By, uav-jp 26/03/2023

Children's New Year's gift situation, 64.7% "savings" How much do they receive?

"Fact-finding survey on children's New Year's gifts" was conducted

Children's New Year's gift situation, 64.7%

 Sure Innovation (Osaka City), which is engaged in a life plan consulting business, conducted a "Fact-finding Survey on Children's New Year's Gifts" targeting men and women in their 30s and 40s who have children aged 0 to 12 nationwide. More than 80% answered that the total amount of children's New Year's gifts was "less than 30,000 yen." [Image] See the amount of money The total amount of New Year's presents received by children under the age of 12 is less than 10,000 yen at 38.2% and less than 30,000 yen at 44.0%, with these two accounting for over 80%. On the other hand, 1.2% of respondents answered 70,000 yen or more. In many households, mothers manage the New Year's money received by their children, accounting for 77.1%. The most common use of New Year's money was "savings" (64.7%), followed by "buying things for children (education-related)" (18.0%) and "leaving it up to children" (15.7%). Although the number was small, there were also responses such as "household expenses" and "insurance." Also, looking at how children spend their New Year's money by age, the percentage of children who "leave it up to their children" increased by 18.4% when their children were 6 to 9 years old (lower grades of elementary school), and 10 to 12 years old. (Elementary school upper grades) reach 33.3%. It can be seen that the reason why children decide how to use their New Year's money is because they enter elementary school. The survey was conducted online from December 23rd to 26th. The survey targets men and women aged 30 to 49 who have at least one child aged 0 to 12. There were 1208 valid responses.

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