By, uav-jp 26/03/2023

Apple announces iOS 15. Simultaneous playback of music and movies with multiple people "SharePlay"

On the 8th, Apple held the event "WWDC (World Developer Conference)" for developers and announced iOS 15. FaceTime has evolved significantly, and in addition to video chatting with multiple people, music played on Apple Music and movie images played on Disney+ etc. can be played back in sync with all participants and enjoyed. SharePlay" function is added. iOS 15 will be available this fall.

It will be available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and is simple to use. If you play Apple Music while having a FaceTime conversation, everyone can listen to the same song. It is also possible for participants to operate the list of songs to be played. It is also possible for participants to insert songs they want to listen to next in the playlist.

Synchronized playback of music with SharePlay with FaceTime participants

In addition to Disney+, SharePlay will support distribution services such as ESPN+, HBO Max, Hulu, MasterClass, Paramount+, Pluto TV, TikTok, and Twitch. While talking on FaceTime, if you play content such as movies and dramas with the corresponding service app, the video will be synchronized and displayed on the iPhone of the other participants.

Synchronous playback of video content is also possible Operation screen of the SharePlay function

Along with the video, the faces of the participants can also be displayed on a small screen, so you can enjoy the content while watching the movie. It is also possible to link with Apple TV, so you can use it to display movies on a large screen on a TV connected to Apple TV and display the faces of participants on your iPhone.

A video distribution service that is planned to support the SharePlay function, which can be used to display the movie on a large screen on a TV connected to Apple TV, and display the faces of the participants on the iPhone at hand

Also, to invite synchronized playback of content 's "Share with you" button is also added as a system function of iOS 15. Not only music and videos, but also articles, photos, podcast applications, etc. can be invited to share with the other party. .

Apple announces iOS 15. Music and Simultaneous playback of movies by multiple people

You can also create links to FaceTime calls. Create links from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac and invite them to a call using Message, Calendar, Mail, or a third-party app. It will be possible to participate in FaceTime calls not only from Apple devices, but also from web browsers such as Android and Windows.

The video call itself with FaceTime has also evolved. It uses machine learning technology to separate the background noise from the voice of the person speaking. In addition to suppressing noise and delivering only voice clearly, there is also a mode that conveys the sound of the scene as it is, including background music.

Even if you are using a vacuum cleaner behind you, you can separate only your voice and deliver it clearly

Video call images have also evolved. You can now use portrait mode, and you can make a video call with the other party with a blurred background image.

Portrait mode usage image

Spatial audio technology that expresses the direction of sound has also been introduced to FaceTime. If multiple people are talking, their voices will also be audible from the direction in which the person's image is displayed in the video call.

FaceTime's new grid view mode that allows you to hear the person's voice from the direction in which the video of the person speaking is displayed in the app

The "Photo" app has also evolved. Equipped with a "memory mix" function that selects music from Apple Music and displays photos and videos in your photo library according to the music. It automatically adjusts the display timing and effects according to the tempo of the music, so photos and other things change slowly with slow songs, and quickly with fast-tempo songs.

"Memory mix" function

Notifications have also evolved on iOS. Photos will appear in contact notifications, and apps will display larger icons for easier identification. The timing of notifications will also be more user-friendly, and the priority order will be optimized, with the most relevant notifications displayed at the top. You can also temporarily mute apps and message threads for the next hour or day.

Added functions such as recognizing text in photos, making calls from the text of phone numbers, searching for sentences, and obtaining Wi-Fi passwords.

The Maps app has also evolved to include detailed views of cities on the map, including neighborhoods, business districts, elevations, buildings and landmarks, as well as a new moonlit night mode. The navigation function has also evolved, and road information is more detailed, and important information such as right turn lanes, median strips, bicycle lanes, and crosswalks will be easier to understand.