By, uav-jp 10/04/2022

Dive into a large FPS! Beginners' Experience "Battlefield 2042" Boot Camp Close IGN Logo Comments Comments Comments Comments

I think there are many people who say, "I play FPS, but I don't have much experience in'Battlefield'." The author is just such a type. I've touched "Battlefield 3" and "Battlefield V" for a while, but I've only done solo campaigns and tried multiplayer for a while. Overwhelmed by the large-scale combat system compared to other multiplayer FPS, he was frightened by vehicles such as tanks and fighters, and was just struck by a unique squad system.

So, this time, in order to find out where the charm of this series is based on "Battlefield 2042" released on November 19, we decided to play a squad with experienced people in the series! I asked them while playing specific things such as modes that beginners should play, recommended weapons, specialists, and squad turnover. The mood is just an experience enlistment! I will introduce what I learned from it.

Imai: I'm Imai from IGN JAPAN. Thank you everyone for gathering for me. This time, I tried playing "Battlefield 2042" by myself, but I don't feel like I'm playing it well. I like firearms and weapons, so I have no resistance to military FPS, but when it comes to large-scale battles, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't play a lot of multiplayer FPS, but I can see the tension of so-called batrois and the fun of the hero shooter's banging feeling. So, I wondered if I could convey the charm of this work to beginners this time.

Mio: My name is Mio. Shooter and ADV are my favorite fledgling free game writers. At IGN JAPAN, I wrote an article about the pre-beta and pre-play of "Battlefield 2042". It didn't last long, but the series has played "4", "1", "V" and so on. Multiplayer FPS itself has been addicted to the past and spent hundreds of hours. Thank you.

Fujita: I'm Kohei Fujita, a writer. I look forward to working with you today. He has been playing series history from "1943" to "V". Besides, he likes classical single-player FPS and would like to be able to advise on the turnaround and strategy he was playing.

Noguchi: I'm Noguchi from IGN JAPAN. He started the series from "3" and has been playing every work since then, but he is a casual guy who likes infantry maps. As you might expect, my favorite map is "Metro". Multiplayer FPS has played a wide range from military and science fiction to batrois.

Imai: At first, I would like to ask you because you are really a beginner. This work is roughly divided into three modes: All-out Warfare where you can enjoy a large-scale strategy of 128 people, Battlefield Portal where you can customize the maps and rules of successive "Battlefield" and enjoy it, and Hazard Zone where you can survive new rules. .. Battlefield Portal has a myriad of rules in custom mode, but All-out Warfare is divided into conquests and breakthroughs. Is it better to play it?

Fujita: Breakthrough!

Noguchi: Breakthroughs with only two goals are easy for beginners to understand. Since the waves of allies are divided into two, it is easy to understand where to go and the conductors will be created naturally, so I think it will be easier to get there.

Imai: Certainly, when I did the conquest for the first time, I was involved in a large-scale battle and was just flirting (laughs). In the first place, Conquest does not know what to do for beginners. Breakthrough is a rule that divides into offense and defense and steals the base of the front line, so it is certainly easy to understand.

Mio: Also, Battlefield Portal tends to focus on the revival of past works, but I think the Gunmaster starting from Deathmatch and Knife is easy to understand and fun even for beginners.

Imai: It's true that Team Deathmatch and Free for All have more experience in other FPS. Also, recently, there may be rules that incorporate Battlefield Portal in Battlefield Portal, so it may be possible to start from such a familiar mode.

Fujita: If you start with the Battlefield Portal Conquest, the map may be small and easy to understand. Also, if you are a soldier of the past work, the weapons that can be used differ depending on the class, so I think it is easy to understand the role.

Noguchi: The recently implemented rush is also for beginners for the same reason. Since this is a separate battle between the attacking side that bombs the target point and the defending side that protects it, I think that the flow of the game can be grasped immediately.

Imai: I see, there are many things. But this time, I'd like to know the appeal of the rules for securing bases that are typical of "Battlefield," so I think I'll try a breakthrough. There is also a 64-player battle mode for a limited time now. Let's leave Conquest until we get used to it ...

Imai: I'm sorry for this noob question, but what do you think of the squad that is the heart of "Battlefield"? I just understand that it's a four-person party.

