By, uav-jp 17/07/2022

Delivery of luggage by drone is here ...! The tasks facing are legal systems and battery costs | Economics / IT | Abema Times

 A drone delivery experiment held in June this year.He flew 5km each way for medical professionals who were busy with Corona, and delivered hot beef bowls.

[Video] The current location of "Drone Delivery" .. Realizing a "flying bike" two years later?

 Drones that have already been used for various purposes, such as superb view shooting, inspection work, and pesticide spraying.With the spread of online shopping and flea market apps, the amount of handling has increased, and it is expected to be used for courier services, which are expected to increase due to self -restraint due to corona.In the Abema Prime on the 6th, we talked to stakeholders about the application and issues of drones to logistics fields.

 Keisuke Taji, the representative of the drone development company "Aeronext", which performed the "flying beef bowl" mentioned earlier, said, "In Japan, 5 billion luggage is now distributed, but this is 8 billion in a few years.It is said that it will increase to individuals. In that case, it will be difficult to handle only trucks and drivers, and it will be difficult for luggage to reach depopulated areas. "

 There are more than 7 million "shopping people", which refers to single elderly people who are difficult to obtain enough daily necessities in depopulated areas such as rural areas and mountainous areas with poor transportation.The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's data) has established the first drone delivery company in Japan in Kosuge Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is the first drone delivery company in Japan.

 "I thought it would be necessary for many stakeholders to see it, so I searched for an area within 2 hours from Tokyo and found that there was a wonderful place called Kosuge Village.It is also a good idea that it is an environment where you can realize careful work, such as meeting 70-80 % and explaining.

 However, although the service was started for 300 yen per case, individual home delivery has not yet been realized.After all, there is a risk of hitting a building when landing in the garden due to the accuracy of GPS.Therefore, we are running an operation in which a stand for distribution is installed in the opened place and asking them to come there.In addition, it is impossible to put on a business base on the population of Kosuge Village, so we expect to revise the law and improve battery costs. "

ドローンによる荷物の配送はココまで来ている…! 直面する課題は法制度とバッテリーコストか | 経済・IT | ABEMA TIMES

 According to TV Asahi's Naoyuki Hiraishi announcer, "In the past, I had to fly a helicopter for shooting, but I could only go, and it costs a lot of money. Drone is also convenient as a TV station."

 Mr. Taji, who was trying to deliver a drone to an individual house at Naitai Kogen Ranch, Hokkaido, said, "Since the drone has spread mainly for aerial photography, it is said that it is a" flying camera ".However, since the aircraft used in the region of logistics is flying by programming, it is fully automatic, including take -by -rd and flight.The aircraft is also appearing. If you want to commercialize it, a costly battery will be the key. "

 These cases have begun in various places.Kagawa Prefecture Makameya Co., Ltd. has started a logistics business using drones in August this year.Users in Awashima floating in the Seto Inland Sea ordered products from contract stores in Shikoku.Products are transported by drones to Awashima departure 4 km away from the port departure and arrival, and finally the staff delivers them to the user.

 According to Shuhei Miyatake, the director of the Business Strategy Office, the delivery fee is 500 yen, and if you order in the morning, it will arrive in the afternoon.In this way, this is the first attempt in the world where drones operate regularly for remote islands, and although it is difficult to make profit at present, the area is aimed at expanding.

 In addition, a joint venture for Rakuten and Japan Post, which was established this year, started a drone delivery test in a mountain area in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture.This is the first attempt in Japan by dropping luggage from a height of less than 1 m without an assistant based on the Aviation Law.

 On the other hand, some Japanese residential areas have pointed out noise and crime prevention issues.According to Associate Professor, Mayu Terada, who is studying the latest technologies such as drones from a legal perspective, the development of laws and regulations is about to begin.

 "If there is a possibility of flying a population -intensive area, you will have to get permission and an accident may occur. Flying over human land is the problem of ownership.There is also a concern about privacy issues related to the image data taken by the camera, and it is possible that the battery falls, collisions against obstacles in flight, and hitting things. "

 On top of that, Mr. Terada said, "It is a Japanese drone regulation that it began after the fall case to the Prime Minister's Office occurred. The technology has been remarkable, so the regulations must be changed accordingly.There is also a balance between river law, park law, local government ordinance, etc. If various experiments succeed, the regulations will probably change, but for example, the route is fixed in the form of a drone highway, and safety measures.I think that if the battery problem is solved, it will be possible to operate in urban areas. "(From "Abema Prime")

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