By, uav-jp 11/03/2022

Camera operation with Apple Watch!How to shoot from a distance (May 20, 2021) --Excite News

[Apple Watch] Let's use the camera remote app! "Basic knowledge"

You may need some tips to take a selfie. Apple Watch comes with an app to help you take selfies even better. That is the "Camera Remote" app.

You can use the camera from a distance by placing your iPhone

The "Camera Remote" app on Apple Watch is a very useful app that allows you to remotely control the camera app on your iPhone. If you have this, you can fix the iPhone without using a selfie stick and use the timer function to take group photos without failure. Furthermore, it is also attractive that you can operate everything on the Apple Watch side, such as composition of photos and shutter timing.

What can the camera remote do?

What can you really do with the "Camera Remote" app on your Apple Watch? It tells you if you should consider buying an Apple Watch. It is summarized below. POINT [Next page] What are the conditions under which the camera remote can be used? To use Apple Watch iPh ...

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