By, uav-jp 20/05/2022

Akicheng Gengichi's "mahogany camera" 31st: lens "character" found in HELIAR classic 50 mm F1.5VM-digital camera Watch

Not long ago Corsina sold the Fortrender HELIAR classic 50 mm F1.5VM, the author originally bought this lens enthusiasts heard a variety of voices. There are also voices that have nothing to do with beautiful design and portrayal, as a specific description feeling is open and soft description, or permeating highlights or playing dumb eccentricities, very interesting.

"what? "it feels good, doesn't it? In the current latest lens, if there is a little hobby description, it will be severely knocked out, but Corsina believes that the lens with "classical" inscription, on the contrary, dare to challenge the hobby description. It resonates with many users.

This time with examples to introduce the Corsina Foktrand helicopter series, but also want to consider a little bit about the existence of the "classical" lens.


Corsina, "HELIAR classic 50 mm F1.5 VM" in pursuit of classic portrayal

The concept also published a photo of the appearance of the real machine "the opposite of Apolanta".

The first scene in the Corsina Fokker Trent brand with a "classic" crown, remembered as NOKTON classic 40 mm F1.4VM. The coating can also be chosen from MC (multi-layer coating) and SC (single coating), which surprised me, but it is still in the long-distance department, probably because of the flexible 40-mm focal length that can be used in both standard and wide-angle.

Later, NOKTON classic 35 mm F1.4VM came on stage, which also became a long-term seller, and now it is an improved Type II. In my opinion, these two shots are not so much a special hobby as subtly changing the description under the setting of aperture and light state is the greatest charm. So I explained whether there is a "classical" name. High-quality photos are usually taken.

Put the story back to Herlier. When Corsina Foktrand came out in 1999, the famous scene of Herriel already existed. You know this, it is "SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15 mm F4.5". Because of the high performance of cheap lenses, it has become very popular, also known as "Puyamandu Horogon", etc., but what is it that part of the enthusiastic camera cluster wears "Helia name" on the lens used by 35 mm cameras? was "Herriel" originally based on three groups of five films? Huh? This is not a critical accusation. It's troublesome to deal with. In other words, knowing that Herlier is part of a camera cluster of brands of lenses for large cameras, the name is given to the 35-mm Leica script installation lens. This super widescreen series ULTRA WIDE-HELIAR 12mm F5.6, the current product also inherited the HELIAR-HYPER WIDE 10mm F5.6.

SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical IIIコシナ・フォクトレンダー時代からのユーザーは、ヘリアーと聞くと15mmですかという人は少なからずいらっしゃいますね。復活フォクトレンダーの象徴的レンズとして見過ごせないので今回も載せておきます。III型になって、えらく線が細い描写になりました。この条件では周辺光量低下も気になりません。ライカM9 SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical III(F5.6・1/750秒)ISO 200個人的には超広角らしさって、そのパースペクティブを打ち消すことだけを常に考えているのですが、たまには逆張りということで思い切り送電線を見上げて撮影してみましたが、素晴らしい描写です。今度からもう少しクセを出して撮ってやろうかと。ライカM9 SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15mm F4.5 Aspherical III(F8・1/3,000秒)ISO 200


SUPER WIDE-HELIAR 15 mm updates

A new digital-oriented optical design considering peripheral color coverage

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    The E mount version of "ULTRA WIDE-HELIAR 12 mm F5.6 III" goes on sale on September 7th

    Ultra-wide-angle lens with 5-axis hand jitter correction

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    "HELIAR-HYPER WIDE 10 mm F5.6" VM installation goes on sale on July 21

    The most wide-angle lens is 35 mm, except fisheye

  • In addition, during this period, interchangeable lenses with Leica screw-mounted lenses and interchangeable lenses with single-lens reflexes also have COLOR-HELIAR 75 mm F2.5 lenses. Well, that's a great picture. It's true. I'll tell you not to say that until now, but I think you can give it a try. Ah, it can't be done because it's not a current product. No, I won't ask you to find it. Lens composition this is also made up of 5 groups of 6 pieces, and it is better for those who want to achieve spiral correctness.

