By, uav-jp 18/02/2023

8 ways to deal with HSP. Enjoy the intensity of sensitivity!

"I'm like an HSP.

For such people, after explaining the characteristics of HSP in detail, I will tell you what to do when you face a problem. If you are looking for a way to deal with the "difficulty of living" that is unique to HSP, please read to the end.

  • Characteristics of HSP "DOES"
  • HSP checklist
  • How to deal with HSP's "difficulty in life"
  • HSP related books< /li>

    What is HSP?

    Before taking specific measures, let's first understand HSP correctly.

    "Highly Sensitive Person"

    HSP stands for "Highly Sensitive Person". It was proposed by American psychologist Elaine Aaron, and in Japan it is sometimes referred to as "too sensitive" or "sensible-san."

    To put it simply, an HSP is someone who finds it difficult to live because they notice too many details. Examples of what often happens to HSPs include:

    What often happens to HSP

    In this way, HSPs are said to be prone to mental stress because they perceive even the slightest things delicately.

    Furthermore, when you hear the word sensitive, you may imagine "introverted" or "withdrawn", but that is not necessarily the case. Even extroverted personalities can be HSPs.

    Innate Temperament

    According to psychotherapist Ilse San, HSP is largely determined by nature. Nerves are sensitive and sensitive to stimuli. In fact, if you give newborn babies a certain amount of stimulus, you can already see individual differences in the magnitude of their response.

    However, HSP is just a "temperament", not a disease or disability. It is said that there are about 1 in 5 people, so please rest assured that it is not an extreme minority. As for celebrities, celebrities such as Atsushi Tamura, Hitoshi Matsumoto, and Moga Mogami are self-identified as HSPs.

    Benefits and Disadvantages

    HSP is one of many temperaments such as "optimistic people", "methodical people" and "impatient people". An optimistic disposition can be both a strength and a weakness, and so are HSPs.

    The following are the merits and demerits of HSP that Mr. Sun mentioned above. There is also a strength because it is HSP.

    ◆ Advantages of HSP

    ◆ Disadvantages of HSP

    As a premise for practicing the HSP coping method, please hold down what I have talked about so far.

    Characteristics of HSP "DOES"

    In order to take appropriate measures, let's understand more about the characteristics of HSP. Mr. Aaron, mentioned above, summarizes the characteristics of HSP as "DOES".

    ◆ 4 characteristics of HSP "DOES"

    1. Depth of processing
    2. Overstimulation
    3. Emotional & Empathy responsiveness )
    4. Sensitivity to subtlety

    Think deeper

    HSPs tend to think more deeply than others . If you often get depressed or paralyzed by thoughts about your surroundings, past events, and what might happen in the future, you may be an HSP. Of course, it also has the advantage of being "thoughtful".


    Vulnerable to Excessive Stimulation

    Another characteristic of HSPs is that they are highly sensitive to stimuli. They tend to react strongly to light, sound, and smells. You are sensitive to mental stimuli, such as being easily exhausted by spending time with people and being hurt by the slightest words.

    On the other hand, it is also an advantage of "rich sensitivity", such as being deeply moved by works of art.


    Strong emotional response and high empathy

    HSPs are also characterized by a high level of empathy for others. You may be swayed by the negative emotions of others and experience stress.


    Detects even the slightest stimulus

    HSPs are sensitive to even the slightest stimulus or discomfort. If you're overly concerned about little things like the example below, you might be an HSP. Of course, being able to notice small things is also a strength.


     8 ways to deal with HSP. Sensitivity Enjoy the strength of your sensitivity!

    The above four characteristics are characteristics that you should understand when thinking about how to deal with HSPs.

    HSP Checklist

    Before knowing how to deal with an HSP, make sure you are an HSP. If any of the following applies to you, please check the box (created based on the "HSP self-diagnosis test" by brain scientist Akikazu Takada).

    I am very good at noticing small changes and small things.When people are sad, I feel pain as if it were my own problem. It works easily and often makes it difficult to fall asleep Dislikes bright lights, strong odors, uncomfortable fabrics, etc. Likes daydreaming and delusions Dislikes noise and feels intense pain Touching works of art often makes a deep impression I tend to be kind to people and take care of them. I am very surprised by the little things. I get confused when I am too busy. I'm anxious I'm not good at movies and dramas with violent scenes or extreme scenes I feel uncomfortable when there are a lot of things going on around me When I'm hungry my mental and physical health clearly deteriorates I get upset when my environment changes Likes soothing music, tastes, and scents Dislikes having their pace disrupted or upset Feels withered when someone is watching them or competing When I was young, the adults around me told me that I was "shy" or "sensitive."

