By, uav-jp 25/03/2023

Speaking of "oden ingredients"? [Psychological test] The answer reveals "the depth of your bosom"

Q. Speaking of "oden ingredients", which of the following do you think of?

A: Egg B: Konnyaku C: Beef skewer D: Radish

What this psychological test will tell you

Your openness

Simmered dishes with various ingredients such as “Oden” reflect your world view in the deep psychology. And the ingredients you image in it are closely related to how you take things. Therefore, the ingredients that come to mind when you hear the word oden will tell you how much you can afford.

A: You who chose "Egg"... You have a curious personality and are broad-minded

You have a curious personality that shows interest in various things, and you are a "timid person". It may be a distant existence. You are the type to work hard for whatever you want to do. Therefore, it should not be swayed by small things.

What do you mean by

But there may be people in the world who feel that your pure personality is "selfish". If you don't forget to take a step back while looking at your surroundings, you should be able to increase the favorability of those around you.

B: You chose konjac... you're a tight-knit but down-to-earth person

I think you tend to stay too far in your own world. You don't expect much from other people, and there is a part of you that completes everything within yourself, so there is a fear that you will inevitably end up with a closed relationship.

It may be that you are not good at incorporating new values ​​into yourself, rather than being narrow-minded. Being a little more open and showing yourself can make your life richer.

C: You who chose "Beef skewer"... You have a positive personality and are open-minded

Although you are timid at times, you are positive at heart, so it is easier to give birth than to worry. You should be thinking like "shi". Also, you're the type to inspire yourself, so you probably don't like to quibble.

For that reason, it seems that people around you often think that "that person is bright at heart" and "blessed!" However, since he has a surprisingly delicate side, he may actually be troubled after taking action.

D: You who chose "radish"... you are very tolerant of people you are close with

It's stressful for people around you to think you're doing something wrong. type. Also, since you have the personality to make a convincing plan for yourself and move towards it, you will be very cautious when dating without knowing the other person.

For that reason, you might think that it's a little rough until you get to know each other. However, once you get to know them, they open up and become bold, so you're likely to be surprised at how generous they are.


Don't worry too much if you don't have a lot of money. Being narrow-minded can also be said to be cautious and observant in human relationships.

In the first place, advantages and disadvantages are two sides of the same coin. I want to focus on the good aspects of myself and others as much as possible, and try to make the most of them.

Click here for a psychological test that shows your strengths! [Psychological Test] "Your true strengths"

Naoki Wakita / Fortune-telling and psychological test creatorPresident of Human Life Publishing Co., Ltd., corporate divination appraiser, university lecturer, and chief priest of Shushinji Temple. His business is appraisal using "star calendar art" based on an advisory contract with the company. Responsible for 7 directors and 23 client companies, possessing 50 types of management and divination qualifications. He is also active in media such as TV, and his representative book is "The day you were born knows everything." Fortune-telling × notebook "Mamusubi" is scheduled to be published this winter. HP: Minstrel Minstrel
