By, uav-jp 11/04/2022

Electronic Design & Test "Think Tank" Sees 2022 Technology Forecast | TECH + Mynavi News Mynavi

In 2021, the world's unprecedented public health crisis of a pandemic caused by the new coronavirus continued. This has affected every sector of society, forcing businesses, governments and private institutions to accelerate digital transformation, in some cases extensively, and rethink how innovation can be achieved.

Keysight leaders refer to changes in business operations and technology trends that have become apparent through the lens of pandemics, and their long-term impact on organizations and society.

The rise of quantum computing

Quantum computers are an emerging technology that continues to evolve during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection in terms of innovation and investment, and 2022 is expected to be a breakthrough year for quantum computers. In order to maximize the potential of superconducting quantum systems, the need for highly accurate test and measurement techniques will increase rapidly.

In 2022, multiple companies plan to release a quantum processor unit (QPU) with functions of 100 qubits or more on the cloud. These breakthroughs will create new challenges for device developers, such as quantum device scaling (larger quantum computers), deployment (more calibration), and reproducibility (device manufacturing yield).

Currently, in fields such as finance, pharmaceuticals, and logistics, the gate error rate of 2 qubits is a factor that greatly limits the performance of quantum algorithms. QPU technology has improved the gate error rate of 2 qubits, which is expected to reduce system noise to a record level in 2022 and improve the performance of quantum processors. These advances create new challenges in measuring small gate error rates and understanding QPU crosstalk reliably and efficiently.

Resilience supply chain

Current supply chain disruptions (shortages of semiconductor chips and raw materials, as well as logistics cotton constraints such as port congestion and truck driver shortages) will continue to be a bottleneck to limit production in 2022. Supply chain resilience is now essential for companies to survive ongoing fluctuations, and companies should focus on building future-proof supply chains to gain a competitive advantage. Is expected to be. Sustainable supply chains will also be prioritized to mitigate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) risks.

Digital technology will bring new capabilities to the supply chain ecosystem. With greater automation and visualization, enterprises will be more agile and able to respond quickly to changes.

エレクトロニックデザイン&テスト“シンクタンク”が見る2022年の技術予測 | TECH+ マイナビニュース マイナビ

As cognitive automation becomes more widespread, supply chains will become more intelligent. This will allow automation to make recommendations, anticipate outcomes, and ultimately make autonomous decisions.

By shifting to multiple sources and regionalization rather than relying on a single global provider, disruption can be reduced and will be a key factor in determining supply chain resilience. ..

Product design facilitates the procurement of standardized parts and enables companies to respond quickly to confusion. Maintaining a safe stock of critical parts replaces traditional "just-in-time" inventory management.

Advanced virtual collaboration

With this pandemic, we have found that companies can also perform well with remote work. In 2022, virtual collaboration will become more sophisticated as enterprises leverage innovative technologies to increase productivity. These new waves of remote collaboration create complex connected systems. Testing and measurement will become even more essential to ensure a seamless and secure experience.

Enterprise IT

For CIOs (Chief Information Officers), democratizing IT by Citizen developers is the biggest challenge and opportunity. Citizen developers are engaged in departments and operations other than IT, and it is said that by 2027, the number of citizen developers in the company will be five times that of conventional developers.


Connected devices are widespread in a variety of industries, but it's important to provide subscription-based services.

By 2022, intelligent technology will enable businesses to treat their customers as a segment and deploy highly personalized services.

The following are examples.

Rolls-Royce will rent engines according to usage, and trains will rent every mile. As the on-demand economy expands, the subscription model will expand to the business and consumer markets. This includes cars, kitchen utensils, automation services and more. Predictive maintenance will become commonplace in 2024, and connected infrastructure will signal when repairs or replacements are needed to optimize the availability of these services.

The combination of autonomous vehicles and the transition to subscription services will lead to an era where you no longer need to own a car. By 2025, consumers will move to a rental service model that allows them to go wherever they want, anytime. Another advantage of autonomous vehicles is that users can optimize their location to maximize expected utilization. This allows anyone in need of a car to use it when they need it. In addition, by analyzing live data and past data and performing predictive analysis, the minimum number of cars can be secured.

The same thing that the IoT has begun to move analytics to the edge will happen in the medical field. More sophisticated certified devices (such as the Apple Watch) are equipped with techniques that allow each patient to make a variety of diagnostics on their device at a convenient time at home. This trend will expand into new markets and by 2024 most homes will have autonomous preliminary diagnostic solutions.


Cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities are a major concern for supply chains as hackers turn their attention to targets for IIoT and other critical infrastructure, including supply chains, as they become more dependent on technology. Probably. Designing a resilient supply chain requires connecting the entire ecosystem and preventing relentless attacks from hackers.

Digital transformation and connectivity

Demand for bandwidth is unabated and rushing like a digital tsunami. In today's world, more devices are sending and receiving richer content such as high-resolution images, 4K and 8K videos, dynamic and interactive experiences such as multiplayer games, and telemedicine.

Due to the demand for unrelenting bandwidth and reliability, the complexity of wireless infrastructure is exploding in both base stations and user equipment (UE). New RF bands, advanced modulation formats and techniques are adding to the complexity. Nonetheless, consumers are reluctant to accept the increasing price and size of user equipment and demand longer battery life.

Achieving the required SWaP-C reduction includes advanced packaging technology that allows hundreds of millimeter-wave components to be interconnected while removing unwanted heat, and breakthroughs in the manufacture of microelectronic circuits. A multi-faceted approach will be needed.

Sustainability and ESG continue to be important focal points

Companies looking to mitigate ESG risks will prioritize sustainable supply chains. The sustainable supply chain incorporates:

New technologies need to be introduced one after another in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to virtually zero by 2050. However, this cannot deal with the carbon present in the atmosphere. By the end of 2030, industrial-scale carbon sequestration and recovery will be needed to regain balance.

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