By, uav-jp 22/05/2022

Drone application case: from aerial photography, inspection to distribution to agriculture, you can see it from 27 videos.

Source: DJI Matrice 200


  • 2.1 災害時にドローン空撮は活躍
  • 3 Examples of drone utilization in inspection
  • 3.1 首都高速道路株式会社の事例
  • 4 Drone utilization case for delivery
  • 5 Examples of drone utilization in surveying
  • 6 Examples of drone utilization in agriculture
  • 6.2 ドローンによる農薬散布
  • 7 Drone race case
  • 7.2 砂漠の有人ドローンレース
  • 8 Passenger drone case
  • 8.2 パッセンジャー・ドローンの先駆者イーハン
  • 8.3 米Uberも参入
  • 9 There is still more!Featured drone utilization case
  • 9.2 ドローンによる救助・捜索の事例
  • 9.3 ドローンによるインフラ復旧の事例
  • 9.4 ドローンによるライトショーの事例
  • 9.5 ドローンによるファッションショーの事例
  • 9.6 ドローンの「お笑い」への活用事例
  • 9.7 ドローンによる火星探査の事例
  • 10 After editing a drone utilization case article
  • Examples of drone utilization seen in videos

    A funded fund has been launched in Japan to "create a drone prerequisite society", and the Cabinet Office also "Society 5.0」構想でフィーチャーするなど、利用拡大に向けた取り組みが進むドローン



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    Examples of drone utilization in aerial photography

    The most major use of drones is "aerial photography".Drone photography is being carried out for various applications, such as the PR of the facility, commemoration of the event, the completion of the building, a TV program, and commercials.Until now, if you try to shoot a smooth video with little blur with a helicopter, you may need to invest tens of millions of units with just the equipment alone, and only a limited number of people with aerial photography can do it, but drone.With the spread of, it has become possible to shoot beautiful images even with about 200,000 yen equipment, which is becoming more popular.Please refer to the "inspection" using aerial photography.

    It is new to remember that Kilauea volcanoes in Hawaii activated volcanic activity in early May 2018 and leaked a large amount of lava, but the US government research institution attracted attention.This is a drone aerial video video released on YouTube by USGS (UNITED STES Geological Survey).With an unmanned drone, it is said that a drone is used for investigations such as the crater because it can fly to a dangerous place for humans to approach a dangerous place and shoot high -resolution images.

    In this way, drone aerial photography has expanded not only for shooting for commercials, but also in the fields of research and disaster response.

    Examples of drone utilization in inspection

    Japan's infrastructure is "dual bitter", stating that "the aging of infrastructure intensively after high economic growth" is "decreasing the production age population and the number of infrastructure maintenance managers and inspection technicians".The times are coming.For example, the road bridge will be more than 50 years after the construction of 67 % in 2033, and about 400,000 bridges will be aging nationwide.In the Metropolitan Expressway, 173 km out of the total length of about 319 km will be "50 years old or older" 20 years (2037).

    In this way, when the "aging of the social infrastructure" progresses, it is certain that the frequency of maintenance and repair will increase from now, but it is difficult to significantly decrease the production age population that will be responsible for it.It is expected to be a high probability of being.Based on such a background, a chimney, roof, bridge, solar panel, side walls, etc. are being introduced to invest in new technologies such as drones.

    Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. has developed a system called I-Dreams and Infradoctor with a budget of 150 million yen or more, stored materials, images, 3D point data, etc. on the cloud, and analyzed it with AI.As a result, the necessary materials are collected quickly from the age of paper, and the places where inspections and repairs are required from the images will be used, and vehicles and construction machines required for inspection and construction are operated on 3D point group data.It seems that it has become possible to confirm that there is space and eliminate the return on site.It is said that drones are being experimented with the aim of using cracked images and point data on the expressway input to this system.

    Drone utilization case for delivery

    In developed countries, logistics networks between warehouses are highly developed and can be delivered smoothly.However, delivery from warehouse to ordinary households and offices takes a lot of time, despite a short distance.The efficiency of delivery at the end of logistics called "Last One Miles" is currently a major issue, and the price of Takkyubin is also raised in Japan, and the "single day of single" in China is the "single day".The news that the net is punctured should be new to memory.

    While drone delivery is expected to improve the efficiency of such "Last One Mile", it is actually difficult to fly a drone over the city, and it is currently demonstrated for transportation in remote areas and deregulation in the future.The experiment is being conducted by the current state of drone logistics.

