By, uav-jp 25/07/2022

Is logistics DX a high hurdle?Recommended article for you from definition to introduction that can be understood in 5 minutes

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Many people involved in the logistics industry may think like this.

In the logistics industry that has problems such as labor shortage and the frequency of small mouths, DX is indispensable for increasing business performance during the aftercorona era.

However, even if you look at it, I think that "DX in logistics" may be difficult to understand with many expertise and difficult words.

Therefore, this time, I will explain in detail from the explanation of DX words in logistics to the area where DX can be realized, the case of logistics DX, and the introduction.

If you read this article, you will surely deepen your knowledge of "DX in logistics".Please read it to the end!

table of contents

  • Three issues in the logistics industry
  • Mechanization of logistics | 4 areas that can realize DX
  • Digitization of logistics | Three areas that can realize DX
  • 4 cases of logistics DX
  • Three initiatives of administrative organizations | To realize Japan's "strong logistics"
  • Three things to do to incorporate logistics DX
  • summary
  • What is DX in logistics? | Mechanization and digitalization multiplication

    I have heard the word DX in recent years, but I think some people may have an ambiguous understanding of DX or to understand DX in logistics in the first place.

    So, first, let's deepen the Understanding of DX and the word logistics DX.

    Before entering the main subject, let's first review DX (digital transformation).

    DX was a concept proposed by Professor Eric Starman of the University of Sweden in 2004, saying, "IT penetration changes people's lives in a better direction."

    As a corporate perspective, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

    It is defined.

    ▼ Click here if you want to know more about DX

    AI専門ニュースメディア AINOWDX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)とは? 定義・スキル・事例を解説2020年、日本では少子高齢化による人手不足などの影響で、デジタルによる業務変革の重要性が高まっています。また、急激に環境が変化する中、企業が予測できないリスクに迅速に対応したり、場所にとらわれないオンラインが前提の業務を行うために、DX(デジタルトラ...

    The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism explains logistics DX as follows.

    The specific DX initiatives referred to by "mechanization" and "digitalization" will be explained in detail later.Here, keep in mind that mechanization x digitalization = logistics DX.

    Three issues in the logistics industry

    There are three issues in the logistics industry:

    1. ドライバーの人手不足
    2. コロナ禍の新たな課題
    3. トラックの積載率の減少

    I will explain each.

    In Japan, the declining birthrate is declining, and the shortage of workers is a problem.

    According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's "Change of situation in 2050," Japan's population is expected to decrease to about 100 million in 2050.

    Looking at the decline in population by age, it is said that from 2015 to 2050, the population of production aged will decrease by about 24 million and the young population will decrease by about 5.2 million.

    Under such circumstances, the shortage of truck drivers is serious.

    Focusing on the truck driver's effective job openings ratio, you can see that the labor shortage is higher than in all industries.

    Effective job openness ratio

    Freight driver: 2015 1.72 times → 2020 1.94 times

    (Reference) All industries: 2015 1.11 times → 2020 1.01 times

    * Calculated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare data

    The logistics industry is changing significantly with the trend of the new colon virus infection.

    B2B logistics transportation income, which is a business inter -company transaction, has decreased significantly.As part of the infection countermeasures, production activities have stagnated in many factories.

    This is one of the reasons why the demand for materials and parts has decreased, and the import of raw materials from overseas has decreased.

    On the other hand, BtoC logistics, which are transactions between companies and general consumers, are increasing.The number of courier services handled in 2020 increased by about 10 to 20%compared to the previous year.

    This is one of the reasons why the demand for nesting consumption has expanded due to the corona evil, and the size of the electronic commercial transaction (EC) market has expanded further.

    In addition, the recommendation of "social distance" was widely used, and the element of "non -contact / non -face -to -face" was born in the logistics service.

    The logistics industry is changing to respond to new demand born of these new colon virus infections.

    The loading rate is often used as a scale of transportation efficiency, and the higher the loading rate, the better the transportation efficiency.The fact that this loading rate is declining year by year is the challenge in the logistics industry.

    The reason for this is that there are many short -time cargoes that can specify the delivery time zone and the time required from ordering to delivery to delivery.

