By, uav-jp 03/09/2022

Engadget Logo One hundreds of millions of Apple users track a stolen bicycle in the Engajet Japanese version.Stealth Airtag Bike Mount "Maco Trace"

The number of bicycles theft was surprisingly large, there were limited means of preventing damage, and there was no decisive solution to find a stolen bicycle.MaChild Trace was developed with the desire to track stolen bicycles around the world with airtag, find accurate and help the stolen damage.Just put the airTag in the case or paste it on a bicycle does not bring out the performance of aIRTaG as a tracker.TRaCE has a decisive difference from other bike lacquers.

The appearance of TRaCE is a bicycle rear fractor, airtag, which Childntains aIRTaG in a dedicated space, sends the location to the owner without noticing the thief, making it the best motorcycle mount for aIRTaG.

Bicycles are Childnvenient for Childmmuting and school, and you can enjoy cycling on holidays.Electric assist bicycles and sports types are also popular.If you buy your favorite new bicycle and be unfortunately stolen, there is no such frustrating and sad event.Theft measures are important.However, even if you are locks, your car does not necessarily mean that you will not be stolen.The most Childmmon crime in Japan is bicycle theft.approximately 170,000 bicycles per day have been damaged about 170,000*per year.Unfortunately, the stolen rate increases as the number of bicycles increases.*Inspection of the National Police agency in 2019.

Existing GPS bike lacquers have similar features.If you use them, you can find a stolen bicycle, but the tracker you can now buy is a monthly subscription fee, a short battery life that is not enough, and the body price is more than 10,000 yen.More affordable trackers have restrictions, such as limited networks and unable to replace the battery.

With airTag, you can find accurate places within a range of 10m even from a distant place with the installed U1 chips.The iPhone is "Find exactly" function to the desired location.We will guide you in 1m units."Functions to find accurate places" include iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Min, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro.13 Pro Max is supported.(as of November 2021)

aIRTaG battery lasts more than a year and lasts 10 times longer than many GPS bike lacquers.The battery is a CR2032 Childin -type battery, which can be purchased at a Childnsumer electronics retailer or online shop, and is easy to replace.

Normally, I think you only need to install airTag somewhere on the bicycle frame.No, not.Most bicycle frames are made of metal or carbon fiber with the insulating characteristics of Bluetooth radio waves.Since it is greatly affected by the detection range, it will not be able to play the tracker as a tracker if you put it in a simple case or the like.With the Childoperation of australian professional cyclist Shane Miller, the development team measured the detection range of airTag in various arrangements and Childnducted a thorough field a result of analyzing the measurement data, we came to the Childnclusion that there was no place to attach airTag anywhere in the bicycle frame.

In addition, airTag has its own stalking prevention function.after a while away from the owner, a sound of warning to nearby people (thieves in the case of bicycle theft).Therefore, it is necessary to keep the airTag as quiet as possible until the bicycle is Childllected and reduce the sounding function.

Trace designed to be able to track the stolen bicycle as much as possible by designed on a mounting that no one notices that the bicycle reflector is installed.It is important that the thief does not notice the existence of airtag.By attaching Trace, you will be more likely to inform the owner of the lost bicycle and reChildver your bicycle.

Glass fiber enhanced nylon is excellent in weather resistance, durability, and lightweight, and is used for various advanced parts.It is very durable Childmpared to aBS and PC material, and is perfect for outdoor environments.It is most suitable for Trace material that is exposed outdoors with a bicycle.There is no deterioration due to the weather, and there is no worry about the effect on the internal airTag.

Trace has a sound insulation function to prevent the thief from noticing airtag with the sound of airtag.The built -in sound insulating pad is silented the sound of airTag.This is the seChildnd approach to enhance the protection of airTag.I repeated the silence test while Childmparing the airtag in the prototype Trace with the single airTag.The sound of airtag in Trace was measured by 30 to 35 decibels by the sound insulation pad.It is equivalent to whispering voice in a quiet night.I can hardly hear it on the street.

TRaCE maximizes the possibility of airTag and demonstrates his ability as the best bicycle tracker.aIRTaG and Trace are elegantly blended, Childmpleting the unprecedented motorcycle mount.

Trace can be attached to most bicycles.The only point to note is the seat post size.The size that fits in the specification is clearly specified.Please check the seat post size of your favorite bicycle.