    COLOR-HELIAR 75mm F2.5 SL私の好きな「ヘリアー」に同じ、コシナ・フォクトレンダーの一眼レフ用交換レンズシリーズにラインアップされていたCOLOR-HELIAR 75mm F2.5 SLがあります。開放絞りから素晴らしく感動的によく写ります。HELIAR classicとは逆の方向のヘリアーですね。ニコンDf COLOR-HELIAR 75mm F2.5 SL(F2.8・1/400秒)ISO 400“実直な性格の人”みたいなニュアンスの写りで、歪曲収差ってなに?という感じですね。ディテール再現も素晴らしいので、ちょっと離れた位置からの建築物撮影とかにもいいかも。ニコンDf COLOR-HELIAR 75mm F2.5 SL(F8・1/320秒)ISO 200前ボケの形が少し変わっていますが、これはこれで個性があっていいと思います。焦点距離は75mmですから中望遠領域ですが、レンズ全長が短く、50mm標準レンズくらいにしか見えません。収納性に優れるのも嬉しい点です。ニコンDf COLOR-HELIAR 75mm F2.5 SL(F2.5・1/400秒)ISO 400

    But it's fine. Conservative people are "unprecedented", new technologies and methodologies have been introduced to waist-to-waist things, and it has been 22 years since Foktrund said Corsina and Corsina said Foktrand.

    In this way, Herlier's position in Corsina Fokker Trent has changed slightly, anyway, it is for the production of orthodox three groups of five-film Herlier, that is, the HELIAR 50 mm F3.5101th model. Hillier was born 101 years as a limited model kit lens to commemorate BESSA-T101th. This lens is the first 3 sets of 5 pieces of hair for a 35 mm camera. This shot is reincarnated as a HELIAR Vintage Line50 mm F3.5 into the current product, but it is better for people who want a sharp description under all conditions to buy it.

    HELIAR Vintage Line 50mm F3.5“小口径レンズ” の凄さを知ったのは、このHELIAR 50mm F3.5だったかもしれません。とにかく開放からビシビシですね。ちょっとやりすぎくらいです。同じ「ヘリアー」でも新しい50mm F1.5とはぜーんぜん違います。ライカM9 HELIAR Vintage Line 50mm F3.5(F4・1/250秒)ISO 200遠距離の描写もピシピシとした描写をします。ライカM10-Rを持っている人は試してみてください。たぶん間違いなくイケると思います。当たり前ですが、よく話題になるライカのElmar 50mm F3.5とは全く特性が違いますので念のため。ライカM9 HELIAR Vintage Line 50mm F3.5(F8・1/1,500秒)ISO 400これもシャープすぎます(笑)。カメラはライカM9ですが、もうこれ以上はいいか的な描写です。ポートレートなどを撮影する場合は気をつけたほうがよさそうですが、HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VMを買えば解決できる可能性があります。ええ、筆者はコシナのまわし者です。ライカM9 HELIAR Vintage Line 50mm F3.5(F4・1/1,000秒)ISO 400コントラストも高く解像力もすごいのですが、レンズの外観からはそんな感じがしません。鏡筒にレンズ構成図が刻まれ、正統派ヘリアーであることを示しています。昔のsmc PENTAX FAスターレンズみたいですね。ライカM10-P HELIAR Vintage Line 50mm F3.5(F4・1/250秒)ISO 400


    New Design of fixed Mirror Tube "HELIAR Vintage Line50 mm F3.5"

    Spiral Lens with Modern performance in VM installation

    The next Orthodox HELIAR classic 50 mm F2, made up of three groups of five, is the 250th anniversary model of Haier and Foktrand's birth. At this point, the unwinding F value breaks through the common sense limit of F2.8 and is set to F2. This shot also broke the line, but the shot was very good. I think it's for you who like to be open and the surrounding area is a little procrastinating. If you see it in the second-hand market... It's not unwilling.

    HELIAR classic 50mm F2ヘリアータイプの開放F値の限界といわれるF2.8を最初に破ったのはこのレンズなんですが、撮影条件によっては無理した感がありません。むしろモノのニュアンスをよく伝えてくれる感じさえします。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F2(F2・1/1,000秒)ISO 400中央の合焦点はかなりシャープですね。ボケは少しヘリアーっぽいのかなあ。光の力が乏しい日陰の条件でもこれだけ写ると、問題ないと思ってしまいますね。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F2(F2.8・1/125秒)ISO 400ヘリアーっぽいクセが出しづらいので、細かな雑草をバックに撮影したのですが、この撮影距離でボケがやっとザワザワしてくれました(笑)。適度な周辺光量落ちが良い感じです。あ、レンズの個性を無理やり出すのは正しい作例じゃありませんけど。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F2(F2・1/250秒)ISO 800

    In addition, although the focal length is slightly longer, HELIAR classic 75 mm F1.8 is developed using modern optical technology, which can be said to be Triff Classic 75 mm F1.8. Although this cannot be said aloud, it is a hidden famous jade. Why did you stop production?

