By, uav-jp 03/11/2022

Hayate Ichinose to hold first fan event! "I would be happy if you could know" I am such a person "" | SPICE - Entertainment specialized information media Spice

Since his debut as Ryusoul Red (Kou) in 2019 "Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger", Hayate Ichinose, who has been steadily walking the path as an actor mainly in dramas, held his first fan event. hold. Three years after his debut, this project was something he had longed for, saying, "An opportunity to communicate directly with the people who support him." Currently, we are preparing for the fun elements of the rotation! "We asked him to tell us about his feelings of anticipation for the day."

──Please tell us how this event came about.

I've always wanted to do this. So far, I've had the chance to meet everyone face-to-face, even though it was through an acrylic board at a photo book event. It was a very happy time for me. Even when I was doing Sentai, there were stage greetings and shows on stage, but it was in the form of one-on-one vs. crowd, and it was a communication where I stood there through the role. ” = “Hayato Ichinose”, my desire to meet and talk with the fans grew stronger.

To put it in more detail, I usually perform in front of the camera and it reaches everyone. I want to know more. Of course, there are times when I receive letters and messages of support on social media, and there are also people who say, "I felt like my life was saved." I realized that I was able to encourage someone even if it wasn't directly, and I was able to give them courage. At that point, I started to think, “Oh, what I was doing was not wrong,” and I felt that this job was even more rewarding. While telling you, I would like to hear your impressions directly. And once again, in a state where I'm not wearing any role, "I'm this kind of person" (laughs), I want you to know more and more.

──The event is a three-part system. It seems that you are preparing various ideas in turn so that you can enjoy it all the way through.

So that the content is fun to watch and fun to participate in together. I don't have many opportunities at work yet, but I want to try something like singing. I think it's fun to do that kind of thing as you please. I believe that everyone who will probably come will accept everything warmly (laughs). I also took pictures for the event. I'm looking forward to the content of the day, but this time, with the cooperation of my favorite animals, three different children will appear. Rather than a "healing video", it may just be me being swayed by them (laughs), but please enjoy such a realistic appearance together.

──Did Ichinose-san always dream of becoming an actor?

When I was little, when I was watching Sentai, I admired the people who appeared there. I still remember. However, I have lived my life thinking that the world of television is a distant place that has nothing to do with me. It was when I was in high school that I became conscious of "adults doing that kind of thing" again. Standing at the crossroads between choosing your career path and the occupation that will occupy the majority of your life from now on based on what you want to do or based on a stable income... That is the ultimate choice, isn't it? It's not something that can be decided just by being beautiful, but I thought that if I only had one life to live, I'd rather choose to challenge myself. So, for that reason, I decided to go to university first and use the four years as a preparation period.

──I was scouted on my way to the entrance ceremony of the university. Dramatic, isn't it?

That's the kind of image I get when I hear that (laughs). But at that time, I was interested, but I hadn't researched anything yet, and I didn't know anything about the industry. What's more, I was originally the type to research everything properly and make a plan before I started working on it.

──It was completely unplanned to be called out.

Hayato Ichinose Holds First Fan Event

Yes. But the fact that I had an unexpected encounter there made me think that this might be my chance. In fact, when you encounter something unexpected, it's important to let yourself go with all your might and momentum. For the first time, I realized that sometimes things go well.

──And he made his debut as an actor by starring in "Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger", and is still appearing in many popular dramas.

No matter which scene I go to, I get really nervous every time. feels different every day. Especially when I'm participating in the first episode, I have to be able to convey what kind of person the character is from the moment I appear...I think I have to make people feel the background of the character within the limited time. So, when it comes to making a role, I always think that it would be nice if I could condense it tightly and put it out there.

I can imagine how this role was like when I was a child if I try to create it in myself, and no matter what I think about it, it's not a mistake. It's a lot of fun to be able to dig and spin each character freely, and if the work goes well, you can exist in that scene as "that person." I face each time while thinking about "how to live that role".

──What kind of year do you think 2022 will be?

Last year, I had many opportunities to take on new challenges, so this year, I will use those experiences as a source of inspiration. I want to face it with a sincere effort. Over time, I gradually learned how to approach various things, how to think about things, and how to see things, and I was inspired not only by acting, but also by my experience in variety shows, and I was more courageous and bolder than before. I wonder if it's been too long. While building up all of these things, I would like to express myself with greater depth.

──By the way, your interest in the stage...

I'm very interested! A play on a stage that is different from the one-shot, one-cut video. I would like to someday experience a stage where I can live the life of a character in a series of performances without interruption. The seniors around me often tell me, "Let's do a stage play!" When I think about the impact that it will have on my own play in the future, it is a place that really interests me. I want to do some action, and I want to sing, too. If you have the chance, I would love to try it.

──I'm looking forward to expanding my playing field. I am looking forward to the event.

Yes. The power I get when I meet my fans in person is really my driving force, so I'm filled with gratitude for being able to create this opportunity. Please come see me. Give me power... I ended up getting it myself (laughter). But they really support me a lot. thank you. Of course, this time, I will welcome everyone with the feeling of giving back. I would be happy if we could exchange power with each other here!

Interview and text = Yuka Yokozawa Photography = Saori Shijo

“Hayato Ichinose 1st Fan Event 2022” Date: April 3, 2022 (Sun) [Part 1] Open 12:00 / Start 12:30 [Part 2] Open 15:00 / Start 15:30 [Third] Part] Open 18:00 / Start 18:30 Venue: Shidax Culture Hall Fee (all seats reserved / tax included): 5,000 yen *Charge for ages 3 and up General release date: March 5, 2022 (Sat) 10:00 <3 performances Visitor Benefits> "Two-shot shooting" with those who attended all 3 performances Please see the special site for details. Organizer: Forty One Planning and production: Kenne / Click here for Ken planning