By, uav-jp 27/09/2022

Cannabis should not be delivered with a drone!Only car!(California)

Cannabis should not be delivered with a drone!Only car!(California)

Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/ゲッティ イメージズ

California, the most popular in the United States.In the early 2018, the state, where taste cannabis is legalized, is preparing for the arrival of the cannabis boom.The vast cannabis fields seem to benefit from automation, but this "Golden State" entrepreneurs in California do not seem to benefit from automatic delivery services.

Last week, California's Cannabis Control announced an emergency law ( * PDF) for cannabis business.As ARS Technica has pointed out, this law must be "transported by commercial vehicles or trailers", and should not be delivered on "aircraft, ships, tracks, drones, human -powered vehicles".something like.

This law is not limited to that, but also restricts home delivery by non -humans.

California is expected to issue thousands of licenses within one year of legalization, and legal cannabis activates the state's economy $ 5 billion.Of course, Silicon Valley will make a great profit from this opportunity.Startups, such as EAZE and MDELIVERS, have already announced that they are starting to deliver cannabis in California.

This regulation may not be cool.However, this early regulation by the Cannabis Management Bureau may be good in California to make sure that robots make mistakes in marijuana's home delivery and never happen in the wild "Westworld".Well.

Image: Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images Source: Ars Technica, California Bureau of Cannabis Control

Jennings Brown --Gizmodo US [Original] (ABCXYZ)