    Drone logistics that are also entering super large companies such as DHL (Dehael) and Airbus.Although there are no large -scale introductions in large cities, it has already been put into practical use as a means of transportation in remote areas, and the demonstration experiment level has been flying in urban areas in Singapore.

    Perhaps because the population density is low even though it is the capital, the drone outlet service has already been put into practical use in Iceland.

    In Japan, Rakuten and Zenrin are successful experiments to fly on the tower to deliver lunch boxes.As the population decline, it is more difficult to go shopping at a convenience store in mountainous villages, and it seems convenient if you can deliver your living supplies with a drone.The advantage is that there is no need for road infrastructure for transportation in the air, and it can be moved in a straight line, so it seems that there is a possibility that you will be active in mountainous Japanese regions.

    Examples of drone utilization in surveying

    By converting the state of the ground from the sky with a drone, the data can be used to create a dedicated soft process and create drawings and 3D models.Such a method is faster than surveying on the ground, and has the advantage of being cheaper than aerial surveying in Cessna.

    With the spread of iConstraction, drones at construction sites are on a rapid pace, and in 2018, Komatsu (Komatsu Seisakusho), a major construction machine (Komatsu Seisakusho), has announced that it will introduce a DJI drone 1,000 or more.I am.

    A typical product obtained by drone surveying is the 3D point data.The point group data is, in other words, the information of the XYZ axis acquired from the air by a drone.By combining advanced information obtained by drones from aerobicometer, etc. and the location information obtained from GPS and glonass artificial satellites with optical cameras and laser range devices, the "dot flock" with location information is the data.It is done.By processing this data with a dedicated software, you can measure the distance from the point A to the specific point B, calculate the volume of the embankment, create a 3D model, create a drawing, and manage the complete form.

    In addition, if you use a drone, it is possible to obtain an image that is composed of multiple photos taken from the sky called Orso image to obtain a corrected image so that the inclination and distortion are arranged and displayed in the accurate position and size.。In addition, it may be different from the "surveying" in a direct sense, but it may be taken along with the acquisition of dotting data by drones.

    Examples of drone utilization in agriculture

    The need for smart agriculture is increasing due to the decline in population and the decline in labor.IoT, AI, and blockchain, because it is expected to decrease by nearly 10 million in only 15 years since 2015, which is said to be a 15-64 -year -old production age, which is said to be a job leader.And it is urgently needed to use drones and other technologies in agriculture to enhance productivity.

    Precision agriculture before the drone was performed using sensors installed on the ground, fixed -point cameras, and artificial satellites.However, fixed -point cameras are not widespread.In addition, satellites could not obtain images at the timing they wanted, and because the resolution was low, it was not suitable for use in small and medium -sized farmland.Therefore, drones are being used to solve these drawbacks.Drone has a wider range of data than installing sensors on the ground, and has the advantage that it can be used easily than satellites.In addition, there are analysis that it is suitable for precision agriculture due to drones because there are more small and medium -sized farmland in Japan than the United States.

    Examples of precision agriculture include using equipment called multi -spectra cameras, such as seeking indicators indicating the health status of agricultural products called NDVI (regularized vegetation index).By regularly observing such observations, you can quickly manage fields because you know uneven growing and harvesting of crops.In addition, drones equipped with infrared cameras can be used to observe the temperature status of soil and crops.By grasping the temperature stress status of agricultural products, it can prevent poor growth by using irrigation plans, discovering high temperature disorders, and pre -predictions.

    In addition, as a way to use a simpler drone, it has also been widely introduced to spray pesticides from the air, which had been performed on radio control airplanes and helicopters, with drones.Pesticide spraying is a time -consuming and effortful task, but if you use a drone, you can spray at 60 times the faster of people carrying tanks.Taking the DJI's "Agras MG-1" as an example, the spraying ability is 15 minutes per hectare, a manufacturer, and it can be seen that it is much more efficient than human power.

    Drone race case

    In the entertainment field, drones are being used in the form of racing.In Japan, multiple race organizations have already been launched, and overseas, the concept of a "manned drone" race has been announced, and we are looking forward to the future development.

    In Japan, organizations such as JDRA (Japan Drone Race Association), DRONE Impact Challenge, and JDL (Japan Drone League) are striving to spread competitions by hosting drone races and establishing rules.I am.

