By, uav-jp 21/02/2023

Is lack of sleep a lifestyle -related disease?Reasons why it is better to consider a specialist consultation for "sleep disorders" [Experts supervised]

(Illustration / Yukio Yokota)


According to statistical data, there is no sign of improvement in lack of sleep in Japanese.Many people leave this unattended and have a mental and physical upset.Not only quality but sleep requires absolute amount, so why not stop smartphones until you get into bed?[Collaboration / Supervision / Supervision / Maki Nakamura (Aoyama / Omotesando Sleep Stress Clinic, Medical Doctor, Doctor of Medicine, Specialist / Councilor, Tokyo Medical University Sleep Lecture Lecturer)] [Image]

Real short sleepers are less than 1%of the population

With the increase in working from home, the number of people who manage their physical condition to sleep for sleeping hours may be increasing.However, Japan has been said to be the best in the world due to a long sleep time.Moreover, the most recent surveys have become even shorter.I'm a short sleeper, so some people are strong that they don't have to sleep for 7 to 8 hours.However, in recent studies, real short sleepers are due to clock gene mutations, less than 1 % of the population.In most cases, it's just a belief.People can get used to the discomfort of the body.If you continue to sleep for about one or two hours every day, there are many people who are not aware of sleep deprivation due to lack of sleep due to lack of sleep.Sleep is not only quality, but also timing and quantity.If you can sleep deeply, it doesn't matter if you sleep.

Some have pointed out that sleep time is related to BMI

On the other hand, people who have a sleep disorder, such as not being able to sleep on the floor, waking up many times in the middle of the night, or waking up early in the morning.Moreover, the number is not ridiculous.Approximately 20 % of adults are chronic insomnia, and about 15 % of them feel excessive drowsiness during the day due to insomnia (Japan Lifestyle Prevention Association).It is even more urgent for the elderly who fall asleep with aging.About one in three people over the age of 60 is suffering from sleep issues.Lack of sleep has a significant effect on health.It has been suggested that leaving a sleep shortage even overnight also affects sugar metabolism, sympathetic nervous system, and immune system.It has also been pointed out that sleep time is related to BMI.A short sleep is not good enough to see it right away.As long as you get up, people say something.However, if you look at the data, BMI is high for people who sleep too long.Apparently, there is a problem that obesity is lurking here.It is known that obesity accumulates fat around the respiratory tract, which is one of the causes of sleep apnea syndrome.The disease may be sleeping for a long time, trying to make up for a long time, trying to make up for a good sleep during bedtime and not to get a good sleep.Lack of sleep is a good lifestyle -related disease, as such a sleep disorder can occur from obesity, the starting point.

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