By, uav-jp 13/07/2022

What is the best recommendation if you buy the AirPods family for "spatial audio"?(& GP) --Yahoo! News



"AirPods (3rd generation)", "AirPods Pro", and "AirPods Max".What model is the most effective work for "spatial audio" when watching a movie or drama?

With the technology of "spatial audio" by the earphone headphones that Apple started in 2020, when viewing "Apple TV+" and "Netflix" on the iPad, the content produced by Dolby Atmos is a realistic surround.You can play with.[See all photos] The corresponding earphones and headphones have three models, "AirPods (3rd generation)", "AirPods Pro" and "AirPods Max", but when watching movies and dramas, "spatial audio" is "spatial audio".What model is the most effective work?I actually prepared three models and compared them.

AirPodsファミリーを「空間オーディオ」目的で買うなら一番のオススメは?(&GP) - Yahoo!ニュース

The high quality of "AirPodsmax" is truly true!

A very expensive headphone model "AirPods Max"

First of all, from the introduction of three models."AirPods (3rd generation)" is the latest model just released in October 2021.It is an open earphone closest to the shape of the original AirPods, and it is said that "spatial audio" + "dynamic head tracking" is the highlight.The continuous playback time of the earphone body is 6 hours.The price is the most affordable and 23,800 yen.Next is the long -selling "AirPods Pro" released in October 2019.It is a canal type (earplug type) earphone, which is also very popular as an active noise cancellation -compatible earphone that reduces the surrounding noise.It is also a model that supports "spatial audio" + "dynamic head tracking" for the first time.The continuous playback time of the earphone body is 4.5時間。価格は3万580円です。そして唯一のオーバーヘッド型ヘッドホンの「AirPods Max」。2020年12月発売で、登場から約1年になるモデルです。独自の音響設計と左右2つの「H1」チップを搭載し、こちらもアクティブ・ノイズキャンセル対応。連続再生時間は20時間。ワイヤレスヘッドホンとしては高額な6万7980円という価格でも注目を集めました。今回、“空間オーディオ”聴き比べてみた作品は、「Apple TV+」でdelivery中の『ファウンデーション』という作品の冒頭約5分。対応ヘッドホンを接続した状態で音量バーを長押しすると、“空間オーディオ”と“ダイナミックヘッドトラッキング”を有効にできます。“ダイナミックヘッドトラッキング”をOnにしていると、顔をiPadから向かって横にすると正面高い位置にあるナレーション位置もナナメにズレますが、ほぼ真正面に顔を向けて聴いていてもOnの方が不思議と空間をリアルに感じられてきます。では聴き比べてきましょう。「AirPods(第3世代)」は、唯一の開放型のイヤホンですが、冒頭のナレーションから空間の中に浮かぶ声の位置再現までリアル。声はとても明瞭で通りが良く、密度感より、音のヌケの良さや音が飛び込んでくるような聞こえ方に本物っぽさを感じます。乗り物の移動感、轟音も空間の振動も再現していて、作りモノ感のなさが優秀。続いて「AirPods Pro」。空間再現のリアルさは「AirPods(第3世代)」と全く同じタイプですが、声はヌケずに密度のある声として聴こえるイメージ。声の実体もハッキリしているのですが、音の出どころが明確に分かりすぎて、イヤホンで聴いている感が分かってしまうところも…。轟音や音の移動も上手く再現しますが、良くも悪くも音の実体がハッキリと分かります。最後に「AirPodsMax」。ナレーションの聴こえ方は、声に適度に存在感があって密度感もあるのだけど、音の出どころが分かってもさらに繊細さもあり、とにかく音質が良くリアル。BGMまでの空間が果てしなく遠くて、ヘッドホンで聴いている感覚すら超えています。低音のリアルに空気を揺らす再現はとても優秀です。

The correct answer is to choose a model without stress such as a feeling of wearing and continuous playback time

The surround experience of "Spatial Audio" is provided in a form that is integrated into the iOS/iPad OS and is a very well controlled function.The reproducibility of a "spatial audio", such as in which position it can be heard and the sound to the back of the naname, is almost the same as compared with three models of the AirPods family.After that, there is a difference in the way of hearing as an earphone headphone, so the correct answer is to choose a model without stress such as wearing and continuous playback time.If you choose a personal recommended for “spatial audio”, it is an “AirPods (3rd generation)” that is worn and is overwhelmingly easy and effective.
