By, uav-jp 29/07/2022

The cheap home camera "Atom CAM" further evolves-How can you use "edge AI" that distinguishes pets and people?

 ATOM CAM, a smart home camera that appeared in crowdfunding at a surprising low price of about 2,000 yen, and has been selling smoothly even in general sales of 2500 yen including tax, which started in May.It features a multifunctionality that does not suit a simple appearance, but in September it has a major evolution that does not stop at the monitoring camera.The point is that the function as "edge AI" is enhanced.

ネットカメラの「ATOM Cam」が、一番身近な“エッジAI”になるかも

 Atom CAM is already equipped with motion (dynamic) detection function, and can start recording at the same time while notifying the smartphone when there is a movement in the video.This time, this is added to this function to distinguish and record "dogs and cats" or "people".This detection function can be realized only because the Atom CAM has a chip that can process AI.Image analysis on the camera alone, which is an edge terminal, without putting a load on smartphones, servers, and networks.I was able to try such a new feature of Atom CAM one step ahead.

 * Since the functions introduced this time are under development, the display contents of the application screen may be different from the official release.

Compact, wide -angle full HD video.It is possible to shoot a dark place and supports NAS.

 First of all, this product is called a network camera that is used by connecting to the Wi-Fi network in the house.The body is a compact size with a cube -shaped shape of almost 5 cm square square, operating with one power cable, and it is a stand integrated with a built -in magnet that is easy to adjust the height and direction, so the freedom of installation is high.。

スタンドと一体になっており、カメラの高さ、向きをフレキシブルに変えつつ設置できる 電源ケーブル1本で動作 本体スタンドにマグネットが内蔵され、付属の金属プレートと両面テープを組み合わせることで自由度高く設置可能 このように逆さまに固定して使うこともできる

 The camera lens has a viewing angle of about 130 degrees, and it has a high -sensitivity CMOS sensor that can be reflected in full -color in a place with a brightness of about moonlight.In addition, there is a "night vision" with an infrared camera function, so it can be reflected clearly in the dark, even though it is a monochrome video.Recently, around 22:30 on August 21, a large shooting star (fireball) was witnessed over the Kanto area, but at the Atom CAM, the video was clearly captured and became a hot topic.

 The camera video can be displayed in real time using a special smartphone app, and it also supports "motion detection" that starts recording automatically when there is any movement in the video.Automatically recorded images are saved in the cloud, but if you attach a MicroSD card separately, you can always record and manual recording at any timing.

(左)ATOM Camの専用スマートフォンアプリ、(右)ATOM Camで捉えた筆者の自宅リビングの様子。フルHD解像度に対応する スマートフォンを横置きにしてフルスクリーン表示することも可能 暗闇でもくっきり描写する赤外線カメラ機能「ナイトビジョン」

 In addition to simply watching and recording images, there is also a so -called time lapse function that generates early videos based on the images taken intermittently.It is a network camera suitable for all purposes, from crime prevention purposes to watching children and pets, and observing houseplants.

 Furthermore, in the new version of the new version of the public, it will be possible to save the recorded video in the same network NAS (Network Attached Storage).Until now, you can transfer and save a regular recorded video that could only be stored on a microSD card attached to the camera itself to the NAS on the network.With a microSD card, it was difficult to leave a long -term recorded video due to capacity problems, but with a large NAS, such a problem could be solved easily.

大事なデータのバックアップなどに使えるNAS。ここにATOM Camの録画映像を直接保存できる (左)アプリのカメラごとの設定画面で「NASへの録画転送」を選択、(中央)映像を保存したい期間やNAS内の保存先フォルダなどを指定するだけで映像が自動でNASに転送されるように、(右)長期間の録画履歴から目的の箇所を見つけやすいよう録画映像の2~8倍速再生にも対応するなど、細かな使い勝手も徐々に向上している

Pet health management is possible in "dog and cat detection"

 By the way, it is finally the "edge AI" of the main subject.One of the largest points released in September is the detection function of "dogs" and "cats" by this edge AI.In addition to the simple motion detection so far, if the motion is captured as "dog" or "cat", a separate notification that "dog and cat has been detected" will reach the smartphone.It will be.


 As already explained, the "dog and cat detection" function that operates as an edge AI is analyzed and determined by the AI processing function of the chip installed by the camera body, so some detection processing occurs on the smartphone side.This is not to leave the process to the server side.All analysis is performed by the camera alone, and is processed by privacy and operating response, using the advantages of edge AI.

格安ホームカメラ「ATOM Cam」がさらなる進化--ペットや人を見分ける“エッジAI”はどう使える?

 The most practical part of dogs and cats is the health management of dogs and cats.Recently, it seems that there are many families who feed on automatic feeding devices and keep their cleanliness always in toilets that automate cleaning.For the owner who often leaves the house at work, it is convenient and indispensable to automate care, but there is also a disadvantage that it is difficult to grasp the physical condition of dogs and cats.That's why the dog and cat detection function of Atom CAM comes to life.

