By, uav-jp 11/07/2022

I want to nurture human resources who have the spirit of supporting Japan for sightseeing

Avoid mismatches with internships closer to real than Junior College for those who have learned the tourism field to continue to play an active role in the industry

 Setouchi Tourism Specialized Junior College is a university that just opened in April this year.Opening of Corona is not a good time for universities with tourism specializing in education, but there is no doubt that the tourism industry will regain vibrant.What are the human resources image of this industry, and what are the ability to train in the future?Yoshihide Aoki, who is from Japan Airlines and is currently the president of the school, answered.(Listor: Our representative director and travel vision published person Naoki Okada)



Yoshihide Aoki (hereafter abbreviation) Born in Tokyo in 1948.He joined Japan Airlines in 1972 and joined Japan Airlines, and after working in the airport department, he became a Madrid branch manager in the General Affairs Department and Labor Department.Madrid had a UN World World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and he deepened his interaction with various people.At that time, for the first time as a national university, the Faculty of Tourism was newly established at Wakayama University.One of the people who had interacted was invited to do it because he was looking for a teacher with a business experience in the tourism industry at Wakayama University, and became a visiting professor in 2012 and became a teaching platform.Later, the Seitochi Tourism Specialist Junior College opened in April 2021 and was appointed president.


観光で日本を支える気概を持った人材を育てたいーせとうち観光専門職短期大学 学長 青木義英氏 | 観光産業 最新情報 トラベルビジョン

Aoki Specialized Junior College is a new school system born in the revision of the School Education Law, and it is a role to provide a place where you can learn both the theory and the practice in a well -balanced manner.The university was opened as Japan's first specialized professional junior college.There was also a difficulty before opening.It was particularly difficult to get the Ministry of Education convinced that sightseeing corresponded to a professional.The graduate of the medical school will be a doctor.But will the Faculty of Tourism become a tourist expert?Why is it necessary as a professional?I had to explain it.

 So I also referred to the university example.Of the four -year universities, 20%to 25%of the graduates of the tourism department.The reality is that half of them will change jobs within 5 years.The cause is that students get a job in the tourist field without knowing the tourism practice.I want those who originally learned about tourism to be active in the tourist field.To that end, he explained that a place for education is necessary based on the practice of a tourist professional junior college.

 The university's characteristic is to "develop human resources who can become experts in the tourist field after graduation."Conversely, the reality is that universities with tourism -related faculties have not always been able to produce human resources.That's why we want to be the core and produce experts.


There are three Aoki pillars.First of all, since sightseeing is migrated, we will develop experts that can be used in the fields such as railways, airlines, buses, and ferry.In addition, we stay at the destination, so one of the pillars is an expert that can be used in accommodation businesses such as hotels and inns.The most important thing is an expert that has the power to discover and discover tourism resources and connect it to regional revitalization.

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