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How do you blur the background with ZOOM?How to deal with it when you can't blur | [Manamina] Manabaru everyone's data marketing magazine

Released on December 02, 2021

Web Conference (13) Tools (19)

With the spread of remote work, a rapidly spread WEB conference tool "ZOOM".ZOOM has a convenient function to blur the background without having to set the background image.This section describes how to improve the background blur in Zoom or if it does not work.


table of contents

● What is the Zoom background blur function?● The background blur is not possible with the browser version Zoom!Download the app for free !!● Zoom version is required to blur the background● Procedure to blur the background with zoomZoom5.5.0以上なのに「ぼかし」がないケースZoom会議の途中から背景をぼかす方法● You can blur the background with the smartphone version ZOOM● Don't blur the background with ZOOM!Trouble shooting by hardwareZoomで不具合が出た場合、すべてのハードウェアでもう一度確認すべき事項MacでZoomの背景ぼかしができない場合AndroidでZoomの背景ぼかしができない場合iPhone、iPad(iOS)でZoomの背景ぼかしができない場合● In the back hand when ZOOM cannot blur the background「SnapCamera」をインストール● About the basics of ZOOM, recording methods, and other web conference tools● Summary of Zoom's background blur● FAQ on Zoom background blur function

What is the Zoom background blur function?

The ZOOM conference is a convenient tool that allows you to participate in meetings at your favorite place, such as home.However, it will be reflected behind yourself, so it is inconvenient if you do not want to show your room too much to other members who participate in the meeting.A convenient method that does not show the back is the "background blur".As the name suggests, it is a function that only blurs the background, and you can see yourself (person) clearly.In addition, if you do not want to reflect the background, there is a "virtual background" as a similar function.

Explains how to set Zoom virtual background background.How to avoid it if it doesn't work!

With the increase in remote work and home work, ZOOM uses more frequently.Although it is a ZOOM that can be easily confronted to the web, if you do not want to reflect the background in a privacy because the background is messy, we recommend setting the virtual background (virtual background).I will explain in detail about the virtual background that can be set with the free version of Zoom.

The background blur is not possible with the browser version Zoom!Download the app for free !!

Before explaining the background blurring of Zoom, I will tell you one important thing.If you are participating in the ZOOM conference on the Web browser (IE, Chrome, etc.) from the ZOOM URL sent to the email, you will not be able to blur the background.If you want to blur the background with ZOOM, install the ZOOM app is required on a personal computer.You can download the app here.By the way, the ZOOM app can be downloaded for free.

Zoom version is required to blur the background

The Zoom version is essential to blur the background of ZOOM.To blur the background, the Zoom version must be "5.5.0" or more.This version is common to Windows and Mac.The method of checking the Zoom version is displayed at the bottom of the screen at the time of startup.If this number is a larger number (new version) than "5.5.0", the minimum conditions for the background blur in Zoom can be cleared.

If the version is smaller than "5.5.0" (old version), you need to update.The typical methods are as follows.Step 1: Start Zoom 2: Click the profile icon at the top right of the screen 3: Click "Confirm Update"

If the version is old, a pop -up "Update!" Appears, and you can update to the new version by clicking the "Update" button.Depending on the version, when Zoom starts, "New version can be used. Update" is displayed at the top of the screen.Click "Update" here to start updating immediately.

Procedure to blur the background with zoom

If you can update the Zoom version to "5.5.0", the procedure to blur the background is very simple.* The image listed as an example is the Mac version, but the procedure is almost the same as the Windows version Zoom.Step 1: Click the gear icon (setting) at the top right of the screen

Step 2: Click on "Background and Filter" 3: Select "Blur" from "Virtual Background"

Zoomで背景のぼかしはどうやる?ぼかせない場合の対処方法も解説 | [マナミナ]まなべるみんなのデータマーケティング・マガジン


In some cases, the Zoom version is 5.5.0 or more, but there are cases where "blur" is not displayed in the "virtual background". This is more likely that the hardware (PC) side does not support the virtual background. If your computer is not compatible = roasted, you will not be able to meet the virtual background requirements. The specifications of PC (Windows) that meet the requirements for the virtual background are as follows. Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 -bit) Supported processors (720p background video) Inteli5, i7, i92 or higher or higher or more and 6th generation to ATOM and Y series require Intelgpu -equipped processor OS requires Windows 10, 64 -bit version. there is. Supported processor (1080p background video) Inteli7, i9, Xeon4 core or higher or higher generation or higher or higher generation or more Intelcpu, HD620 If you have a built -in graphics: Windows10 (64 -bit) ZOOM Client Version 5.0.4 or later driver version 26.20.xx.xx I72 core or i52 core, sub -version 7323 or later subsequent version 26.20 or later Other Intel processor 6 or more Core 4th generation or more ATOM and Y series 8 core 8 core Above, 3.0GHz or more or 12 core or more AMD-ryzen5, 7, 9 or later, can the background be blurred on a computer that doesn't meet the requirements? As you might think, you can blur the background in another way. The procedure will be introduced later.