Noguchi: It's an important respawn point, an ally who shares the dead ground with you! It's fun to move with an awareness of maintaining the front line, and if a squad member other than yourself dies, you'll be grateful if you hide and wait for the revival of your squad.

Mio: It's just not possible to respawn when squad members are engaged.

Fujita: Even specialists who cannot be revived can be revived within the squad. You can communicate with a pin if you are in a squad. If you cooperate in a squad, the enemy base will be stable and easy to drop.

Imai: I see. I feel that resuscitation and respawn are the biggest factors. What if all the squads die?

Mio: You will be respawning from the suppressed area or the team shared respawn area.

Imai: Will that make the distance to the front farther? I see, i see. To supply a stable force to the front line, it is still good to move while maintaining the squad. Also, regarding visibility, it is quite important that the enemy soldiers that are visible to each squad are different.

Noguchi: The more you go, the faster you can control the base. If you feel like you have 2 squads (8 people), it will proceed quite fast. Use the Q key to tell your squad which base you want to attack.

Imai: Should the equipment and specialists be disassembled in the squad?

大規模FPSにダイブしろ!初心者が体験する『バトルフィールド 2042』ブートキャンプ Close IGN Logo Comments Comments Comments Comments

Noguchi: Weapons are no longer tied up by the military, so specialists are fine with whatever they like. If anything, it is important which specialist to choose according to the situation. For example, if there is a flying vehicle that is strong against the enemy camp, it is a good idea to change it flexibly, such as by selecting a vehicle specialist called Sundance.

Imai: I see, what is the recommended weapon for beginners to go straight to the sword?

Mio: It's the marksman rifle DM7 that has been released from the beginning. In this work, which often fights at medium to long distances, this marksman with a scope, capable of continuous shooting, and easy to kill is recommended. The weak point is that it is difficult to handle when controlling the base.

Fujita: For the initial weapon, the submachine gun PBX-45 is recommended. The mobility is high and the time to kill the enemy is short, so you can compete even when facing each other. Since it is a weapon for short range, it is difficult to hit enemies that are a little far away, so you need to engage with them. The rest is the light machine gun LCMG. Since it has a large number of bullets and hardly sandwiches a reload, you can kill multiple enemies in a row. It is one of the easy-to-use weapons because you can see the scope even with a light machine gun.

Noguchi: Although it has the drawback of weak firepower, the initial assault M5A3 is easy to handle without the need for special recoil control, so it is recommended for those who tend to keep firing once the trigger is pulled. When the level goes up a little, the nerfed PP-29 SMG, which was once touted as the strongest, is still strong and easy to handle in close range combat.

Imai: So what are your recommended specialists? I've used Sundance, Casper, and Boris.

Mio: It's a dozer. Assault soldier type. With a portable shield that firmly blocks shooting from the front, it is easy to take a big advantage when controlling the base. You cannot shoot while the shield is deployed, but a melee attack with a shield is a one-shot kill. Easy to use when teaming up with a squad.

Noguchi: The specialists recommended for beginners are angels, who are specialists in maintaining the front line who can play an active role without going to the front line. With a special skill that can supply bullets and armor, you can supply to allies and earn support points. Of course you can replenish yourself. Also, in the case of an angel, it is excellent in that it can be revived even if it is not a squad member, and armor can be given to the revived ally.

Imai: From the characteristics of angels, it seems like a support type, so it seems difficult for beginners ...

Fujita: I also recommend angels. It is strong to support allies with ammo boxes that can supply ammo and armor, and to switch the loadout prepared in advance at the request of equipment during battle. You can use anti-sniper and anti-vehicle equipment properly.

Imai: I see, it's true that vehicle opponents often don't have equipment in this game. It may be all-purpose to be able to handle such cases.

The author who somehow understood "Battlefield" like this, in order to have an actual experience, form a squad of four people and challenge a breakthrough! The map is a renewal where the desert and the farm are separated, and play on the defensive side. However, I still didn't know what to do and I was overwhelmed by the enemy and robbed all of my bases!

Imai: It's a confirmation of the rules in the first place (sweat), but the defensive side has no disadvantage even if it respawns, isn't it?

Fujita: There are no tickets.

Imai: Ticket?

Noguchi: To put it plainly, the ticket refers to the remaining aircraft. It can be said to be the number of respawns common to all players. In the breakthrough, the attacker has a remaining number of tickets, and if this is exhausted, you lose.

