What is the effect of the earphone cover that can be stored in a charging case and prevents AirPods from falling off?-Medificial Watch
The writer has finally started using AirPods in the second generation, but the one who was confused was the easier to drop off.Compared to the completely wireless earphones that I have used so far, it is good that there is less pressure during installation, but it does not shift or fall just by moving a little.Apparently it is not a matter of the author because a large number of removal prevention goods are on sale.
However, even if you want to prevent AirPods dropping, if you add parts that enlarge the size due to the need to store it in the charging case, you will have to remove it each time it is stored.If you use accessories that you attach or remove each time, you will not be stressed if you use a complete wireless earphone other than AirPods.No matter how much coordination and sound quality are in cooperation with iOS devices.
パッケージ。注文したのはブルーだったが届いたのはホワイトだった。レビューにも同様の報告が複数あり、検品体制にはやや疑問符がつくカバーは4ピース、つまり2セットが同梱されている本体。装着作業中に裂けてしまわないか心配になるレベル立体成型がよくわかるカット。穴の位置を合わせて取り付けるUnder such circumstances, I purchased the earphone cover that I used on the AirPods sold by Damonlight.The biggest feature is that this product is made of silicon and is effective in preventing slip, can be stored in a charging case with it on, and the lid is closed properly.
Because of the extremely thin type, there is a little habit in the installation.The procedure is to wet the surface of this product with the attached cloth that soaks water and cover it with less friction.If you pull it normally and put it on AirPods, it may be broken, so you have to do this.The details are introduced in the video below.
By the way, this product is installed in such a hassle, but if it is useful to prevent falling off, it is not a dramatic effect that it is okay to fly or bounce.After all, the friction coefficient of the AirPods surface is slightly higher, and the size is almost the same, so the gap between the ears and AirPods does not fill up with the wearing of this product.If you express "the degree of difficulty to fall" in numerical values, it is about 60, which is still far from 100.
装着完了。遠目には装着していることが分からないほど一体感があるサイズへの影響もほぼないため、充電ケースにもそのまま収納できるHowever, since it is a little 1000 yen and it contains 4 pieces, it is equivalent to 500 yen per person if you use it separately.Anyway, if the effect is zero, it is somewhat effective and if this price is this, I think this is this.In the first place, it is difficult to imagine other options if it is assumed that it does not remove every time it is stored in a charging case with AirPods.
By the way, I (not only AirPods) earphones tend to fall off a lot even if the left ears fit, but this time the left ear is harder to drop down, and it is easy to drop out.As usual, the effect of what I was expecting was obtained.
In this way, the effect is very difficult to read, so some people may be more effective than the author, and vice versa.Based on these, those who do not have any problems with such a cost, or those who may let go of AirPods if they do not find a solution as they are, try it as one of the means.It may be good.
製品名 | 発売元 | 実売価格 |
{Fit in the case} DamonLight airpods用イヤーピースシリコーン製イヤホンカバー 落ち防止[交換品]4個入り (White) | DamonLight | 1050円 |