By, uav-jp 19/05/2022

Akicheng Gengichi's "mahogany camera" 27th: with Leitz Phone1, can people be happy? -Digital camera Watch

The words of Ernst Letz I, founder of Ernst Letz, "with users, for users", are said to be the cornerstone of Leica camera's corporate policy. In addition, Leica's biological parents, Oscar Barnak (Oscar Balnac), developed the ancestor existence of the lightweight 35 mm camera in 1914 (later named Leica), which may be one of the reasons "always want to be with yourself and the camera". Do you think if Leica spends a lot of time with users, it will bring happiness to users and Leica camera company?

But modern people, even without special consciousness, "spend a lot of time with cameras." Because too many people use smartphones. Smartphones are indispensable to the built-in camera, so we always stay with the camera. Once in a while, if you forget your cell phone, you can't get on the train, and the ramen won't pass through your throat.

スマホ写真ですから飯テロはマストな行為です。「台湾まぜそば」を撮影しました。正直、最短撮影距離はもうちょい頑張りたいですね。この条件だと被写界深度が浅いです。昨今流行の料理写真みたいで少しイヤ。合焦したゆで卵の質感描写はかなりいいです。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/100秒)ISO 83

It is said that it is smartphones that drive out small cameras, and I always feel that the reduction in my own work is also due to the rise of smartphones. I think we all have the experience of shooting annoyingly with a camera, but we have experienced a terrible situation such as the best photos taken with a mobile phone, and there will be annoying sweat behind it.

This time, I'll start with a rare comment. Hello. It will be a hot day every day. How are you? I'm the navigator Akaji.

I want to start right away this time, and finally come out, Leitz Phone1. Yes, it is. Leica's smartphone showed up.


The free SIM phone "Leitz Phone1", produced by Leica, begins to accept appointments. You can buy it even at the terminal.

As before, stories such as "carrying Leica-branded lenses on Huawei phones" are very different. This is the debut of the first smartphone produced by the chief executive of Leica camera. It is worth mentioning that camera manufacturers have overhauled smartphones. This is Leica, and it's a pretty big topic. Yeah. Whether it is Nikon or Canon will become a topic, in short, it is Leica.

Compared with "phone", Leitz Phone1 is a design idea with a large proportion of "camera". This idea may be fine, but you can no longer consider connecting a smartphone to a network line, and the photos taken have reached an era when the whole world can publish and share them right away. Oscar Barnak can't imagine the future. Aren't you surprised in heaven now?

By the way, the Leitz Phone1 is the exclusive sale of Softbank Corp. and seems to be available only in Japan. The basic model is the sharp phone "AQUOS R6", where Leica only supervises the camera function. There's a big difference between the two. The price difference between the two is about 1.5 times, but it is absurd to complain about it here.


Type 1 sensor produced by Sharp and Leica × "Z micron" smartphone with lens "AQUOS R6"

This is a serial of digital camera Watch, so I will attach importance to the camera charm of "Leitz Phone1" and continue to talk.

First of all, the appearance of the characteristics, is quite astringent, steady mature completion. The color on the back is gray and very hot. Thinking that there will be scars if you wipe it with your claws, here is matte black glass.

生身のLeitz Phone 1です。セーム革とかを用意して磨きましょう。

The outer perimeter of the fuselage is finely knurled by aluminum scraping, the fuselage is also marked with Leica red circles, and the bundled protective cover has the same three-dimensional Leica red badge as Leica M10 and M10Muir.


The existence of the Leica red badge is based on different preferences, but in "Leitz Phone 1MIP", the red badge may be replaced by a negative screw, which is expected to appear in two years' time. Yeah, it's a lie. Because it is the author's simple delusion, please don't worry about it.

The lens is 19 mm F1.9ASPH. It says. Hey, speaking of Zimi, the open value is F2, so it's better to rush in too much. It is possible to be regarded as an unaccommodating old man, so I am very quiet at the moment. And Zumalit of F2.4 and so on. Ah, people who don't know what it is lead a normal life, so don't worry.

レンズ名は「ズミクロン19mm F1.9 ASPH.」です。非球面レンズの表記があるだけで、グラっときているあなた。今では珍しくないし。それにしてもズミクロンってF2のレンズのことではな……以下自粛。

The sensor is effective at 20.2 million pixels. The hand shake repair is exactly electronic. In the circular projection similar to the lens, there is a photographic lens. Although it's Jimmy, I think it's a good design for a camera. This machine is equipped with type 1 CMOS. This alone is enough for a "small camera". As soon as I hear the 1-inch sensor, I will immediately think of Sony's "RX100" series.

赤城耕一の「アカギカメラ」 第27回:Leitz Phone 1があると人は幸せになれるのか? - デジカメ Watch

Surprisingly, according to the design of this lens part, we have prepared a metal mask lens cap. Yeah, because it's Leica, so it's taken for granted. The important thing is that if you scratch the most important stripes, you can't sleep.


