By, uav-jp 13/06/2022

Ayaka Ikezawa's free study: I tried to skip the drone in Hawaii

 Hello, this is Ayaka Ikezawa.Suddenly, I bought a drone.

 When I talked a little, I first touched the drone around 2013.The first generation "AR.I used to play DRONE and play well.At that time, drones were often washed away in the wind (the memories of falling into the pond and drying with a dryer ...), so I had the impression that "drone = unstable".

 However, I touched it for the first time in a long time.The small drone "DJI SPARK" was only about the size of Kindle, but I was really surprised that it was blown by strong winds.

 I was so impressed that I bought it with momentum.I had alcohol, so I had a plan to go to Hawaii on vacation ... because I don't want to take a beautiful sea in Hawaii?

How is it compared to regulations in Japan?

 Speaking of drones, there are regulations.There are regulations in each country.

 According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, a drone of 200g or more is obliged to fly in airspace that does not fall under the airspace above airports, an airspace of 150m or more, and the above -mentioned population intensive areas.If you fly in the corresponding area, you need to be permitted by the Director of the Local Aviation Bureau.When flying in the permitted area, "night flight", "non -visual flight", "flight of less than 30m from third parties and properties", "fly over event", "dangerous goods transport", "Property drop", etc.The acts are prohibited, and quite strict regulations are imposed.

About the airspace that requires permission to fly for unmanned aircraft, which is determined by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

A flight method that requires approval, determined by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

 So what is going on in the United States where Hawaii is located?

 The United States has the image of a country of freedom, but of course there are some regulations.0.A drone of more than £ 55 (about 250g) must be applied to the Federal Aviation Bureau (FAA) before flying.DJI SPARK also requires an application for over 300g and +50g.

 Even after the application, "Pilot is 16 years old or older", "within 5 miles from the airport", "Night flight", "Outside Flight", "Flight of 400 feet (about 120m) or more", "100 MPH (about 160 km / h)"Flying", "flights on people and cars", "flights other than education and recreation" are prohibited.

Details about various regulations can be found on the official FAA website.

(From the FAA official website)


Now, apply!

 If it is a small drone of less than 55 pounds (25 kg), apply as "Model Aircraft" from the website for the application installed by the FAA, and if you pay $ 5, you can use it easily. Let's try.

 First, the basic matter."First Name (name)", "Middle (middle name)", "Last Name (surname)", "Suffix (title)", "Phone (phone number)", "ALT EMAIL"Enter "email address)".If you do not have a middle name or title, you can not fill it out.

 In the following "Physical Address (current address)" and "Mailing Address (address that can arrive)", enter the address you are currently living (in my case in Japan)."Country (country)", "Address (detailed address following the city)", "CITY (city, Japan and municipalities)", "state / proince / resion (state in Japan)", Let's fill the item of "ZIP (postal code)".

 After that, there is a confirmation of the basics to fly safely, and finally pay $ 5.When you actually fly, you need to put the number issued when you apply on the drone.

 This application is valid for three years and needs to be re -registered after three years.

Pounding first flight!

 Check whether it is a good area to fly from the official application "B4U Fly" released by FAA.If you fly, you can check the useless area on the map.

In my case, there was a regulation area on the top of Oahu, but I could only put out the regulatory areas around GPS (it may not be used correctly.If you can use it properly, please let me know).

You can also see if the area you are now is a regulation from the GPS.

 Now, if you confirm that you can fly in this area, you can fly.I live in Tokyo, and most of the drones are restricted.Therefore, the first flight will be Hawaii without a dry practice.

I wear happy sunglasses, but this is my photo taken with a drone.

 I was full of anxiety whether I could drive properly, but I was able to take such a picture.

Shooting with a diamond head.

 If you have the opportunity, I would like to try flights in Japan and overseas.

 That's it for Ikezawa.

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