 For example, by setting an atom CAM near a pet meal location, if a dog and cat appears there, it will be detected, a notification will be sent at the same time and recorded.Even if the owner is away from home (even if he is staying at home and staying in another room), he clearly knows when he is eating, and if the number of times is small, he thinks he is not in good physical able to.Also, if you set the Atom CAM near the toilet, the frequency of urination and defecation will be clearly clear, so this may also be aware of the physical condition.

猫が食事場所に来たときの映像(スクリーンショット)。カメラの視界に猫が入ってきた瞬間に検知し、録画を開始している 同じく猫がトイレへ用を足しに来たときの映像(スクリーンショット)

 There is a chance to use it other than the owner.I don't have dogs or cats at my home, but some cats living in the neighborhood sometimes come to the garage and open a rally.However, as soon as you approach, you will be able to escape, so you will not be able to know the situation, and you will not even notice that the rally itself is held irregularly in the first place.However, if you set the Atom CAM in advance, you will detect the cats you have gathered and notice in the push notification.In addition, you must be able to see the rally through the camera video.Thanks to the night vision function, there should be no problem at midnight rally.

 So, I set the Atom CAM in the garage, but if you think about it, the season is midsummer.The garage without any air conditioning and no insulation is in a sauna during the day because of the strong sunshine but strong sunshine.Even at night, the heat in the daytime remains, and it is not very cool.Cats could not come to the garage in such a harsh environment, and it was just a camera that just reflected the inside of the scattered garage ...

猫ちゃんたちがたびたび集会を開いているガレージにカメラをセットしてみたのだが…… (左)待てども待てども現れてくれない、(右)夜間にモーション検知はあったが、ほとんどが通行するクルマのライトに反応したもの。真夏はさすがに居心地が良くないようで、肝心の猫ちゃんたちは結局一度も姿を見せず

 This time, the cats in the neighborhood were not fully photographed, but according to Atom CAM developers, there are plans to initially detect other animals in the future while only dogs and cats.There is it.If there are many hot requests from users, they may respond to birds and hamsters.Personally, I want to feed the veranda and shoot the birds coming there.

"Human detection" function that allows people to be notified and recorded by determining the appearance of people

 Another highlight released as an edge AI function is the "human body detection" function.This is almost the same as a dog and cat detection.In the motion detection, if it is determined that it is a human as a result of an image analysis by AI, a notification that "the human body has been detected" will be sent and recording will be automatically recorded.Of course, because it is an edge AI, it will be an analysis process by the camera alone.Since the processing content and results are not transmitted through the Internet, it can be used with confidence in privacy.

 As a situation that uses the human body detection function instead of an existing motion detection, it is a scene where you want to decide whether to notify or record depending on whether there is a person in the subject.For example, when monitoring the area around your home with Atom CAM, people walking on a nearby road (who are likely to enter) want to detect, but it may not be necessary to detect the car crossing.If it is a motion detection, both will be notified without distinction as "the video has changed", but with the human body detection function, you will only notice it when you see a person.


 More specifically, it can be used not only when monitoring an intruder by reflecting the front door and the garden, but also when you want to know your family.It may be possible to set it at the office reception and be aware of the visitors as soon as possible, or it may be possible to use it to understand people's traffic near the construction site for safety.When you want to shoot something, you can dare to use yourself to make a trigger for recording, and use it like gesture shooting, and depending on your ingenuity, you must be able to bring out various charms of Atom CAM.

 The same is true for dogs and cats, but it is convenient to not be confused because they are notified and recorded separately, even if there are other things in the video.Even in a scene where the conventional motion detection is not easy to use, it is easy to use the human body detection, and the range of applications is expanded.It seems that there are many uses that lead to the safety and security of everyday life, but it does not require complicated settings, and the simplicity that can be easily realized with a camera alone is not in other network cameras.

Optional sensors will also appear.Atom CAM will be a smart home hub!?

 Atom CAM, which has been updating at a high pace for four months since its release in May, improving functions and evolving.In the future, further new developments will not be stopped at the edge AI introduced this time.Although the USB port on the back of the camera originally prepared as "for future expansion", "Dongle" has been released as an option to communicate with external devices as an option to connect here, and "Open and closed sensor" as an external device that coordinates.It is said that "motion sensor" will appear.


 It seems that it is possible to cooperate, such as notification and recording at that timing when a motion sensor set in a place where the camera is difficult to install is detected by the sensor or a camera set in a place where the camera is difficult to install.It is also possible to set notifications and recording after a certain period of time after detecting with the sensor, so it may be used for the purpose of forgetting to close the door and window.

 With the enhancement of peripheral devices, the potential of security tools or smart devices is likely to increase, will Atom CAM play a role like a smart home hub in the future?As an edge AI camera that goes beyond the network camera frame, keep an eye on Atom CAM, which is becoming increasingly evolving.

(Cooperation of coverage: Atom Tech)