Until now, the background of the background in the Zoom introduced is to set a blur in advance before the meeting, but if you want to blur the background in a hurry during the meeting, you can immediately respond.Step 1: Click "^" on the right side of "Start Video" at the bottom of the meeting screen 2: Click "Select Virtual Background"

Step 3: Select "Blur" from "Virtual Background"

It is important to note that the "^" button on the right of the first "Start Video" icon is a little difficult to understand.Subsequent procedures are the same as the first setting, so you can easily set them.

You can blur the background with the smartphone version ZOOM

So far, we have introduced how to blur the background of the PC version of Zoom, but it is also possible to blur the background in the smartphone version ZOOM (Android, iPhone, iPad).In addition, in the smartphone version ZOOM, the background blur was slow (after May 2021), so we recommend checking and updating the version just in case.The procedure is the same for both the Android version and the iOS version.Step 1: Tap the screen, display the toolbar at the bottom procedure 2: Tap the "..." button and select "Background and Filter" 3: Select "Blur" from the "Background" tab.Please note that when blurring, preliminary settings cannot be made like a personal computer version and can only be set during the meeting.

Don't blur the background with ZOOM!Trouble shooting by hardware


I can't blur the background with ZOOM!In that case, I will introduce the items to be confirmed again.・ Are you signing in to ZOOM?・ Is the virtual background enabled?・ Is the version 5.5.0?・ Is it hard to meet the requirements for virtual background?The first two tend to overlook surprisingly, so please check again.

In some cases, it is not so old, but rather a new Mac can not blur the background. It is an example of a MacBook (Air) equipped with an i3 processor released in 2020 does not meet the background blur requirements and cannot blur. The specifications of the Mac that can blur the background are as follows. MacOS10.13 or later support processor (720p background video) AppleM1 (MacBookAir, Pro) Inteli52 or 6th generation to 6th generation or later MacOS10.14 or Inteli5, i7, i9, Xeon444 or more Inteli7, i9, Xeon2 Core 6 or more. Since other Intel processor 6 or more ATOM and Y -series, processors 8 or more processors (1080p background video) AppleM1 (MacBookPro only) Inteli54 or more, 5th generation or more, 7th or more. From generations, 2.0GHz or more INTELI74 or more core or more core or more, 2nd generation, Xeon4 core or more and other Intel processors 6 or more ATOM and Y series 8 or more processors other than Intel.

Looking at the conditions of "RAM" and "GPU", it seems that it is a relatively new Android smartphone.Check if the hardware applies to the following requirements.I need a new version of the CPU

The iPhone and iPad are also new and high -spec.Check if the hardware applies to the following requirements.ZOOM Mobile App Version 5.6.6 or later iPhone8, 8+, model 5th generation, 6th generation 9.7 -inch iPad 7th generation 10.2 -inch iPadipadProzoom "Virtual Background System requirements" Click here for details

In the back hand when ZOOM cannot blur the background

The Zoom app itself has been updated and version 5.5.0 or more, but the hardware can not meet the blur's requirements, so you can't blur. Try the following methods as a last resort.This is a method of outputting images through the processing app of the background blur.



By installing the "Snapcamera" app, you can select "Snapcamera" in addition to the default camera in Zoom."Snapcamera" has a function called "lens", and it is a mechanism that allows you to use various virtual backgrounds by changing the lens.The background that seems to be blurred is a variety of backgrounds when you enter "backgroundblur" or "background" from the search window of "Snapcamera"."Snapcamera", but not only Windows but also Mac version is available.

About the basics of ZOOM, recording methods, and other web conference tools

Due to the increase in remote work around the world due to the new colon virus infection, ZOOM users have increased by 10 million in December 2019 to 300 million at the peak in April 2020.Did.Participants are free, so many people may have participated in ZOOM at a web meeting.See the following articles for the basics of ZOOM, recording methods for hosting, and comparison of other web conferences.

Summary of Zoom's background blur

The most important thing to do Zoom background blur is the Zoom version check.It is essential that the version is 5.5.0 or more, so whether it is Windows or Mac, the first step is to update to the version 5.5.0 or higher.If you blur the background with a smartphone version Zoom, the corresponding version is more important than the PC version because it has been corresponded after May 2021.If the requirements are not satisfied in terms of hardware, you can use "Snapcamera" to achieve Zoom background blur.When using Snapcamera, it is important to change to "Snapcamera" by selecting Zoom's camera.

FAQ on Zoom background blur function

If you do not want the background to be reflected during the WEB meeting, ZOOM can use the "virtual background" function to set the background image and the "background blur" function that blures the background other than the person.

If you do not have a PC on the go, you may participate in a web meeting from your smartphone or tablet.The smartphone version ZOOM can also use the background blur function since May 2021!Please check the text for the setting method.

Of course, you can blur the background with the Mac version Zoom.There is no problem if the Zoom's version is "5.5.0" or more, and the Mac specification meets the background blur requirements.One thing to keep in mind in the Mac version of Zoom is that the MacBook (Air) equipped with an i3 processor released in 2020 does not meet the specifications, so it can not be blurred.

Check out these three points in order to see if it is a browser version of Zoom, the Zoom is not old, or if the hardware you are using meets the background blur requirements.

If Zoom's background blur does not work well due to setting or hardware issues, there is a way to install video processing apps such as "Snapcamera".Please check the text for the setting method.

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