By, uav-jp 09/04/2022

Drone regulations of the Aviation Law, a summary of points that can never be removed!

"I want to fly a drone!" "But the law seems to be stricter ...". If you are a drone beginner, you may have felt that way once.

Certainly, when flying a drone, there are a number of points to check, such as weight, flight location, and environment when flying. That's why I'm worried that "I don't understand the laws and ordinances of local governments, and what if I violate the aviation law without my knowledge ...".

So what should a drone beginner be aware of in order to properly follow the flight rules and fly the drone safely? In this article, we have summarized the points of drone flight for those who are considering purchasing a drone or those who have little flight experience.

Table of contents

  • 2 That drone, 200g or less? that's all?
  • 3 What is the no-fly zone set by the country?
  • 4 Check it out!Application required situations and flight rules that are absolutely compliant
  • 5 No-fly zones applicable outside the Aviation Law
  • 6 Editor's Note
  • If you pay attention to the frequency, you don't need a wireless license!

    Some drone beginners may wonder, "Do I need a license to operate a drone in the first place?" The bottom line is that you don't need a wireless license for a standard aircraft that meets consumer standards.

    So what are the points of the standard in the first place?

    The first thing to check is the frequency of the aircraft to be used. Aircraft called general toy drones and hobby drones are set to the "2.4GHz band" frequency. No wireless license is required for this frequency. Please note that industrial drones that use the "5.7GHz band" and racing drones that use the "5.8GHz band" require a nationally qualified wireless license.

    Click here for details on the wireless license required for each frequency ▼

    Do I need a wireless license to fly a drone?Required license / application summary by type

    From the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website

    The next thing to check is whether the aircraft you are using has a technical suitability mark.

    The technical suitability mark is an abbreviation for "marks such as certification of conformity with technical standards". It is a mark that certifies that the radio conforms to the technical standards stipulated in the Radio Law Example. Please note that aircraft without this technical suitability mark may be illegal under the Radio Law.

    Basically, items that are officially sold in Japan, such as DJI, Parrot, and Holy Stone, have the technical suitability mark. If you have any concerns, please contact the manufacturer or distributor. Please note that aircraft purchased at overseas travel destinations, aircraft imported and sold by individuals without going through regular routes such as agents and directly managed stores may not have the technical suitability mark!

    That drone, 200g or less? that's all?

    For those who "want to buy a drone from now on", please check the weight of the aircraft you are considering purchasing, and for those who "have already purchased a drone", please check the weight of the aircraft you have.

    Generally, if you have an ultra-small drone called a toy drone, you may have an aircraft that weighs about 70-80g. Also, even for beginners, those who have semi-professional drones may have weighed about 400g to 500g even though they are small.

    By the way, when comparing the popular drones for beginners, the "Holy Stone HS210" weighs only 21g. On the other hand, the "DJI Mavic Air", which is pocket-sized but has versatile specifications, weighs 430g. Both are very popular with beginners, but you can see that the weights are quite different.

    So what should we be careful about the weight of the aircraft? The key to this is whether the aircraft is heavier or lighter than 200g.

    According to the Aviation Law, if the weight of the aircraft exceeds 200g, an application is required for flights that require permission and approval from the Civil Aviation Bureau (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). In other words, if you want to fly an aircraft that weighs less than 200g (the expression "200g or less" is often used on the Internet, but to be exact, it is "less than 200g"), you do not need to apply for weight. ..

    That said, there are many people who are considering purchasing or have an aircraft that weighs more than 200g. Please be assured that even if the aircraft weighs more than 200g, you can fly the drone without any problems if you apply for it properly and get approval.

    Click here for details on applying for drone flight online ▼

    What is the no-fly zone set by the government?

    From the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website

    The next thing to watch out for is where to fly the drone. The Aviation Law sets the following as no-fly zones for drones, and it is prohibited to fly drones without permission.

    ・ Around the airport


    ・ Above 150m

    ・ Densely populated area

    Looking at this alone, it's okay to fly at altitudes of 150m or less in places where there are few people far from the airport! It's easy to think that. For example, large green parks and embankments can feel like great flight spots.

    However, this is not always the case with the annoyance of aviation law. If you check the no-fly zone (DID area), you can see that many places are set as no-fly zones (DID area) even if there is a lot of nature.

    Check here for no-fly zones (DID areas) ▼

    Geospatial Information Authority of Japan "Geographical Survey Map"

    Furthermore, strict rules are set not only by the Aviation Law but also by prefectures. For example, Osaka city. It is a municipality known for its strict flight rules among drone lovers, but in Osaka City, drone flight is prohibited in all parks in the city. In addition, drone flight is restricted on the embankment of the Yodo River, a first-class river that represents Osaka, for safety reasons and consideration for neighboring residents.