    The Mysterious Organization ALAUDA AERONAUTICS PTY LTD has announced a race, "Air Speeder Grand Prix," which has four arms and a rotor (propeller) attached to the end of the gyro control.The difference from the previous "Drone Race" is that people get in and control.The feature is that the operator with a goggle of the FPV (first -person viewpoint) does not manipulate a small drone, but the racer actually gets into the aircraft and fights for life.

    Passenger drone case

    The aircraft can control the aircraft, and the unmanned multi -copter is often called a drone, so when it comes to "people can ride", I feel like "it's no longer a drone?"Aside from the genre called "Passenger Drone" and "Drone Taxi", it is attracting attention as a next -generation drone use.

    Kitty Hawk Flyer and BLACKFLY are all passenger lones supported by Google founders.In both cases, stable demo flights are successful, and the situation has been published in the video.It's a different story when flying over the city area, but it seems that it has already reached a practical level in the application of "planning flight on a lake" like a video.

    Eyehan in China is a pioneer in Passenger Drone and has countless flights in China.In October 2018, it is shown that we are steadily preparing for the realization of a general -faced commercial for the general public, such as publishing videos of demonstration flights in the Middle East Qatar.

    USA dispatch app giant Uber has also announced that it has entered the Passenjard Loan, exhibiting concept videos and mock machines.

    There is still more!Featured drone utilization case

    Muroran in Hokkaido enables us to use a premium spot aerial photography spot that cannot be taken normally and holds a photo contest at the same time, and uses drones to attract stay -type tourism. doing.

    "Shooting Festival in Muroran" is a full -time stay in Muroran's town with the motto "Let's go to shoot Muroran that the world is not yet known."It is said that it is a photo contest of a staying stay that is taken.In 2017, about 300 photographic enthusiasts participated from all over the country, and 750 works gathered.

    In the countryside, there are cases where accommodation facilities have a dedicated plan for drone users in the countryside, which is often affordable and does not fall under the population intensive area.

    The happy news has been reported that the world's first "drone rescue" was successful.On the AFP (French News Agency) YouTube channel, the images of the rescue captured by the drone camera are open to the public, and when a life -saving equipment is dropped from the drone, it swells in the sea and becomes a "floating", and two men.You can clearly see how the high waves are done.

    In addition, drones are being used for searching for suffering in glaciers.


    The base station of the general mobile communication network installs antennas and relay equipment on the rooftop of the building or on the tower, but this "drone base station" is a drone that can be supplied from the ground and can fly for a long time.By loading the device and anti -aircraft, the communication network can be expanded quickly.The base of the drone used here seems to be Pulse's "Vapor 55" aircraft.

    In Japan, the demonstration experiment of the "drone base station" has been repeated, and even if the ground base station is damaged in the event of a disaster, the drone is aimed to quickly restore the mobile Internet network.increase.

    Intel -made drones appeared in the opening ceremony video of the "2018 Pathasho Olympics" held in Korea, and a light show was held with a group flight with more than 1,200 drones, which was the highest record in the world at the time.The video has become a big topic, such as being released on YouTube and watching over 1.4 million times in about 9 months.

    After this, Intel has been attracting attention, such as performing a drone light show all over the world and keeping records of simultaneous flights.

    A fashion show that hangs clothes with a drone and flys on a runway is held in Saudi Arabia, reporting by CNN.It seems that the evaluation as a show, such as the comment saying "eerie", seems to be not good, but it seems that Saudi Arabia, which tried using a drone because it was not good for women to appear in public.

    Also, in Japan, TGC Kitakyushu 2017 by Tokyo Girls Collection was trying to use drones for fashion events.

    "Britain's Got Talent" (Britain's Got Talent) has a prize of £ 100,000 if the challenger performs "art" and "story" in front of the audience and judges, winning a high reputation and winning.It is a "public audition type reality program" that can be obtained.The Japanese comedian Wes P appears in the program, and is performing thrilling (?) Using a toy drone.

    The NASA (US Aeronautics and Space Bureau) announced on May 12, 2018 that it is under development of a drone (UAV) that can fly autonomous flight.

    After editing a drone utilization case article

    A drone (UAV) that is being used in various fields.In order for drones to fly around the sky in Japan on a daily basis, there are still hurdles that need to be cleared, such as improving flight stability, legal development, and deregulation, but the existence of drones is commonplace and the use of them is assumed.The day when a society like is not far away.

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