On the bottle cap is the writing of everyone's favorite "Leica". There are magnets around the lens so that the metal cap is fixed so that it won't fall off so easily when installed. By embedding magnets in the lid and the main body respectively, the Leica logo is designed to be in the right place during installation, etc., which makes people feel that they are about to cry. The wearing feeling of this bottle cap, on that classical Leica, the moist feeling that the air will disappear if you put on the lens bottle cap. I think people who understand can understand, people who understand are very sick. Be careful.


By the way, the author is a celebrity who lost the bottle cap. In the past, he held the world record of losing the bottle cap 15 minutes after buying the lens. This time the bottle cap is Daisy, put it at home and go out to shoot. Because I was afraid, I used purple tape to defend myself.

However, if there is a collection of camera clusters in the pub, this is a great opportunity to show off the Leitz Phone1, so you have to wear a hat and don't forget. Please pay attention when soiling sashimi with soy sauce or losing it in the tavern. Ah, please hold the rally after the corona, just in case.

底面。左からスピーカー、マイク、USB Type-C端子、3.5mmヘッドフォンジャックと並んでいます。ケースをつけたLeitz Phone 1です。この姿もなかなかかっちょいいすねえ。やはりキャップはした方がいいかなあ。撮り忘れたぜ。

After starting the camera function, a frame line similar to the Leica M-series luminance frame appears on the 6.6-inch display. The four corners of the frame are a little broken, and I will hate to feel realistic about the Mania design in this area. By looking at the outside of the frame, you can see what's in the "no shoot" range, but I think Leica users will be in a daze for this reason, and then click the order button. You have to be careful.


However, although the display of the display is very beautiful, the edge of the picture in the long direction bends to the outside, and the display image bends accordingly, so there is a sense of damage to the rare description of the micron. I heard that this is a recent trend in the smartphone industry, and this is a problem.

Equipped with 19 mm F1.9ASPH. 19 mm is the focal length of the viewing angle when converting to 35 mm. Because the actual focal length is 6.9 mm, although it is F1.9, the depth of field is also quite deep. Because there is no aperture, the aperture of F1.9 is open and can be taken through all shots.

なんちゃってビックベンです。実焦点距離6.9mmですからパンフォーカスになると思いましたが、そこは開放F値がF1.9です。被写界深度は手前に浅く、奥に深い法則がちゃんと成り立っておりますね。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/6,000秒)ISO 52錆びた配管も必ず撮影せねばならない被写体です。ここでは2倍のデジタルズームとなる48mm相当で撮影しているため、なんとなくユルいですが、これはこれでアリではないかと。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/4,400秒)ISO 52

In addition to using the pinching operation of two fingers, the perspective change can be used by clicking the zoom button on the screen, which can be used in three levels of view: 1x, 2x, 0.7x. Use digital zoom because it is a single-focus lens. Therefore, in optical theory, a setting of 0.7 times is the purest image quality (full view). However, when starting the camera, the viewing angle of 1 times (equivalent to 24 mm) is basic, so it's a bit troublesome for people who often want to shoot with full pixels, but as Leica, I think I want to show you this frame.


However, if this is the case, simply equipped with three wide-angle, standard, far-sighted and lens, if it is El Marit, Z micron, Zmarit, it may become more attractive. In that case, the price is estimated to be 450000 yen. How about next time?

Although there is no attempt this time, it is possible to save RAW at the same time in manual photography mode. However, if you want to do post-processing carefully, it is better to buy Leica M10MurR, but the meaning of this is different (laughter).

東京の粋なところは写真ギャラリーに行かなくても森山大道さんの写真を鑑賞できたりすることです。しかも工事現場のフェンスで。露出精度いいですね。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/3,300秒)ISO 52

Z micron 19 mm F1.9 ASPH. Maybe it's because of the ultra-wide-angle lens, the perimeter is a little messy. Especially the close-up chaos, like the old wide-angle lens without a floating mechanism, is very interesting.

最短撮影距離で背景のボケを見ました。カメラが被写体に近づきすぎると「離れて撮影してください」というアラートが出て、イラつかせてくれます。ボケはなかなか暴れます。ですがこうしたグチャグチャっとしたボケも個人的には嫌いではありません。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/2,200秒)ISO 50「コンクリートジャングル」って死語ですね。すみませんが、街中を歩いていると、語彙に乏しい私はそのくらいの言葉しか浮かびません。建築中の建物に向かい、けっこう強めの太陽のリフレクションを入れたら、お待ちかねのゴーストが出ました。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/12,800秒)ISO 53

There is also some decline in the amount of light around, even if the light source is outside the picture, sometimes it will produce gorgeous ghosts. However, the disadvantage of such a lens is less concerned about the favoritism of Leica's phone, not just the overall degree of photo completion, including image processing. This is a good deal.

