By, uav-jp 27/06/2022

"So Japanese companies can't win in the world." The reason why Apple commercializes immature technologies quickly pulls their feet.

Just like Facebook changed the company name to "Meta" in October 2021, "Metaverse" has been attracting rapidly in the past year or two.Installing a huge virtual space online, participants can log in to Metaverse as "avatar" by CG, and have a variety of experiences, such as working and playing games in metaAraths.With the rapid development of VR technology in recent years, the avatar activity area in virtual space is approaching real (real world), and it has a practical meaning, not just "play".

Metaverse is understood as a virtual space of the visual main, but in order to enhance its reality, it is ideal to virtually reproduce not only visuals but also all five senses.

One of the research targets is hearing.By combining the two elemental technologies of "three -dimensional sound" and "localization of sound", the subject provides acoustic virtual space experience to the subject.Call.In the last five years, NEC, Sony, Apple, etc. have been announced and implemented on acoustic AR.

In 2020, Apple announced a new technology called the Dynamic Head Tracking Sound, and launched in Apple Music under the umbrella in September 2021.

The dynamic head tracking sound is a technology that detects the posture of a listener with headphones and earphones, and is located in a state of orientation according to the face of the listener.

However, when you actually watch the compatible content using this technology, you have to say that the degree of perfection is low.

There is a time lag for nearly 10 seconds, from moving your head to the pseudo -position of the sound source.

If you use it in metaverse, it is far from practical use and purely for music appreciation.

It looks as if Apple is forcibly implementing unfinished technology for some reason and entering this field.

Here, while organizing the history of acoustic AR, I would like to think about the meaning that Apple has entered the acoustic AR.