    Furthermore, even in Tokyo, drone flight is prohibited in metropolitan parks and gardens. The rules will differ if the jurisdiction is different, such as in the wards, but since Tokyo itself is set as a no-fly zone (DID area) over a wide area, there are high hurdles to flying a drone in a park in Tokyo. To do.

    In addition to applying to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, you must also obtain permission from the relevant parties depending on where you fly the drone. For example, first check the agency or person who manages the land, such as a government office if it is on a state-owned premises, or a land manager if it is a third-party private land, and be sure to obtain permission.

    The more you know about the no-fly zone (DID area), the more disappointed you may be, "There isn't a place where you can fly a drone." If you say, "If possible, I want to fly the drone without much hassle!", There are two reliable methods.

    If you are at home, you can fly the drone freely without getting permission from anyone (if you have a family member or other people living with you, get the understanding!). If you just bought a drone and aren't used to maneuvering it yet, we recommend that you practice at home first. Of course, be careful not to hit the walls, furniture, or people.

    Drone practice areas in various locations, from the suburbs to the city center. You can skip it outdoors on holidays, or hone your skills indoors on your way home from work, and you can use it for a wide range of purposes depending on the scene. Depending on the practice area, it is possible to use a vast site, so even if you want to fly freely outside your home, but you still don't have the courage to fly at your travel destination, please use it!

    Check here for the drone practice area ▼

    The strongest summary of 40 drone practice fields in the Kanto region!

    15 drone practice areas in the Kansai and Kinki regions # The strongest summary with videos!

    Check it out!Application required situations and flight rules that are absolutely compliant

    After clearing the frequency, weight, and flight location, the next thing to check is the environment, preparations, and your own condition when flying the drone. If you're still wondering if there's something you need to be careful about, please get in touch with us a little more!

    Four new compliance rules added from September 18, 2019 (from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website)

    The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism revised the flight rules for drones on September 18, 2019. The following rules have been set, with four new rules added.

    ・ Do not fly the drone under the influence of alcohol or drugs

    ・ Check the status of the aircraft and the planned flight location before the flight.

    ・ Prevent collisions with aircraft and other drones and fly

    ・ Do not fly in a way that disturbs a third party, such as a sudden start, a sudden rise, or a sudden descent.

    ・ Fly during the day (from sunrise to sunset)

    ・ Always monitor and fly the drone and its surroundings within the range that the operator can see with the naked eye.

    ・ Fly at a distance of 30m or more between a person (third party) or a property (building, car, etc.)

    ・ Do not fly over the sky at event venues where many people gather, such as festivals and fairs.

    ・ Do not transport dangerous goods such as explosives

    ・ Do not drop things from the drone

    From the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website

    Following the flight rules introduced above, the Aviation Law regulates drone flight in the following situations: Please note that you will need to apply if even one of them applies.

    ・ Night flight of drone

    ・ Drone flight in areas where the operator cannot see (non-visual flight)

    ・ Flying at a distance of less than 30m from people or buildings

    ・ Flight over the event venue

    ・ Flight transportation of dangerous goods

    ・ Dropping properties during flight

    These rules are not to be applied when searching and rescue at the request of the national or local governments in the event of an accident or disaster. However, even in that case, it is necessary to be careful because the operational guidelines are set.

    Click here for guidelines ▼

    Operational guidelines for flying unmanned aerial vehicles subject to Article 132-3 of the Aviation Law

    No-fly zone applicable outside the Aviation Law

    Finally, we will introduce the no-fly zone designated for a limited period in the "Flight Prohibition Law for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc." which is different from the Aviation Law. For example, an international meeting where foreign dignitaries visit Japan, and the coronation of His Majesty the Emperor the other day. Drone flights may be banned during these important events and during the dates before and after that period.

    Please note that it is against the law to fly a drone without permission during the designated period even if it is normally outside the no-fly zone.

    Such irregular information can be confirmed on the following page on the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website.

    Flight rules for unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, radio-controlled models, etc.)

    Editor's Note

    Aviation law tends to be a high hurdle for drone beginners. However, if you break down each rule, it's not all esoteric rules. Even so, if you get lost even a little, it is important not to start flying in a vague state. Please check and make inquiries carefully depending on the situation, such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the jurisdiction of the flight plan location, and enjoy the drone safely!