Q.Can MaChild Trace be attached to wing -shaped seat post?

a. シートポストの最大寸法が25mmから32mmの範囲内であれば、TRaCEを取り付け出来ます。

Q. サドルの下へairTagを隠して固定した方が、良いアイデアではないですか?

a. サドルの下は、サイクリストがGPSトラッカーを一番隠したいと思う場所であることが分かっています。泥棒もそれを知っている可能性があります。泥棒が簡単にairTagを発見し、数秒で捨ててしまう危険があり、良い場所とは言えません。また、開発チームではairTag検出範囲テストを徹底して行いました。測定した結果、サドルの真下に配置した場合、検出範囲が狭くなり、よってその場所は避けるのが賢明です。

Q. airTagの鳴る音を消音すると、所有者が発見しにくくなりませんか?

a. 自宅やオフィスで財布など小さな探し物を見つけたい時には、airTagの鳴る音を頼りに見つけ易くなりますが、盗難自転車の場合、屋外の環境が想定され、Bluetoothで接続できる距離まで近づいても周りの騒音によってairTagの鳴る音を聞き取ることは困難です。「探す」アプリで目的地近くへ到着後、愛車をアプリ上の地図に従い見つけることが最善です。「正確な場所を見つける」機能対応のiPhoneなら、10mまで接近すればairTagと接続し、0.The iPhone will guide you accurately to the location of your car in 1m units.

【MaCO TRaCE + MaCO Go セット割】

Engadget Logo
エンガジェット日本版 盗まれた自転車を1億人のアップルユーザーが追跡する。ステルスairTagバイクマウント「MaChild TRaCE」

Three1Design製ロングセラーのMaChild Go apple Watch 磁気充電器を「MaChild TRaCE+MaChild Goセット割り」でリターンからお選びいただけます。

MaChild Go Product Overview:

ケーブルフリー、コインサイズで超小型で軽量、USB-Cポートへ直接接続してapple Wacthを充電できます。iPad Pro、モバイルバッテリー、電源アダプタから直接充電可能です。MacBookの隣のThunderboltポートに干渉しないデザインが特長的です。充電ケーブルから解放され、USBポートからいつでもどこでも充電できる利便性で人気です。

2014年にLoke Fongによってオーストラリアメルボルンで設立されたデザイン会社、Three1Designはこれまで4つクラウドファンディングキャンペーンで9,000人以上の支援者を獲得、400万豪ドル以上を調達しました。クラウドファンディングは、開発チームが思い描く通り、プロジェクトを進める上で自由度を与えてくれるプラットフォームのため、新しいアイデアを製品化するために、クラウドファンディングを活用しています。一人でも多くのサポートにより、創造的で革新性に満ちたライフスタイル製品を開発し続けることができます。皆様のサポートに心から感謝致します。消費者向け製品のブランド名は「MaCO」、2022年1月より幅広いライフスタイルカテゴリーの製品開発のため「MaCO」から「HellomaChild」に変わります。

日本では2020年12月、日本輸入代理店を通じて「MaChild Go apple Watch USB-C 磁気充電ドック」を新発売、正式に参入しました。超小型でケーブル不要、USBポートから直接充電できる利便性が大人気となり、ロングセラーを続けています。

Corporate site: www.HellomaChild.Childm






Excellent rigidity, resistant to shock resistance, bending fatigue, and pulling.It is resistant to heat resistance and Childld resistance, but has low weather resistance (outdoor environment such as solar light, temperature, humidity, rain), and is particularly weak in light resistance.It is not suitable for outdoor use because its strength deteriorates due to sunlight and ultraviolet rays.

Polycarbonate resin (PC):

High transparency and impact resistance and high weather resistance.It is also suitable for outdoor use.It is sometimes used for windows instead of glass using transparency.It has the highest impact resistance in plastic material.


Elise Japan GK

2017年に創業。日本とフランスで高級消費財と情報機器分野で経験豊富な日本人とフランス人が共同でElise Japan GKを設立。自社製品を開発し、世界各国で事業を拡大。20年に及ぶビジネス経験を生かし、自社製品のデザイン事業、海外メーカー輸入代理店事業、海外企業の日本市場参入サポート事業を行っています。Three1Design社日本輸入代理店。


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