    In addition to this, factors related to the EC market, which are expanding the scale year by year, is the increase in demand for redelivery.

    The number of services handled in 2019 is 43.With 200 million pieces, about 16%of them are redelivery.The redelivery rate has decreased in FY2020, but there is a possibility that the home rate has increased due to the influence of the new colon virus infection, so the decrease in loading rates due to the demand for redelivery in postcolona is a problem.Will be.


    Mechanization of logistics | 4 areas that can realize DX

    There are four areas in logistics that can realize DX by mechanization.

    1. 隊列走行・連結トラック
    2. 自動運航船
    3. ドローン配送
    4. 物流施設へのロボットの導入

    I will explain each.

    Trucking troops and the use of autonomous driving trucks can be expected to have a great effect on improving productivity, such as eliminating drivers and improving fuel efficiency.

    Although it is in the demonstration experiment stage, in March 2021, Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd. was a truck with the driver's driver's driver's seat in the Shinshu Morimachi PA (approximately 15 km) on the Shin -Tomei Expressway.Realized unmanned college driving technology.

    Source: Realize the following vehicle unmanned corps driving technology of trucks on the highway - Toyota Tsusho

    ▶関連記事|自動運転とは? 各レベル説明と15の実例を紹介>>

    Trucks are not only trucks that are responsible for logistics.

    In port logistics, it is attracting attention to the practical use of manned independent operations utilizing advanced technology such as AI and IoT.

    Autonomous ships are expected to decrease marine accidents and improve the sailor's working environment.

    Although it was in the demonstration experiment stage, in September 2019, Nippon Yusen succeeded in demonstration experiments on automatic operation technology.

    If practical use is fulfilled, it will enable automatic operations such as support for the state of ships from land, weather, and the peripheral information of the sea elephant, and the speed of operations such as speed, making it more safe and efficient ship navigation.It will be realized.

    Source: Successful demonstration experiment for autonomous operation for the first manned autonomous ship -Japan Yusen

    物流DXはハードルが高い?5分でわかる定義から導入まで あなたにおすすめの記事 あなたにおすすめの記事

    Drone delivery is currently undergoing demonstration experiments for the practical use of delivery in depopulated areas such as remote islands and mountainous areas with the support of the country and local governments.

    In addition, the government aims to realize an out -of -visual flight (level 4) in the manned zone of the drone in FY2022, and develop environments in terms of establishment of a pilot license system and establish operation management rules.We will promote it.

    When level 4 is lifted, you can conduct a demonstration experiment for door -to -door delivery in urban areas.It will be the key to help the logistics industry in the near future.


    Robots are being introduced in logistics facilities to eliminate labor shortages.

    Since 2019, Yamato Transport has succeeded in introducing automatic delivery robots in the sorting terminal of the Shanghai base, automating the process of picking and storing products to storage shelves at the time of arrival.

    Source: Automatic transport robot was used for companies that develop EC business in China ...

    Digitization of logistics | Three areas that can realize DX

    There are three areas that can realize DX by digital in logistics.

    1. 手続きの電子化
    2. 点呼、配車管理のデジタル化
    3. AIを活用した配送ルート作成

    I will explain each.

    Trade procedures and cargo collection procedures among many civil businesses are the current situation in faxes and telephones.

    By digitizing these, it is possible to consistently process various procedures, increasing work efficiency.It will also be possible to share the entered data by those involved in the procedure via the collaboration base.

    In particular, in the harbor logistics, the procedures are being digitized, and the "cyber port", which digitizes port logistics procedures between private businesses, is already used by private businesses such as Nippon Express, Twin and Nissan Motor.increase.

    Source: Operation of Cyber Port (Cyber Port) will start from April 1st.

    The truck driver needs to receive a pre -crew roll call at the beginning of a day of work.The driver must report on daily inspections and report on health and alcoholicism.

    Digitization of this roll call has already been commercialized.

    The IT -point -call keeper provided by Telenishi Co., Ltd. has made it possible to digitize roll calls.

    The driver can be rolled without going to the sales office, or automatically sends out the detection results to the sales office.This reduces the time to go to the remote sales office.