    How many checks did you make? <If it is 12 or more, the possibility of HSP seems to be high. If you are in trouble with HSP, what kind of coping method is effective?

    How to deal with HSP's "difficulty in life"

    If you often feel "difficulty in life" because of HSP, prepare a "coping method" to get along well with your characteristics It would be nice to keep Since it is difficult to change innate factors, it is basic to avoid stimulation and stress as much as possible.

    Understanding HSP Correctly

    If you don't understand HSP correctly, you may blame yourself for being "a weak-minded person" or "not working hard enough." Yuki Takeda, an HSP specialist counselor, says that it is important to first become aware of your "sensitive temperament."

    If you know … and so on, you won't have to worry about it. "It's no use comparing yourself to people who aren't HSPs. Let's do our best!"

    Start by having correct knowledge about HSP and understanding the tendencies of your thoughts and actions.

    Enjoying HSP

    There are many positive aspects of HSP. If you look at the benefits and joys that only HSP can provide, you should not feel any complex.

    According to Mr. Sun, HSPs are more sensitive than others, so they tend to take deep pleasure in art appreciation and creation. Familiarity with art such as painting, music, video, and writing should enrich your days.

    Swimming, bathing, massage, dancing, and other activities that give your body a pleasant stimulation can also give you joy and a sense of security.

    How to enjoy HSP

    Changing Your Environment

    HSP traits involve innate factors that are beyond your control. Just as freshwater fish cannot be reborn as saltwater fish, changing HSP temperament is not easy.

    Don't force yourself to change, try changing your environment. Instead of trying to adapt to "sea water", finding the "fresh water" that suits you is the shortcut to a solution.

    If you are feeling a lot of stress at work, consider moving or changing jobs. According to Junko Sakamoto, a psychological counselor, HSPs tend to be suited for "work that can be done at their own pace." Consider switching to a more silent type of job, such as accounting or programming.

    Even in your private life, try to stay away from the stressful "sea water" as much as possible, such as avoiding unpleasant places and cutting ties with unpleasant partners.

    ◆ How to change the environment

    Keep distance from others

    Mr. Takeda recommends maintaining physical and psychological distance from people. If you feel that the distance is too close during a conversation, take a step back a little or sit back in a chair to casually keep your distance.

    By shifting the angle of your body instead of facing each other directly, you can keep a psychological distance. If you are in a meeting, sit at a 90 degree angle or side by side with the other person. At restaurants, counter seats are better than table seats.

    According to Mr. Takeda, it is also effective to place objects to create partitions. If you're worried about your co-worker at the next desk, creating a psychological boundary with a pen holder or cup can help you feel safer.

    Block the Stimulation

    Reduce the amount of stimuli to your five senses during rest periods.

    Please cut off stimuli that lead to stress and fatigue.

    According to Mr. Sun mentioned above, it is also effective to do nothing and have time to sit still. Why don't you spend your days off when you're tired, doing nothing but the bare essentials? You can refresh your tired nerves from daily life.

    Take care of yourself

    HSPs are sensitive to the negative emotions around them and often feel hurt or depressed. When that happens, be kind to yourself.

    For example, the verbal approach. "I'm doing my best", "I'm sure I'll be fine."

    You may feel, "I'm embarrassed to encourage myself, what should I say...". First, think of words of kindness for your family, lover, friends, etc., and replace them with yourself.

    Imagine, "What would I say to someone I love if they failed at work and were depressed?" The words come out smoothly, and you shouldn't feel embarrassed.

    Mr. Sun recommends that you write the ``words to care for yourself'' that were born in this way in a letter and keep it in your wallet so that you can read it again at any time. Holding your own shoulders and hugging them can also have a caring effect.

    Find someone who understands

    HSP's worries can be difficult for non-HSPs to understand. Are you worried that you don't understand why?

    However, there are people who understand your pain and who try to take it without understanding it. If you can find someone you feel comfortable with, or someone who understands you and you can talk honestly without worrying too much, the "difficulty of living" should be greatly reduced. Mr. Takeda also recommends finding friends through social media and HSP-related events.

    Do not expect too much to be understood

    However, sometimes it is important to let go of the desire to be understood. According to Mr. Takeda, by letting go of "understanding", you can build a good relationship with someone who thinks differently.

    People who are not HSPs do not necessarily understand the sense of HSPs. If the expectation to be understood is too strong, anger and disappointment will also grow. It is important not to expect too much from the other person and to convey your feelings flatly.

    "I'm an HSP and I don't like loud voices." How you accept it and how you respond is up to you.

