By, uav-jp 02/11/2022

Challenge the future of the sky!The leading Japanese company's leading company's top -line transportation special feature North American Drone Consultant Ryoji Koike special feature in Japan 2023!What is the specific plan?

Find a great possibility in the movement of the 3D space of the sky

Koike: The practical use of the "flying car", which has been considered a future vehicle, has finally entered the second reading stage.In Japan, the goal of starting commercialization in 2023 has been set, and in 2025 it is considering practical use at the Osaka and Kensai Expo.This will be one turning point.First of all, please tell us what the flying cars developed by the two companies.

Mr. Fukuzawa: SkyDrive is a venture established in July 2018 based on the mission statement, "Leading Mobility Revolution once in 100 years."The flying car developed by the Company is an air mobility that allows you to move your door to door at the world's smallest level.You can easily drive with one or two people, with automatic control technology.Low costs are achieved by electrification and mass production.

 Flying cars are attractive namings, but because they are called the car, some people may see that the car running on the road flies in the sky.Flying cars are electric and mobility that can take off and land.Because it is electric, it is low noise.It is a new vehicle that runs in the sky with the simplicity and comfort of a car.

 In 2018, he obtained an outdoor flight permission for the first time in Japan as a flying car and conducted a flight test.When the public flight test was conducted, it was reported in 112 countries around the world, and I realized the magnitude of expectations.

空の未来に挑む!日本の有力企業トップが語る「空飛ぶクルマ」の最前線 交通特集 北米ドローン・コンサルタント 小池良次 特集 2023年、日本で空飛ぶクルマがテイクオフ!その具体的なプランとは

 In Osaka and Kansai Expo in 2025, it is expected to be used as a means of transportation in the venue.It seems to be the first big stage where the general public can experience a flying car.

Nakai: Tetra Aviation is a company established in June 2018, almost the same time as SkyDrive.Aiming for a travel experience of traveling 100km in 30 minutes, we have developed a single -seater flying car.It is already sold as an assembly kit for personal market.Reservations have begun in July 2021 in the United States, and have already had a track record of closing.

Koike: He challenged unknown areas and medified practical use in about three years since the company was established.I think the "heat" is difficult.Why did you decide to develop a flying car?

Nakai: "I just want to move quickly" and "I want to go to where I want to go" -I wanted to realize a vehicle that responded to such thoughts.The faster you reach the destination, the more the frame of the information will be expanded.You will have less time to move, and you will have more opportunities to see what you want to see or see.

Mr. Fukuzawa: Unlike the land, it is attractive that you can move in 3D.The low -altitude air area density is room, and the possibility is high.I wanted to challenge there.

Mr. Koike: Tetra aviation is located in Japan and the United States.

Mr. Nakai: Research and development are conducted in Japan, and activities in the United States are mainly market research.In the United States, large -scale farm owners use small airplanes for pesticide spraying and crop growth and management, so the self -made aircraft market is originally large.Our aircraft is also an assembly kit type, so it is easier to research where there is a need.

 He obtained the approval of the FAA (US Federal Aviation Bureau) necessary to fly in the United States, and also exhibited at the EAA Airventure Oshkosh, an air show hosted by the EAA (EAA).The frank impressions and opinions of the visitors were very helpful.