triple take is usually changed to a normal weapon, and in a battle in a place where the view is open, it is likely to be one of the powerful weapons as before.

     "Dual shell" has been added as a new attachment.This is an attachment that can be equipped with Mastiff and 30-30 repeaters, and can be loaded two shots for each reload.It is a nice attachment for players with both weapons because the reload speed is doubled by simple calculation.


    ―― New SMG C.a.R.Can use heavy ami and light ammo.Handling and damage are similar.It is easy to understand that you do not have to pay attention to the difference in the mode, but it feels strange if you think that heavy ahos are for heavy attacks.


    ――In the Japanese Twitter, “Carbin” was temporarily in a trend, and there were rumors such as “R-301 carbine in care package”. Is there anything about this?and the G7 scout has been in care, but why?



     Regarding the G7 scout, in the season's flow, the triple take has been a care package, so it's time to get it.It is natural that similar weapons enter that position, and the G7 scout was a good candidate.

     as weapons increase, how to control weapons without diluting normal available weapons is a thing to be careful about.

    ――It came out that the triple take will return, but it is a weapon that uses energy ami, it turns into a sniper ammo in Season 4, has been cared for season 9, and in Season 11, it is a normal Energy amo weapon.became.Why isn't it a sniper amiko?


     We don't like the versatility of a "shotgun niper" that spreads triple take, and it is accurate and flew to distant if there is a pre -jong chalk.So I wanted to limit it with 2-4 times the scope (with Marksman weapons).

     also, when coming out of the care package, when considering the economy of bullets, it was easier to get energy ammo than a sniper ammo.

    ――It seems that the update is included in the ease of the piecekeeper, but is this specific?



     I thought about increasing the damage directly, but the piecekeeper is a weapon that the firing rate is slow and the damage is large, so if you increase the damage of one shot, the maximum value will increase at a stretch.I want to avoid a bit of a professional player called "2 pump meta" (configuration that ends with two shots).

    Change of rank match

    ――Please tell us a little more about the ranked RP cap.Is it from 150 to 175?

    John Larsonそうですね、175です。キルポイントの算出方法は以前とはちょっと変わっています。以前はキル数と順位は別々に起こって別々に計算していましたけども、現在はもう少しフレキシブルでニュアンスのあるものになります。

     For example, a player who has gained a kill in the early or mid -stage can make up for it even if he does not win the game.I think it's a good idea to see that the team who fought in the peripheral edge and earned kills ended in 5th or 7th place, and the team that fought in the central part hold the first or second place, but that structure is such a structure.It will be in line with the competition system inside.I think this will give you more width to the approach to the rank.

    Devin Weice

    "Epex Legends" team director

    ashley Reed(アシュリー・リード)

    "Epex Legends" senior writer

    Rodney REECE

    "Epex Legends" level designer

    Steven Ferreira

    "Epex Legends" team design

    John Larson

    "Epex Legends" balance designer