    You can also roll calls with a smartphone even in remote areas.

    Source: IT Enacta Called Keeper | To Corporate Customers | Telenishi Co., Ltd.

    Digitization of vehicle distribution management has already been commercialized.

    Until now, when distributing, digital management has been enabled that the slips are journaled for each course or area by journal.

    By digitizing, you can efficiently manage the distribution by delivery destinations and loading capacity.In addition, by using the return flight, it can be delivered without waste, which will reduce transportation costs.

    Source: Dispatch Management System: Hitachi Logistics Software Co., Ltd.

    It is essential to find an efficient route to increase the productivity of track delivery.

    JAXA venture certified company, Datafluct Co., Ltd. is the delivery route creation system "DataFluct Route-Optimization.] (Data Fract Route Optomization) is provided.

    This DX service collects the location information of trucks operated in various places, combines conditions such as luggage, number of delivery destinations, desired delivery time, and information on real -time external environments such as weather and traffic information.Make it possible to create the most efficient delivery route.

    Source: Delivery route prediction DX service that analyzes and contributes to maximizing corporate profits ...

    4 cases of logistics DX

    There are four cases of logistics DX:

    1. SGホールディングス|佐川急便が中核
    2. 日本郵船|日本最大の海運会社
    3. 菜鳥網絡(Cainiao Network)|アリババの物流担当
    4. 蘇寧易購|中国大手家電量販店

    I will explain each.

    See this page for more detailed explanations about DX brands.

    ▶関連記事|DX銘柄2021の選出企業一覧 |選ばれるポイントから取得の秘まで>>

    SG Holdings succeeded in optimizing the delivery route by digitizing the slip information.

    Considering the order of delivery, loading luggage was performed by human hands, but it is inefficient in manual work, and the fact that the accuracy differs depending on the skill of employees is a problem in the logistics industry.

    Therefore, SG Holdings worked on digitizing the slip information.

    Using AI-OCR to digitize delivery information can lead to optimizing delivery routes by AI, improving work efficiency, and accuracy.

    Source: AI system that automates Sagawa Express delivery slip input work is in this operation - SG ...

    Nippon Yusen has developed and launched an operation schedule for operating schedule for automotive ships in addition to the "world's first manned autonomous operation demonstration experiment by car -only ships".

    The operation schedule is formulated by combining operating conditions such as port calls, cargo loading, arrival date, and external environments such as weather on the route and harbor congestion.

    As a result, the operator was imposed and the creation of a mechanism to inherit the know -how was a problem.

    The operating schedule development support system developed by Nippon Yusen has enabled the optimal schedule with AI.

    By utilizing this system, you can make a schedule more efficiently than before, leading to long -term knowledge accumulation and inheritance.

    In addition, it is possible to formulate schedules that minimize the greenhouse gas emissioned by ships, and will greatly contribute to the realization of services that respond to climate change.

    Source: Develop a operation schedule for the automotive ship development support system - Nippon Yusen

    Alibaba Group's logistics work, CAINIAO Network, has improved the work efficiency of the logistics center work with the IoT digital system called the developed "CAINIAO LEMO".

    Employee tasks are automatically allocated through Cainiao Lemo, and with guidance such as vibration and light, workers can easily pick up luggage and replenish products.

    Source: AI / IoT / Digital to support the logistics network of CAINIAO ...

    Senni Purchase has realized an unmanned logistics warehouse.In the uninhabited warehouse, many cutting -edge technologies, such as automatic forklifts, unmanned transport robots, robot arms, and automatic packing machines, are gathered.

    The automation of the entire process that was performed by hand was performed, from receiving products to shelves, replenishment, packing, labeling, and sorting when ordered.

    One robot can extract 600 products per hour, and is 5 times more productive when a person works.From order to shipment, it can be completed in a minimum of 20 minutes.

    Source: Smart Logistics 5g An unmanned warehouse appears in Nanjing _ China Net - China Net


    Three initiatives of administrative organizations | To realize Japan's "strong logistics"

    The following three initiatives for "strong logistics" conducted by Japanese administrative organizations.

