By, uav-jp 01/12/2022

[Manga] Why did she disappear from the cruise ship? Mysterious mystery manga that makes you read too much into it

Only "she who runs away" in the camera... What on earth were you chasing?

Mr. Babareo (@babareo2), a manga artist who posts a wide range of works on Instagram and blogs, from horror to moving action, based on real-life experiences sent by readers. So far, when it was introduced on Walker Plus, it received a lot of frightening comments from users and received a great response. [Manga] Emily, who was traveling with a friend, becomes strange after a phone call. What on earth? This time, we would like to introduce you to a work depicting events that actually happened overseas. We asked Barbareo about the secret behind the production. ■What happened is still a mystery. "The Girl Who Suddenly Disappeared from a Cruise Ship" A young woman who suddenly disappeared from a docked cruise ship. Security cameras show her running away with a frightened look on her face. She is still missing, what was she afraid of, and why did she disappear? A shocking mystery in which mysterious events occur one after another. “This is a manga based on the ‘Lars Mittan Disappearance Case’ that actually happened overseas, with some dramatizations and setting changes. I like it, but I've been thinking that it would be nice if there was a manga version of this case, so I drew it myself. We still don't know what happened to Lars, but you can still see surveillance camera footage of him running away from something on YouTube. When I saw the footage, I felt that Lars was running away from something invisible. I have a feeling that it might be something spiritual, but am I overthinking it? Either way, it's an unexplained and terrifying incident." What kind of horror movie will appear next time? looking forward to! Interview and text: Mirai Hashimoto

[Cartoon] Why is she a cruise ship A Mysterious Mystery Manga That Makes You Read Too Much into It