By, uav-jp 19/07/2022

When I thought that Apple's drone was finally born!? It was a drone for harvesting apple

Work efficiency improvement

Apple's drone is often rumored, but this time we introduce products for agriculture.The apdo loan developed by TeVEL Aerobatics Technologies will crispy harvesting the orchard apples.

Conventional apple harvesting was mainly done by human hands.This is because it is necessary to handle it carefully with human hands while checking the ripeness and scratches of apples.

Appleのドローンがついに誕生!? と思ったらリンゴ収穫用のドローンだった

Adsorbs apples at the arm

On the other hand, the quadcopter of Tevel Aerobatics Technologies will automatically find apples with the intelligent function, grab the suction gripper, harvest from the tree, and drop it into the collection device.It's afraid of multiple drones flying around the collection device, but you can harvest apple more faster than the harvesting system with the robot arm that had appeared earlier.Also, since the drone is connected by a power cable, there is no need to worry about running out of battery.

Each drone is equipped with a sensor and a camera, not only determines whether the apple is suitable for harvesting, but also accurately grasps where to drop it with the QR code.It can also be monitored remotely with GPS and mobile apps, and can operate 24 hours as long as power and gas are provided.

It seems that the apple harvested with such an advanced drone line up on our dining table.

Do you want an apdo loan?

Tevel Aerobatics Technologies

