By, uav-jp 13/09/2022

Choose a headset that does not fail.When using noise reduction, the noise (dog squealing) was quite small [Telework goods review 24th] --NTERNET WATCH

 The Internet Watch Editorial Department, which has become a Telework, is devising every day to improve the work environment in each living environment.In this series, we will introduce the reviews of telework goods that the staff actually use and recommend in a relay format.


 In the past, it was a story when everyone was finally starting to carry mobile phones and PHS.Her mother had to contact her brother in an urgent use.Just when her older brother began to be a member of society and started carrying a mobile phone, she advised her mobile phone, and her mother put out a handwritten phonebook and said, "There was, there was.This is the number. "And when the call began to sound, she suddenly heard an uneasy face.

"Who comes out?"

 While blowing out unintentionally, he answered, "I have only my brother," but my mother is my first mobile phone in my life.At that time, it was a matter of course to have a fixed phone on a fixed phone, "Do you come to ●●?"Then, does a mobile phone come out with a company or even a telephone exchange?I don't know if I'm worried.

失敗しないヘッドセット選び。ノイズリダクション付きを使ったら、騒音(犬の鳴き声)がかなり小さくできた【テレワークグッズレビュー 第24回】 - INTERNET Watch

 The reason why I talked about this was when it started to be a corona.I decided to cover an online conference for the first time.I was ashamed and never used a web conference tool, so I don't know what to prepare for.For the time being, I have a camera and a microphone on my notebook PC, so I will tell you that I do not need anything, and click the URL of the guide email 30 minutes before the start time for real coverage.Apparently, the software was installed and the preparations were ready.Certainly, I think there was a message on the screen like waiting in the lobby until the host allowed the room.And while waiting for the screen to change, I thought.

"Who comes out?"

 In the previous real conference, it was normal to give a business card at the reception and enter the venue, so I wondered if there was such a thing online.It is the rule of thumb to enter the venue early, and I was worried about what to do if I couldn't enter it as it was.

 It's like the mother who called the mobile phone for the first time, but at the time, the other participants were similar.Even after the conference began, everyone was unfamiliar with not only participants but also the organizers, such as "I can't find the hands button" or "I don't know how to mute", and even if it fails, it is allowed.It was an atmosphere.

 It's been two years since then, but the situation has changed a lot.Nowadays, web cameras and speaker phones have been placed in the company's conference room, and web conferences have become an essential tool for business.

 And because everyone was able to use the web conference tool normally, the atmosphere was unacceptable to failing than before.It can be said that the combination of the equipment on hand has been changed to a phase that web conferences are smooth and natural from the situation such as "If we can do web meetings for the time being".