By, uav-jp 28/09/2022

How will it change?Tech policy of the new President of Biden -A environment surrounding GAFA, which is increasingly severe, such as antitrust law and fake restrictions -North American Market, where cross -industry collaboration of customer data is progressing ~ Current of the second party data in the United States -How did ABM change due to Corona? ~ B2B Marketing at the forefront in the United States -Contactless Society with Corona's evils -The technology and services evolved in retail and medical care that spread throughout the United States-

Fake News and Social Media

 I mentioned clearly fake news on November 5, 2016.In the previous 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were competing, and three days before the voting, an article "Denver Guardian" was released in Denver Guardian, three days before the voting.When he saw his wife's high school Trump supporters and conservative Christian friends shared on Facebook.

 While thinking about the credibility of this article, if you click on other articles in "Denver Guardian" or "About US (about this site)", you just get a message saying "there is no page".Nothing is displayed.And if you search a little and check it out, the domain Denverguardian, which seemed to be on the newspaper company site.COM was found to be a completely fake news site.

 The actually existing newspaper THE DENVER POST is an article on the same day that the domain was just registered in July 2016 and the article was fake.Later, this domain is USATODAY.It has been found that it is operated by a company called DISINFOMEDIA as a fake news site that resembles the domain of other major news sites such as COM.A public radio NPR reported that 20-25 writers wrote fake news, the above-mentioned article was shared more than 500,000 times on Facebook and 1.6 million times, including the Trump supporter forums.

 Even before this, the conservative site "FOX NEWS" and the far -right news site "BREITBART" often played fake news (BREITBART later was the chairman of Steve Bannon, the president of the former President Trump's election.Mercer parent and child who became a hedge fund in the billionaire is investing).

~独禁法、フェイク規制など厳しさを増すGAFAを取り巻く環境~ 顧客データの異業種連携が進む北米市場
~アメリカにおけるセカンドパーティデータ利用の現在~ コロナ禍でABMはどう変革したか?
~米国におけるB2Bマーケティング最前線~ コロナ禍が推し進めるコンタクトレス社会

 It has also been reported that CAMBRIDGE Analytica, a British political psychological operation company, also serves as a member of Steve Bannon, has hired a data scientist from Cambridge University, and has been investigating a political advertising psychological campaign.

 The method is to collect psychological profiles from Facebook's 80 million users' account data, use it to create fake news content that fears voters, and spread on Facebook and Twitter.It has been discussed that social media such as fake news, Facebook that expands it, and Twitter will break democracy.

 Four years since President Trump, the tendency of this fake news has been increasing.He himself shares many conservative sites, fake news and lie comments from the far -right influencer, say that "the new colon virus is gone soon", demonstrations against immigration and racism.He has been actively spreading fake news, such as lying over 30,000 during the period.

 In addition, in the conservative forums and social groups, Bill Gates believes in the conspiracy theory that "Corona vaccine has a tracking nanodibase" and a Democratic party and Hollywood officials "sucking the blood of children".People share various fake news and far -right influencer comments.

 Former President Trump made a lie again that after the 2020 election war, there were many election frauds and that Biden had not won.The Trump camp made about 60 trials after the Republican Secretary of State, including the Republican Party, and the Trump camp made about 60 trials.The evidence and witnesses are completely unreliable, and most claims have been defeated or rejected.

 But even now, Trump and Republican supporters do not admit the victory of Biden at all.Former President Trump has a message encouraged to gather in the US Congress, which leads to the US Council attack.