Imai: Oh, that number at the bottom left. Each breakthrough has a different purpose, but the defensive side should just annihilate the opponent. So what should the breakthrough offensive and defensive sides be aware of?

Mio: The attacker pushes the front line up with actions in vehicles and squads. If you push up one front, the ticket number will be restored. The defensive side protects the base anyway. Protect the base by making full use of specialist gadgets. It is a gadget and has a recoilless M5 and an anti-aircraft rocket launcher. It's not unlocked at first, but C5 and anti-tank mines are also effective.

Fujita: Basically, you shouldn't cross the front line of your allies unless there is a chance (supported by your vehicle, the number of enemies is extremely reduced). If the battle situation is stagnant on the attacking side, use throwing objects or recoilless rifles to create an opportunity. It's also a good idea to ride a vehicle and ruin the battlefield. Also, if you use a specialist who can revive, you can reduce the decrease in tickets, which is effective on the attacking side. Since the vehicle is troublesome on the defensive side, it is better to carry anti-vehicle equipment such as recoilless rifles and anti-aircraft guns.

Noguchi: What both the offensive and defensive sides can say is to be aware that the entire squad will not die so that they can respawn near the front line. I think that the number of tickets is a concern for the attack, but it is better to attack the target base without worrying too much. Vehicles such as hover and car should be used as a foot for lining up rather than going to the target point. For defense, it is a good idea to check the map screen regularly to understand how many enemy vehicles there are and which of the two bases the enemy is concentrated in. Vehicles are particularly annoying from the defensive side, so it is advisable to have anti-vehicle weapons ready to respond.

Regain your mind and try the breakthrough again. This time, the attacking side participated in the Kaleidoscope where skyscrapers are lined up. In the early game, the base is controlled at a good tempo, but the central D1 is a clear difficulty. It's an indoor base, with only narrow entrances in the front and back. Moreover, the enemy attacks from the sky with a helicopter or the like. Ignore the vehicle or leave it to your ally's vehicle and try to rush in several times, but the grenade and smoke storms can't really penetrate inside.

When the number of tickets on the attacking side has decreased and the number of tickets remaining is close to two digits, the timing of intrusion from the front and back is intertwined and it is suppressed at the last minute! Only at this time, I was excited and flooded with comments in the in-game chat. After all, the timing of attacking and controlling the base is important for this work. There is a unique enjoyment when it engages.

After that, although there were few tickets, the whole team moved organically and proceeded smoothly to victory. In-game chat is also very exciting with a come-from-behind victory. Yeah, this time it worked really well! I want to play this kind of game as many times as I want.

In any case, it seems that it is more important to check the number of enemy and ally's strength, the number of movable vehicles, etc. and to stand up tactically rather than competing for the number of simple kill deaths. Especially for breakthroughs, it is more important for the attacker to control the base than to take a kill. The point of the strategy is to grasp the big picture and move in time with the squad and allies, which is the real pleasure.

Imai: No, it was really interesting now. There is no such easy-to-understand reversal. Finally, please tell us the recommended points of this work for beginners.

Mio: With the introduction of the specialist system, all equipment except unique gadgets can be changed, so you are no longer tied to the military department. Unlocking is necessary, but you can have more freedom and flexibility by switching weapons, gadgets, attachments and specialists depending on the situation.

Noguchi: One of the attractions is that there are many ways to contribute to the team without killing the enemy, which is rare for multiplayer FPS. In addition to reviving allies and replenishing ammunition, even if you spot an enemy with a reconnaissance drone and make it appear on the map, it will appear in the form of points, so it is easy to feel that you are contributing. .. Also, the depth of the bosom that can be an ant idiot, such as the tactic of attaching C5 to the drone and exploding it ... I feel that this is a little heavier in terms of weight, but it is a festival with a large number of people. Is it also attractive to have a stage with a high degree of freedom to enjoy?

Fujita: In this work, there is no military system because you can freely choose weapons, but specialists with different abilities have created the fun of switching characters according to the changing battle situation. In addition, since the attachment of the weapon can be switched on the battlefield, the range of tactics has expanded compared to the previous series, such as attaching a suppressor to line up and attaching a large-capacity magazine to overwhelm the enemy with barrage. ..

Imai: Thank you.

* There is no tie-up, funding, support, etc. with any weapon, military vehicle, or equipment manufacturer in this game.