By, uav-jp 22/01/2023

Matternet, you will get $ 16 million from Boeing by drone delivery by drone delivery -Aim to expand your service in American airspace

Matternet, a shipping company in California, has delivered medical supplies and blood samples in a city with a large population, along with Swiss Post last year.In May, he joined the Trump administration's UAS Integration Pilot Program, partnered with ZipLine and Flytrex, and will conduct a more restrictive delivery delivery test in California in Northern California.

Matternet has earned $ 16 million in Boeing's Horizonx Ventures.Matternet plans to cooperate with Horizonx Ventures to expand its business in the United States and overseas cities.

BoEing's Horizonx Ventures manager Brian Chetler commented:


Shetler: Matternet's technology and past achievements have made the world -standard automatic air transportation system more realistic.

We have been nominated by the Federal Aviation Bureau to conduct an unmanned aviation network experiment in the United States, and we have been nominated by the Federal Aviation Bureau, and what kind of next generation we are connected to the world.I am very happy to be able to think about how to create a transport solution.

You may think that Shetler's remarks only say quite positive for public relations, but this statement is based on a solid basis.Matternet has already succeeded in flying more than 1700 times in Switzerland's densely populated area, delivering medical samples and supplies over 850 times, effectively delivering necessary supplies to patients.Of course, we entered the UAS integrated pilot program that is still in the creation period, as well as coloring investors who want to jump into the flow of Matternet's medical drone delivery business.

Even if you don't know about Matternet, a drone transport company that has a solid capital, you can easily understand the delivery process.First, fill in the details of the items transported to the form using the app, and select the receiver / delivery destination of the items approved in advance.For example, blood samples are put in a drone compartment before takeoff.When delivered, the recipient can scan the QR code or 2D barcode and receive the luggage.If you watch this video, you can understand what the Matternet service is like.

Matternet has been steadily succeeded in the drone industry to deliver quickly and reliable medical supplies.In Switzerland, it has established a safe and secure aerial delivery company, and about 2,000 on -site flight has been successful.In addition, Matternet has participated in the United States experiments in North Carolina, and has been recognized by the government, and has earned $ 16 million due to BoEing, Swiss Post, Sony Inovation Fund and Levitate Capital.Given the support of the companies so far and the support of these companies, the expansion of business in the US airspace that Matternet is aiming for is not only feasible but also a fairly logical conclusion.
