By, uav-jp 06/07/2022

"OK in Japanese", Surprising usage of automatic translation that Denso's overseas staff loves -White paper: Nikkei Clostec Active

 A "language wall" stands for Japanese companies.If you do not overcome this, you will not be able to ensure international competitiveness as economic globalization accelerates.In order to smoothly communicate with overseas bases, more and more companies are promoting translation tools.By utilizing the translation tool, the work is reduced and the speed is improved.

「日本語でOK」、デンソーの海外スタッフが愛用する自動翻訳の意外な使い方 - ホワイトペーパー:日経クロステック Active

 When introducing a translation tool, many people will first check the translation accuracy.Cloud tools are attracting attention due to the recent improvement of accuracy, but when using it in the business scene, it is important to scrutinize the security as well as whether the translation content is leaked elsewhere.On top of that, it is necessary to determine the cost effectiveness.

 This material introduces cases in which Denso, which operates businesses in 35 countries and regions around the world, introduced a cloud AI automatic translation tool to the entire company.The time and costs have been reduced and the work efficiency has improved rather than asking a translation company.In addition, the unexpected usage is how the overseas staff uses the use of "Japanese translation in English".It seems that English translated by hand is easier to read than English emails sent by Japanese staff who are unfamiliar with English.

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