In addition, switch to the "Leitz Looks" shooting mode to shoot, you can complete the unique atmosphere of black-and-white photos. Can not be compared with the Leica M10 monochrome completion, although not very good, but very atmosphere.

Leitz Looksモード好物の水門です。某所のロケで車移動している時に遭遇。こうした撮影はいつもはフィルムライカで撮るんだけど、急いでいたので本日はLeitz Phone 1で撮りました。モノクロのLeitz Looksの再現は雲のディテールにオリジナリティを感じます。素晴らしくよく写りますね。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/2,300秒)ISO 50Leitz Looksモードのモノクロはなかなかやりますね。こうした明暗差がわりと大きめな条件でも階調をうまく繋いでくれます。舌を巻くほどですよ。銀塩モノクロでこの階調出すのはかなり大変ですぜ。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/4,500秒)ISO 51

The grayscale relationship from deep shadow to highlight is excellent, which can create black-and-white photos with high grade and high completion. However, there are very few adjustments that users can make after shooting, which is a pity. If you want to adjust and process the image, please go through the application.

青色好きは、空もブルーシートも変わらないので撮影します。デフォルトの色再現は華美に走らず好感が持てます。落ち着きがあります。ディテール再現も素晴らしいですね。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/5,700秒)ISO 53午前中の光なんですが、人工的な色づけという感じはしなくはありません。温調ですしね。でも写真は嘘つきなんでこれでOKです。嫌なら調整すりゃいいんですから。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/4,200秒)ISO 50

Anyway, why is it called "Leitz Phone"? The "ERNST LEITZ" company does not exist, and for the old man who has always believed that "Leitz's Camera" will become "Leica", it gives the impression that he is being stingy. Yes, if you are a Leica user for a long time, your personality will be distorted, so you must pay attention to it.

Did not become a "Leica Phone", even Leica, may be because it is too early to name the phone "Leica", perhaps because of the camera's enemy smartphone with the name "Leica" what kind of brake. Ah, this is just the author's delusion, just in case.

In the short-term trial, all kinds of playing with "Leitz Phone1" did not imagine that the materialistic mode of 1 mm began before they used it. However, so far, I have been using iPhone, and I have to relearn to be proficient in using Android,UI. It's troublesome to set up and transfer.

The only thing that is certain is that shooting with this Leitz Phone1 is definitely fun. Does not have a particularly good specification, this is a mystery. However, for all of Leica's cameras, this is taken for granted, because Leitz Phone is also Leica's partner. I thought the power of the brand did this. I seemed to be infatuated with Leica's strategy. I was a little unreconciled to it.

順光での条件、適度な撮影距離をとると、ズミクロンは暴れることなく、素敵な描写をします。このままアサインメントでも十分に使うことができる画質ですね。質感描写、コントラスト、色再現ともに満点です。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/22,000秒)ISO 54街中の配管も好物の被写体です。路地裏で見つけて軽く撮影したら派手なゴーストが出ました。これを防ぐならば「IROOA」のようなカッコいいフードをライカは用意するべきではないでしょうか。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/6,900秒)ISO 54手前のモニュメントもシャープに描写され、雲の再現も自然ですね。1インチセンサーの余裕という印象です。とにかく目についたものはなんでも撮りたくなる謎の意欲が湧きます。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/22,000秒)ISO 54

The author's mobile phone career is not Softbank Corp., so although Leitz Phone1 itself is no SIM card, but the material desire has now calmed down. Borrowed Leitz Phone1 is taken for granted, but there is no SIM card. Although I seldom make phone calls these days, I want to say "now, I'm making a phone call on Leitz Phone1" with someone. Of course it's said, "so what?" and it's over. But "making a phone call with Leica" is also historic. Almost all of them are middle school students' ideas.

Although the MNP attack also flashed in the blink of an eye, consider calmly that at this price, you can buy a Leica D-LUX7 with a Forsyth sensor. Right. Even so, no one knows about tomorrow. Please be safe.

連日の猛暑で、より白髪が増えた感じがしますが、色どりの良い建物を見つけたので撮影しました。ポイントとして手前に駐車しているクルマの窓ガラスのリフレクションをアクセントにしました。階調のつがなり、ばっちしです。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/8,000秒)ISO 51うちは木造ボロ屋なんでグリーンカーテンを毎年造るんですが、朝、窓を開けたらゴーヤにセミがとまっていて、昆虫に弱含みな私としては気を失いそうになりました。しかし気を取り直し、Leitz Phone 1で昆虫を撮影しました。大逆光でも結構よく撮れます。Leitz Phone 1(F1.9・1/100秒)ISO 50