By, uav-jp 18/12/2022

If you don't have pixel 6 options, choose "Samsung Galaxy S22/ S22+"

If you don't have pixel 6 options, choose "Samsung Galaxy S22/ S22+"

Samsungの2022年フラッグシップモデルGalaxy S22シリーズ。最上機機種のS22 Ultraはやりすぎ説もあり、価格と高スペックで人も選ぶモデルだと思います。が、S22/ S22+ならどうでしょう。フラグシップとして多くの層が今求めるものがしっかりはいっており、Ultraほどのマシマシ過剰感はなし。米Gizmodoがレビューをアップしました。日本国内発売前に、検討材料としてどうぞ。【全画像をみる】If you don't have pixel 6 options, choose "Samsung Galaxy S22/ S22+"スマホ買い替えようかなというAndroidユーザーで、GoogleのPixelは選択肢にないという人、もうSamsung Galaxy S22一択かと思いますが。最高位機種のS22 Ultraほど最先端ではないものの、美しいスクリーンに安定したパフォーマンス、バッテリーもち、デジタルズームなどフラッグシップらしい内容になっています。先に言っておくと、やっぱりカメラ・写真の出来はPixel 6に軍配が上がりますけどね。しかも、Pixel 6の方がずっと安いんですけどね。そこはまぁ、うん。むしろGoogleすごいなって素直に思うわ。Galaxy S22は、基本のS22が800ドルから、S22+が1000ドルから。Ultraは今は横に置いておくとして、基本モデルと+モデルでどちらがいいかは、手触りやバッテリー、夜間撮影するかどうかが検討材料です。Samsung Galaxy S22/Galaxy S 22+これは何?:Samsungの2022年フラッグシップ端末価格:S22が800ドルから、S22+が1000ドルから好きなところ:美しすぎるディスプレイ、バッテリーもちよし、動画能力の高さ好きじゃないところ:暗所撮影もうちょいほしかったなー、S22はWifi 6EとUWB(超広帯域無線)が非対応2つの選択肢S22にする? それともS22+?Ultraは別格扱いで、S22とS22+の2つは同ラインというのがSamsungの扱い方。公式ウェブサイトもUltraとS22/S22+でページ分けてますからね。で、どっちにしようかなって悩みます。S22は6.1 inch, S22+is 6.6 inches.This time, the S22+who reviewed the actual machine by customizing the OS with the Pochakko theme.It is an option similar to the lineup of Galaxy S21 last year, but Apple is still conscious.The size is quite similar to the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max.If you put it side by side and look a little away, you may not know which one is.The difference between the S22 and S22+size, S22+was better.S22+slightly wider than iPhone 13 Pro, which is slightly smaller than Pixel 6 Pro.When I touched it with the first hands -on, I thought that the S22 was a size that would fit in my hand, but it was S22+that fits my lifestyle.There are many videos on smartphones, and the pictures of the picture in the picture function during multitasking, so the larger the screen, the more convenient the screen is convenient.The fit of the hand and the fit of life are different, this is important.I think the screen and terminal size is the biggest hesitation point, but it's still early to decide on S22 because it's small.S22 is smaller in the battery.There is no specification in S22+and ULTRA, which is up to 1750 nits of the screen.For network connections, S22 is not compatible with WiFi 6e and UWB (Super Width Radio).So, there is no so -called future roof, so it is difficult to use it for a long time.If you decide the terminal, the rest is color.I really liked the pink gold sent on the review terminal this time.Both models are the same colored, phantom white, green, pink gold, and phantom black.The back does not have to slide like pixel.The contents of the stable performance S22 are Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, and the memory is 8GB and the capacity is 256GB.If you think this specification is weak, please go to ULTRA dignifiedly.Ultra is a 12GB memory of up to 1TB storage!So, after all, the difference in memory is naturally performed.In Geekbench's benchmark, S22+has a slightly lower score than Ultra.In addition, although it is lost compared to the iPhone 13 Pro equipped with A15 Bionic chip, it is positioned higher than Pixel 6 with Google seal TPU chip.It is one of the highlights of the smartphone industry in the future with its own chips and other companies' chips in the future.However, I want to remember that the benchmark test is only a terminal performance indicator number, and is different from everyday use.Then, I didn't feel any problems with Galaxy S22+that I used every day for a week.I took a video or edited it on Inshot, but there was no inconvenience.Web viewing (Samsung browser, Chrome, Duckduckgo) was also stable.I used Samsung's paid theme (Pochakko), but there was no problem with the web viewing in terms of design.What I was worried about was that the terminal became quite hot while editing a video on Tiktok.The battery is 3700mAh for S22 and 4500mAh for S22+, and the S22+used in the review recorded 15 hours and 20 minutes with the editorial battery test (endless playback of YouTube video).If this is Ultra, the screen will be bigger at 5000mAh, but there is about an hour plus, so this will also be helpful for selecting a terminal.There is no dissatisfaction with the S22 battery, but the long -lasting best battery on Android devices is Pixel 6 Pro.So, if the top priority is the battery, is it a Pixel 6 Pro?In terms of camera sloping cameras that are not the best but satisfying enough, Google is the top, and I want Samsung to take the throne a little more.Not only the main pixel, but also the cheap series Pixel A line is the quality of the industry's top class.Using the S22 series, I understand that Samsung is working hard to take the top and moving forward.However, it is not the top yet.S22+is a triple rear camera, the main 50MP wide angle (F value 1).8) It is a 12MP ultra wider, 10MP telephoto (3x optical, 30 times digital zoom).Like ULTRA, only the main camera can shoot with full image quality.I think that I was able to take pictures that were almost satisfactory in the shooting results, and that they were cloudy.I think the sharpness of the overall image is pixel level.However, I was puzzled to find a focus point while shooting, and I was not satisfied with the result of the zoom photo.By the way, the zoom of S22+is of course not as high as Ultra's maximum zoom, but it is easy to use the shortcut of zoom, and it is useless compared to Ultra in the first place.The video ability of S22+is also good.I am a type that shoots a lot of everyday life, and I often post it on the net.I shot a snow dome DIY video for Tiktok with a 10MP cellphy camera, but I was surprised at the high quality because the fine sound was firmly entered.The image stabilization of the rear camera is also good, and the shooting of children running around is also satisfactory!Although the shooting of dark places has been improved considerably, it is not as good as Pixel 6.After all, pixel has a large software power and has a long shutter opening time, so even if you compare it with ULTRA, Pixel 6 wins (Ultra has an Expert Raw mode that allows you to adjust the exposure time).Are you buying?In the S22 series, Samsung's unique One UI 4 in Android 12.The OS with 1 is used.This is where the likes and dislikes are divided.Personally, at this stage, I think it is smoother than Material You and it's not bad.According to Samsung, security apde will be guaranteed for four years, and there is also the latest Android feature released in the S22 series.Nowadays, the collaboration between Samsung and Google is quite deep, so I don't think it will take so long for the Pixel -only function to come to others (Samsung).So, if you are buying, if you are an Android user who dislikes pixel, I think S22/S22+choice.I'm not good at the touch of Pixel 6, so it's an S22 school.Especially in the camera, it loses to pixel 6, but it still has enough performance.S22/S22+is a basic line, so it's not the industry's best, but it's too much for most people.

If you don't have pixel 6 options, choose