    1. ドローンを活用した物流の実用化支援|国土交通省
    2. AI・IoTの活用した輸送効率化事業補助金|経済産業省
    3. 食品流通の合理化に向けた取り組み|農林水産省

    I will explain each.

    The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has granted a subsidy to private businesses working on demonstration experiments, mainly in depopulated areas.

    Available in 2021 in 2021, subsidized businesses conducted demonstration experiments in various places.

    One of them is a demonstration experiment for pharmaceutical delivery using drones jointly, such as ANA Holdings Co., Ltd., Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nagasaki University, and Goto City.

    The flight section was about 16 km one way from Fukuejima Port to Kuga Island, Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture.

    Source: Pharmaceutical delivery is performed using a fixed wing vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) drone

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has granted subsidies to promote DX in logistics.

    The budget for the third year of the third year was 6.2 billion yen (new), which was the third largest business in the Energy Conservation Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

    This is a subsidy system aimed at saving energy by using AI and IoT, as well as the energy saving of truck transport and ship transportation.

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has set specific numerical targets, aiming to reduce energy consumption in the transportation department, including the ripple effect, by about 1.56 million kl by 2030.


    Source: Outline of Budget proposal 3rd FY31

    The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working on rationalization of food transport, which is 97%truck transportation.In transporting fresh food, the challenge is that the truck driver's burden is large because of the low order of the product and the frequency.

    In response to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Hokkaido worked on the efficiency of agricultural product transportation using pallets.We aimed to reduce the burden on the truck driver by changing the rose of cardboard to the pallet transport.

    In November 2020, the collection JA, the loading time measured in the delivery market and the recovery rate of pallets, etc., we are considering improvement measures, and are working on rationalization.

    Source: Food distribution rationalization (promotion of a nationwide -led nationwide pallet integrated management system ...

    Three things to do to incorporate logistics DX

    There are three things to do to incorporate logistics DX.

    1. 関連書籍を読む
    2. セミナーに足を運ぶ
    3. コンサルタント紹介

    I will explain each.

    The easiest way to learn DX knowledge and skills in logistics is to read related business books.

    One of the highly evaluated logistics DX business books is "Logistics DX Network: Basic Knowledge of Connected Logistics for Business Person".

    The easy -to -understand explanations of basic technologies using the illustrations of Yasuhisa Nakamura, who were leading the IoT business at Yupie Earl Co., Ltd., and the illustrations of Nihon University and Professor Kuninari Suzuki.

    It covers a wide range and can understand the trends of logistics DX.

    Source: For logistics DX network business person


    In addition to reading business books, seminars are recommended as a way to easily learn logistics DX knowledge and skills.

    One of the recommended events that will be held soon will be "Smart Logistics EXPO" scheduled to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from January 19 to 21, 2022.

    In addition to the latest exhibitions such as IoT, AI, and robots that promote logistics DX, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Yamato Transport Co., Ltd., Intel Co., Ltd., Sapporo Group Logistics Co., Ltd., Japan Freight Railway, Johnson End JohnsonA seminar by 16 government agencies and private companies will be held.

    Source: - Smart Logistics EXPO | RX JAPAN Co., Ltd.


    If you want to introduce logistics DX more practically, it is recommended that you consult a consultant who specializes in logistics.

    Funai Sogo Logi Co., Ltd., the largest consulting company in the logistics industry, provides consulting services to both shippers and logistics companies, which are the client of logistics operations, such as transportation and storage.

    We have a wide range of support from planning and proposals to practical support, and has a reputation for solving issues.

    Source: For logistics consulting and logistics improvement, Funai Sogo Logi Co., Ltd.



    In this article, we have introduced from the definition of "DX in logistics" to the area that can realize DX, the success of "DX in logistics", the efforts of administrative agencies, and the introduction.

    Through various cases, I think that knowledge of "logistics DX" has deepened.In addition, some people may have felt that the Japanese logistics industry is delayed compared to Chinese companies.

    In the era of postcolona and withcolona, the introduction of DX will be an important factor in the light and dark of logistics companies.

    If you are interested in logistics DX after reading this article, why not visit "Smart Logistics EXPO"?



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