    HELIAR classic 75mm F1.8至近距離だし、開放絞りだし、どうせ像は滲むかなあと思いきや、とてもしっかりしています。合焦点も軟らかく良い感じの描写です。ポートレートを撮影すればよかったですねえ。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F2(F1.8・1/1,500秒)ISO 100少し絞りこむとギンギンです。素晴らしい調子で黒の中の黒も再現します。でも硬いというイメージを与えないところも素晴らしいですよね。絞り設定によって少し性能が動くレンズで、使って楽しいですね。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F2(F5.6・1/1,000秒)ISO 200

    HELIAR 40 mm F2.8 is also a heterogeneous hybrid. This is a classic sinking style, but the lens itself does not have a focus mechanism and is the company's VM-E installation adapter with auxiliary helicopters. This is a VM installation, but it is made for the E installation camera. It's a pretty good plan. it's a great plan. The lens structure is 3 groups of 5 pieces, using 1 aspherical lens. Although it is a spiral type of 3 groups of 5 pieces, but because the brightness is reasonable, it can be said to give full play to the power of the spiral type. This shot also seems to have lost the catalog, if found. No, it's nothing.

    HELIAR 40mm F2.8このレンズあまり話題にならなかったのは、同社の補助ヘリコイドつきのVM-Eアダプター専用として企画されたからでしょうか。でも正統派のヘリアータイプだし、背景ボケとかみますと、クラシックな味わいがあります。開放からコントラストは強いですね。ソニーα7C HELIAR 40mm F2.8+VM-E Close Focus Adapter(F2.8・1/1,600秒)ISO 200フォーカシングのために像を拡大すると、「おっ」と思わず声が出てしまうほど合焦点のシャープネスが高いです。錆びた鉄のディテールの再現性や、歪曲収差の補正も完璧です。ソニーα7C HELIAR 40mm F2.8+VM-E Close Focus Adapter(F4・1/1,000秒)ISO 200


    Kosina, limited edition silver salt camera "Beisha R3M / R2M" comes with a new M-mount lens

    赤城耕一の「アカギカメラ」 第31回:HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VMでわかったレンズの「品格」 - デジカメ Watch

    ~ can be folded at 50 mm to achieve F2gami D1 is also foldable

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    Corsina, "HELIAR classic 75 mm F1.8" installed by VM

  • Journalism

    E-mount VM lens "HELIAR 40 mm F2.8" will go on sale on October 26th

  • As I mentioned earlier, the original shot of Haier's name is a representative brand lens of the old Fokker Trent. It was developed as a lens for a large camera. Because it is composed of three groups and five pictures, it is called triple development, and it is considered very useful as a lens suitable for portrait photos. Maybe it's because the description is so soft. Now, is it a well-controlled lens with residual aberrations rather than a lens with thorough aberration correction? And the lens called Global Haier is also very famous. We can control the spherical aberration by moving the lens, so we can look forward to a beautiful soft focus effect.

    Speaking of it not long ago, photographer Hsiao Jiang also heard the story of using Haier with a large camera in his speech. I remember getting a specific lens brand name from the Japanese representative master photographer who is farthest away from the mechanism and lens story, which surprised me. From here on, the name of "Haier" is engraved on my Atta horse.

    HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM

    The astonishing feature of this HELIAR classic 50 mm F1.5VM makes people feel that the precedent has also flown away, using a spiral to make a standard lens with a large caliber. The lens structure is 3 groups of 6 pieces. It's a little abnormal but you can see it's based on hairstyle. Moreover, in the hybrid type, it can be said that the focal length of the forbidden hand is 50 mm, realizing the large caliber of F1.5. Why forbidden hands? in this type of lens, the aberration cannot be suppressed. It is not so much a suppression as the photographer's idea of understanding the lens and gradually adapting to it. This is the exact opposite of the design idea of the company's M mount compatible ultra-high performance standard lens APO-LANTHAR 50 mm F2 Aspherical. Of course, only with Apollo can we survive the existence of this lens.

    絞り開放です。細かいものが後ろにあるとザワザワしたボケになります。二線ボケもあるし、コマ収差による奇妙な形のボケもあります。が、写真的にはそれだけのことでここから何をどうするか考えねばなりません。こういう描写が好きではない人にはNOKTON 50mm F1.5 Aspherical IIが合っていますが、結局は両方買うことになります。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/350秒)ISO 100硬質なものを絞り開放で撮影するとどうなるかということで、クルマのライトを至近距離で撮影してみましたが合焦点のシャープネスはなかなかのものです。でも背景のアスファルトやラインの凸凹が奇妙に再現されました。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/4,000秒)ISO 100フェンスの向こうにある花にフォーカシングしましたが、ハイライト部分のフェンスに震えるような面白い二線ボケが発生しました。これは何かの表現に応用できそうですが、まだ思いつきません(笑)ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/1,000秒)ISO 100

    The influence of spherical aberration and comet aberration when the aperture is open is wonderful, but according to the shooting distance, the state of light, and the shape of the subject, the atmosphere will also change, giving people an incredible description. After zooming out, the external focus image will also change significantly, and the F5.6 is indistinguishable from the newly designed 50 mm lens. It's a lens that can be controlled by setting the aperture. Because the shortest shooting distance is 0.5 meters, it exceeds the range of Leica M's rangefinder and focuses in real-time view. In other words. Of course, if you shoot at such a close distance, the aberration will further increase. The coating has only a single coat, and hopefully, there will be strange flares or ghosts in the backlight, such a direction. There are 10 aperture feathers.

