By, uav-jp 09/06/2022

I immediately listened to the new highest Walkman "M2" (Mynavi News) --Yahoo! News



Approaching the charm of the new walkman "NW-WM1ZM2/WM1AM2"

The top walkman "NW-WM1ZM2" (right).The left is the first "NW-WM1Z"

Hello everyone. I'm Hiroki Kudo, a writer. Have you ever seen the teaser announcement published on the Sony official website the other day? It was posted on the Walkman's product page, and a copy of "Signature Series" and "Walk to the Next Level of Sound" were accompanied, so maybe a new luxury Walkman product will appear after a long absence? There will be many audio fans that I expected. The content of such attention was released on February 9th! What was announced was the Signature Series' Walkman "NW-WM1ZM2" (actual sold around 400,000 yen) and "NW-WM1AM2" (160,000 yen. Before and after). In the portable audio industry where new products are introduced one after another, the successor to six years has finally appeared, evolving the first model that has been protecting the flagship, which can be said to be the face of Walkman, since 2016. Also, as a Walkman, it is a new model since the "NW-A100" and "NW-ZX500" released in 2019, so many people may have been waiting for it. I was able to try these long -awaited models as soon as possible, so we will deliver the first impression. Check the appearance of "M2" First, we will focus on the points that I am interested in personally, NW-WM1ZM2 (hereafter, WM1ZM2) and NW-WM1AM2 (hereinafter, WM1AM2). While the basic Signature Series is followed, six years have passed since the first model, and various points have evolved in both soft and hardware. The first surprise is its size. The screen size is larger from 4 to 5, and the body size is slightly larger. It may be difficult to understand if it is only a product photo, but as shown in the first photo, it is obvious at a glance when you line up with the M2 and the first generation. It's a little different. However, in the case of WM1AM2, it is not so heavy from 267g to 299g of the first model, and it is rather lighter in terms of area per area (WM1Z → WM1ZM2 is 455g → 490g). Since the thickness is only about 1mm, there is not much discomfort as a feeling in hand. Both LCD screens have been upgraded to HD resolution of 1,280 x 720 dots from the first model 854 x 480 dots, making them even more beautiful. Not only the display of the album artwork, but also the compatibility for multimedia applications described later is outstanding. By the way, the cassette tape screensaber, which was first adopted in the ZX500/A100 series, is still alive in WM1ZM2/WM1AM2. Even in the latest environment, you can immerse yourself in nostalgic use. Regarding the internal design of the high -quality point point of "M2", some internal wires have an OFC cable, the high quality solder is added, the clock is optimized. All parts have been examined again, but noteworthy is the low resistance of anaerobic copper gold plastic plastic plastic platform chassis of WM1ZM2. Purification 99 with the first model.96%of the oxygen -free copper was adopted, but this time 99.99%(4N) is adopted.Pure chassis that has been cut out of oxygen -free copper that is difficult to cut.7%of high -purity gold plating has been applied, and both sound quality effects and high rigidity are achieved. In addition, both the rear cover also uses aluminum (WM1ZM2 is a cut -off), which also helps to improve sound quality and rigidity. It can be seen that the design of the first model is more like a further impetus in everything. Check the playback technology around the audio. First of all, the latest upscaling technology "DSEE ULTIMATE" is installed. The first model is equipped with the previous version, "DSEE HX", and only some Xperia and ZX500/A100 can use "Ultimate", but here are two models here. Is added. Up -scaling with AI technology achieves higher quality high quality. Interestingly, the range of DSEE ULTIMATE's correspondence has been expanded. With conventional streaming -compatible Walkman, wired connection and standard "w".It was only supported when playing music with the music app, but this time it supports all playback, such as a sub -skop service or USB DAC, regardless of the wired or wireless connection.Recently, many people enjoy music with music streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music, and use it with a PC at home time, so it also receives the maximum benefits of the high -quality sound quality unique to Walkman.It's a nice place to be.In addition, the DSD remastering engine, which was installed on the DIGNATURE SERIES digital music player "DMP-Z1", appeared in the Walkman for the first time! This was also a long-awaited function.11 PCM sound sources are 11 due to their own algorithm.It converts to a 2MHz equivalent DSD signal.5 in DMP-Z1.6MHz相当でしたので、こちらも進化点と言えますね。DSEE Ultimateと合わせて、さらにリアリスティックなサウンド表現が楽しめます。もちろん同機能のオン/オフもできるので、好みによって切り替えて使うことも可能です。Android採用でストリーミングも聴けるそして、システム周りのお話もしていきましょう。注目を集めているのは、なんといってもOSのAndroid化ではないでしょうか。他のストリーミング対応ウォークマンと同様に、好きなアプリをインストールできるようになりました。上述の通り、最近は音源の再生だけでなくストリーミングサービスでの視聴も主流になってきているため、個人的にはこの進化はマストでした。むしろ、それによる諸問題をいかに解決したか、というところが注目どころです。Androidの採用により主に懸念されるのは、必要なパーツを搭載することによる音質への影響、そしてバッテリー持続時間への影響でしょう。実際にA100では、独自OSを採用していた前モデル「NW-A50」よりもバッテリー持続時間が短くなっており、SNSなどではそれを残念がる声も見られました。今回はそんなハードルをどのようにして乗り越えてきたのでしょうか?WM1ZM2/WM1AM2音質への影響の対策としては、設計構造段階から作り込まれています。基板上でアナログブロックとデジタルブロックを分離し距離を取っており、しかもデジタルブロックには切削無酸素銅のシールドを全面に被せることで物理的に遮断。後述の通り電源も強化されているため、グランドの強化や安定化を実現しており、ノイズ発生やその影響を極力排除されています。また、既存モデルに搭載されていたGPS機能も搭載していないとのこと。音質重視のため、アンテナモジュールも必要最低限に留められているようです。バッテリや電源周り強化。最上位機もUSB-Cにそして特筆すべきはバッテリー。M2では、最新かつ大型化したバイパスコンデンサー「FTCAP3」がオーディオブロックの電源に搭載されているなど、電源周りが音質設計を含めかなり強化されているのですが、それによって持続時間が短くなってしまっては本末転倒……と思いきや、なんと初代モデルと比べて約7~9時間の向上を実現しています。「せめて同じレベルを維持してくれれば……」という想像をはるか上を越えてきてくれました。※編注:WM1ZM2とWM1AM2は最長40時間再生可能(MP3 128kbpsまたはFLAC 96kHz/24bit再生時。FLAC 192kHz/24bitでは35時間)。従来のWM1Z/Aは最長33時間再生できた(MP3 128kbps再生時。FLAC 192kHz/24bitでは26時間)。これは省電力の最適化が進んだのか……!? と思いきや(もちろんそれもあるでしょうが)、そもそも本体が大型化したことによって搭載されているバッテリーも大型化&大容量化しており、それで持続時間が伸びているというなかなかの力技。音質にも効果があり、わかりやすくシンプルなスペックアップといえるでしょう。その他の注目点として、ハイエンドウォークマンにもついにUSB Type-Cがやってきました。これにより汎用性がバツグンに向上しただけでなく、充電時間やデータ転送速度も大幅に高速化。初代モデルを使っている人も、こればかりは他のストリーミング対応ウォークマンを羨ましく思っていたことでしょう。


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