    In terms of catchball, "I don't care if you don't throw it back, but I'll try throwing it anyway." With this stance, you shouldn't feel so angry even if you don't respond. If you don't have expectations, you won't get "disappointed". Isn't it a communication stance that can be applied to all human relationships, not just HSP?

    ――If you are suffering from HSP, please try the 8 ways to deal with it.

    HSP-Related Books

    Finally, let's introduce books that will help you learn more about the characteristics of HSP and how to deal with them.

    "How to live easily for people who are overly sensitive to others taught by a neuroscientist"

    "How to live easily for people who are overly sensitive to others taught by a neuroscientist" by Akikazu Takada ’.

    It is a good introductory book that summarizes the basics such as ... in a well-balanced manner.

    Mr. Takada himself seems to be a person who has suffered because of his "delicacy". Knowing how Mr. Takada dealt with HSP and how he dealt with it will give you hints on how to get along well with HSP.

    A brain scientist teaches how people who are overly sensitive to others can live comfortably (Gentosha book)


    "Too delicate and hard to live-I'm an HSP cartoonist-"

    Ogatatie's "Too delicate and hard to live-I'm an HSP cartoonist-". Supervised by Juri Misaki, a career consultant specializing in HSP.

    The episodes of the author who suffers from HSP are drawn.

    Introductory information such as definitions of HSPs and how to deal with them is also substantial. If you want to have a concrete image of HSP, this is the perfect book.

    Too Sensitive and Hard to Live ~I'm an HSP Manga Artist~ (Bunkasha Comics)


    “Work and relationship worries will be lightened! "Delicate-san's wisdom bag"

    "Work and human relationship worries will be lightened!" "Delicate-san's bag of wisdom". We researched HSP real-life experiences and collected wisdom that can be useful for work and relationships.

    There are many practical techniques such as. If you want to know "living wisdom" that can be used in real life, we recommend "Delicate-san's Chiebukuro".

    Work, troubles of human relations will be lightened! Amazon

    "Good things can be found today and tomorrow" Happiness list of "Delicate" list". The main claim is that HSPs are wonderful talents who can feel happiness more than others.

    1. feeling happiness
    2. intuition happiness
    3. consideration happiness
    4. expressive happiness
    5. conscience happiness
    6. li>
    7. The Happiness of Empathy

    Introduces 53 tips for HSPs to feel happy. You should be able to learn the secret of using hsp as a strengths.

    You can find good things today and tomorrow


    “For those of you who are easily “upset” by trifles.

    Finally, psychologist Elaine Aaron's "For those of you who are easily 'upset' by little things." ’.

    As mentioned earlier, Mr. Aaron is an advocate of HSP. Most of the HSP books were written with reference to Aaron's book. is like the original text of HSP.

    If you really want to know the definition, mechanism, and countermeasures of HSP, please take a look at it.

    For those of you who are easily "upset" by trifles. (SB Bunko)


    ***As a way to deal with HSP, it is first priority to understand and accept HSP correctly. Then, after reducing stress sources by reviewing your living environment and relationships, let's take advantage of HSP as an advantage.

    >>What is HSP temperament?

    (Reference) Written by Ilse San, Translated by Reiko Bikitani (2016), "Sensitive people living in an insensitive world", Discover Twenty One.YouTube | Talking about HSP. YouTube | [Self-introduction] Various questions such as first confession and hair care! Techinsight|[Entertainment is a vitamin ♪] Becky realizes that she is an “HSP” “It was good to know” Gentosha plus|If you get 12 or more, you are “hypersensitive”. HSP Self-Diagnosis Test Fuchu Kokoro Clinic | HSP and Psychosomatic Internal Medicine Diamond Online | HSP Professional Counselor Teaches Breakthrough Diamond Online to Help Sensitive People Find Happiness | Online | A way of thinking that makes the "delicate person" who is tired of being too aware not tired Utopi | Too sensitive and difficult to deal with ... HSP's coping method and suitable occupation? President Online|I get tired and irritated just by being with people…Three tips to make life easier for “delicate people” Huffpost|One in five people is “HSP = very sensitive person” Sensitivity leads to happiness. Diamond Online | There is "happiness" that you notice because you are "delicate"! How to build good relationships with people who have different tastes?

    [Writer profile] Majored in philosophy at Shun Sato University and has extensive reading experience in the humanities. He specializes in writing in the fields of psychology and brain science, and has written over 200 books. Acquired know-how in memorization and writing from a wide range of research experience. With the motto of "a writer who can stimulate the intellectual curiosity of readers," he strives to broaden his knowledge.