    The construction of the mirror tube is also very exquisite. Based on black coated aluminum, the focus ring is the knurling of fine diamond patterns. Partially brass and nickel plating. It was painted black all the way to the top of the tube, which was not common in previous lithography lenses. The hood is screwed in, and there are bottle caps that can be capped from the hood.

    Although we are determined to do this, compared with the recent change of lenses without mirrors, like the cups of kettles held by kindergarten children, they are completely plastic and feel like Jerry-built finished lenses. Will be moved to tears.

    F5.6にまで絞り込んで撮影してみました。ものすごく性能が向上します。現代的なレンズです歪曲の補正も十分、アサインメントにも使えます。シャープですが、なんとなく描写に湿度を感じるのはこのレンズの謎です。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F5.6・1/2,000秒)ISO 400ネオン看板にフォーカスを置いてみましたが、期待するほど大きく滲みませんでした。背景の点光源の形はかなりヘンですけども。私は何を期待して写真を撮っているのでしょうか。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/180秒)ISO 400

    What are our requirements for these classic optically designed lenses or lenses with a long history? If defined as aberration = defect, these shots are all disqualified. But the idea of aberration = charm was fixed a long time ago. Because many soft focus lenses use spherical aberrations.

    In order to realize the potential of the latest high-pixel mirrorless aircraft, it is not uncommon to comment that there must be high-performance lenses that completely erase aberrations, and I think it is true in a sense.

    In this opposite sense, what do we want to express with such a classic shot? The photographer must consider the characteristics and combination of the camera, as well as what is shown in the photo. The latest and classical lenses are in the same way as they appear.

    Take advantage of the performance of the latest ultra-high-performance lenses to make high-definition photos that can see things invisible to the naked eye. On the contrary, using classical lenses to hide things that originally look sharp to the naked eye, there is really something you can get.

    However, there is no misunderstanding that our goal is neither to use ultra-high-performance lenses to pursue resolution, nor to pursue hovering blur and image seeping. Once the means and ends are wrong, it is a bit difficult to correct them.

    ライカのビゾフレックス(外付けEVF)を使って、距離計連動範囲を超えた位置から撮影してみましたが、わずかに絞っただけで中心の解像力はいきなり上がります。背景の落ち葉のボケにもクセがありませんが、写真的にはもう一段絞ったほうがよかったですね。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5半・1/1,000秒)ISO 100最短撮影距離0.5mで絞り開放ですが、特に問題ありません。光の方向性とシャドーがクセを消したのかもしれないですね。良い描写です。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/350秒)ISO 800

    In other words, there are all kinds of descriptive shots, and we believe that the description of these individual shots will one day meet our shooting purpose, so we will begin an endless "journey of shots." at the end of the ending, there are several shots with the same focal length.

    Yes, and the successful introduction of the lens is good, calmly consider that the new and old four lenses with the same focal length have their own re-understanding, "how to make good use of these" fell into intense self-loathing. To avoid this, make one more picture. Because the corona is dangerous, nothing can be produced by polishing the lens in my room. By the way, in order to hide her ladyship's eyes, there is now a gentle voice that will only be suspected, just in case.

    Corsina devoted himself to the "classic" lens series on the Foktrand exchange lens, which is worthy of attention in a serious sense. Most importantly, although it is the current lens, the pursuit is not only the pursuit of numerical performance, but also the pursuit of photo description, in the final analysis, it is centered on the direction of lens design. The word classical music contains not only the meaning of "old", but also the meaning of "character". HELIAR classic 50 mm F1.5 VM and so far Corsina Foktrund's Hermin lenses use frank impressions.

    主題を引き立たせるために絞りを変えて被写界深度をコントロールすることに加えて、撮影条件やモチーフで変わるボケの形をどうするかが撮影者に求められるわけで、そういう意味では使いこなし甲斐のあるレンズかもしれないですねえ。ライカM10-P HELIAR classic 50mm F1.5 VM(F1.5・1/1,000秒)ISO 100