By, uav-jp 08/09/2022

Mike can be directly connected to the headset terminal of Windows PC ...? (1/2)

 Today's Windows PCs generally have sound functions as standard.In the case of a desktop PC, there are often multiple connectors (mini terminals) for the sound, but for notebook PCs and tablets, only one "headset" terminal is one.

From the right, "Stereo Fone Plug" (TS, Standard Plug), "2.5 Milimini plug "(also mini mini plug)," 3.5 mm Mini plug 3 -pole (TRS), "2 poles (TS, monaural)", and "same 4 poles (TRRS)" plugs.For CTIA and OMTP, the third (second ring) and fourth (sleeve) signals are replaced with the left edge plug, and the sleeve is a microphone in CTIA.

 This is a trend since the spread of smartphones, and in the past many laptops had headphone terminals and microphone terminals.This time, I checked a little about this headset terminal.In conclusion, only headphones, headsets and equivalent devices can be connected to the headset terminal, and the single microphone is the same..Even if you have a 5mm mini terminal (as it is), you cannot connect.

Above is a notebook PC more than 10 years ago.Headphone terminals and microphone terminals are lined up.In the subsequent notebook PC, only the headset terminal is as shown in the photo below.

Headset terminal is 3.It evolved with stereo and microphone from the 5mm 4 -pole mini plug 2 poles

 The general headset is 3.Connect using a 5mm 4 -pole mini plug.The person receiving this is also called a jack (or a mini jack in the sense of corresponding to a mini -plug).The "mini" plug is originally 6.This is because the 3mm "pawn plug" (standard plug) was first.

 The miniaturized one was a mini -plug, which was used for the "earphone terminal" of TV and tape recorders.Initially, there were two two poles for monaural.After that, when a stereo -compatible device appears, a mini -plug also appears a three -pole that has become a stereo.

 In addition, for small equipment 2.A 5mm thing (commonly called a mini mini plug, etc.) also appeared, but electrically 3.It is the same method as 5mm.These 2.The 5mm plug was used for the headset on a PDC mobile phone (Mova, etc.).However, at that time, the headset was often called "earphone microphone".

 Mobile phone headsets are 3 in the EU and the United States.Four -poles mini plugs have become popular because they are standardized with 5mm mini plugs.However, in the EU and the United States, the same 3.Even a 5mm / 4 -pole mini plug has a different signal arrangement and is not compatible (there are devices that can be distinguished by the jack side).

Even though the shape of the terminal is the same, the extremely number and the connected device are different.

 Because of this background, 3.There are many devices with 5mm mini plugs.General -purpose cables are available at a low price, so they may be used for audio line input and output and special signals.So, here that seems to be connected to the PC 3.Let's organize equipment with a 5mm mini plug.

Windows PCのヘッドセット端子にマイクは直接接続可能……ではない!? (1/2)

マイクモノラル2 or 3マイクのみ

 Large, headphones, headsets and microphones, each of which is divided into monaural and stereo.However, monaural headphones are now extinct.There are extremely few devices that can connect stereo microphones.Also, the headset used to be monaural, but now the headset is usually stereo.

 Since multiple signals are connected to the jack side, the mini plug is divided horizontally and has multiple contacts (poles).This split follows the split method of the two -pole -pole pole, which is the source of the mini plug.The pawn plug was called "tip" in the two poles and the lower part was called "sleeve".

 When it was for stereo headphones, a three -pole was required, and the sleeve was divided into two.Of these two, the part near the tip (tip) was called "Ring".

 For this reason, a three -pole plug for stereo is sometimes called a "TRS" fawn plug.Mini plugs also take over this split method and name.Furthermore, when transmitting four signals in the headset, the sleeve was divided into three.Since the ring is two, it may be written as Trrs.

 As mentioned above, different methods in the United States and the EU have been standardized at this time.In the United States, CTIA (formerly Cellar Telecommunications Industry Association. CTIA is now an abbreviation), but in the EU area, OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform is currently a standard, GSM Association is now a successor).

 The difference is whether the microphone signal is a second ring or a sleeve.The CTIA used the microphone as a sleeve as a sleeve, but the OMTP made the second ring as a microphone and the sleeve as before.

 It is the difference in thinking that such a difference occurred.In the CTIA method, there is a point of contact for the sleeve just below the ring.In this game, the CTIA method has now become widespread due to the adoption of CTIA by US companies' smartphones (iPhone and Android).

 However, some old terminals such as the early model of the former Sony Elixon Xperia series use OMTP methods, which came with an OMTP headset.You should be careful when you find a fairly old headset.

 In addition, there is an old PC headset that is a fork plug of a microphone plug and a headphone plug.However, only the desktop machine with the microphone terminal and headphone terminal individually can be used.

 In addition, the headset attached to the smartphone has an operation button such as incoming calls and end stories.This conveys the signal by connecting the microphone signal (sleeve for CTIA) and the ground (the second ring) with resistance.Android can equip up to four buttons.The use of a microphone signal is because the voltage is applied to the microphone power supply.However, Windows does not seem to be able to detect the button of the headset.

 Next is a monaural microphone.Initially, the two poles were normal.This is because a dynamic microphone that does not require power supply is widely used using the electric power by a magnet.The dynamic type is rarely seen in PCs and audio products for general consumers, but is still used in music live and karaoke stores (but the connection is not a mini plug).

 Most recent microphones are a condenser type that requires power.In the past, batteries were built in the microphone side, but now most are compatible with plug -in power that can supply power from the microphone jack side.

 The mini -plug of a monaural microphone that can supply power is a three -pole (TRS).However, there is also a microphone compatible with plug -in power in a two -pole mini plug.In addition, the stereo microphone uses a three -poles mini plug.In other words, there is a combination of plugs and jacks of "2 poles / 3rd poles", "plug -in power", and "monaural / stereo".Due to these confusion, the former PC audio device had many problems with microphone terminals.