By, uav-jp 16/06/2022

How to round the ISUTA icon?Introducing a special arrangement tech where the special iPhone home screen is completed

This time, we introduce techniques that round the icon form on the iPhone home screen.

We use three apps: "Yidget", "Widgy" and "Shortcut".

By changing the icon from a square to a round type, you can complete a home screen customization with a different impression.

1. Skush the home screen and app icon

First, press and hold the home screen and swipe the screen to the left.Once the dock is empty, squeeze the home screen where there is nothing icon.

Next, the home screen with the app that you want to change round is a squash.Trim only the pattern of the icon and save one by one.

If you have all the necessary icon images, proceed to the next step.

2. Create an icon background with "Yidget"

Here, we use the widget creation app "YidGet".I will make the background image of the icon.

Tap "Create" at the bottom, and select the vacant home screen screensho taken earlier.When the image is open, press the save mark at the lower right.

Select <...> at the bottom right of the saved image, and tap "Save Trimmed Images".

In the icon column, select the background part you want to place the app icon and press the save button at the bottom right.

If the background is a single color, you can just save one image.If there is a pattern on the wallpaper, please save all the necessary background images.

Save the dock item in the same way.This completes the operation of the app "Yidget".


3. Round the icon with "Widgy"

Next is the application "Widgy", and the icon form is rounded.The number of work is large only for the first time, but if you complete one, you can proceed smoothly with duplication, so please be assured.

ISUTA アイコンを丸くする方法って?こだわりiPhoneホーム画面が完成する、とっておきのアレンジテクをご紹介

First, select "Widgy Small" from the new creation.

Tap "Add a new layer" and press the image.

When the layer opens, select "System" in the item.

Next, from the photo library, select the icon background created in "Yidget" earlier.

* Since the background color of the dock part is different from the top of the home screen, please specify the background for the dock and perform the same operation in the following.

Once with a left -facing arrow, return to the previous page.

Tap the duplication from "..." in the image.The duplicated image is displayed at the top, so please select this.

For the new layer, go in the order of "Image → System → Photo Library" and apply the app icon image.

In the "effect" item, it is OK if you set the value of Kakumaru to 50 %.

Select "Confirm" with the arrow mark on the upper left.

Tap the rounded icons and proceed to the "share".

Select "Share Image Preview" and press to complete the round icon!

To replace it with another icon image and save it, select "Copy and Edit".Just replace the image with a different app, you can mass -produce round icons.

When all the icons are finished round, close "Widgy".


4. Set the round icon with "Shortcut"

Finally, select a round icon image in the camera roll in the app "Shortcut" installed by default.Please see this article for how to use "Shortcut".

Various app icons were able to make a round type.Not only the default icon design, but also the original icon images and widgets can be rounded.

If you want to create a home screen with a different atmosphere than before, please try it.

ISUTA also introduces various techniques related to home screen customization.Please check it out too.

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