By, uav-jp 03/11/2022

[Minecraft Java version/integrated version] What to do when villagers are not in the village and why [Minecraft]

Introduces what to do when villagers are not in the village in Minecraft integrated version / Java version and why.

When I noticed there were no villagers in the village! Have you ever been in that situation? Or I'm in trouble with that situation in the present tense.

Please refer to it because it is a recommended coping method for such people.


  • 2 Why Villagers Are Not in the Village
  • 3 How to Prevent Villagers from Disappearing
  • 4 Summary
  • What to Do When Villagers Are Missing

    Even if you search nearby villages, there are no villagers.

    In such a case, refer to the following countermeasures and let the new villagers live.

    Finding New Villages

    The quickest way is to find another village.

    If there is a reason why you cannot live in that village, you can try other ways to get villagers to live there.

    Finding a new village is the quickest and most efficient way to deal with it, unless you have a specific reason to do so.

    Bring Villagers from Neighboring Villages

    If you want villagers in this village, we recommend moving villagers from neighboring villages.

    There are three main ways to transport villagers.

    1. Can be used when the village to be moved by the minecart is close enough to have enough rails or accelerated rails (powered rails).
    2. This is a great solution when you have to cross oceans or rivers to transport villagers to move by boat. If you want to go over a step while on the boat (a step of 1 mass), use a piston and a lever.
    3. Moving through the Nether If the neighboring village is far away, it is recommended to bring the villagers through the Nether. Even in the Nether, you can use the minecarts and boats above to bring villagers.

    This article introduces how to move villagers using minecarts and the Nether, so please refer to it.

    ▼ How to move villagers! Use minecarts and the Nether!

    Integrated version How to move villagers! Use minecarts and the Nether!

    Introducing how to move villagers in the useful survival villager Minecraft integrated version (BE version). Move a villager... read more

    Revive from a zombie villager

    If the village is abandoned or there is a zombie villager near the village, the method that can be used is to revive from the zombie villager. It's a way.

    [Minecraft Java version/Integrated version] What to do when villagers are not in the village and why [Minecraft]

    You cannot revive a zombie villager without following a few steps.

    If you can get the items you need to revive, you don't have to transport villagers from neighboring villages.

    The following steps are required to revive a villager.

    1. Weakens zombie villagers. There are several ways to weaken zombie villagers.
    2. When the zombie villagers are weakened, you will need 1 golden apple for each zombie villager that uses golden apples, so prepare as many golden apples as you want to revive.

    Please refer to the article below for details on how to make and use golden apples and how to weaken them.

    ▼ How to treat zombie villagers! How to use golden apples and countermeasures against despawn

    Integrated version How to cure zombie villagers! How to use golden apples and measures against despawn

    Villager Minecraft integrated version (BE version) How to treat zombie villagers and things to be careful about during treatment... Read more [PR]

    Villagers Reasons for not being in the village

    There are three main reasons why villagers are not in the village. I will explain the reason in order, so please refer to it.

    Zombies attacked

    Basically, as long as you stay away from the village, zombies will not spawn and attack villagers.

    Enemy (zombie) spawn range is fixed, and the spawn range is within 24-128 horizontal squares from the player.

    Zombies may attack villagers if there is a village within range.

    The village was abandoned

    Abandoned villages can be generated in addition to normal villages.

    No ordinary villagers live in abandoned villages, instead zombie villagers lurk inside their houses.

    Since there are no normal villagers in this village, it is recommended to revive from a zombie villager to a villager when you need a villager.

    When you don't have the items to revive, the quickest thing is to find another village or bring it from another village.

    If you have an item to revive, try reviving from a zombie villager to a villager.

    Only NEETs (green villagers) live in the village

    There are various types of villagers living in the village.

    Mainly farmers, fishermen, librarians, weaponsmiths and villagers who are not employed.

    There are some villagers who do not get a job as an exception.

    This villager is commonly known as NEET and cannot be employed.

    The way to tell is the villagers wearing green clothes. Employable villagers wear brown clothes, so you can tell by their appearance.

    Available for employment

    Unable to get a job

    Even if you want to make an unemployed villager a job, Green villagers cannot find jobs.

    In this case, increase the number of villagers and secure villagers who can find jobs.

    Even NEET villagers can have children, so if you have 2 NEETs, try breeding them until you find a villager who can find a job.

    Please refer to the article below for detailed information on villager breeding conditions and how to increase them.

    ▼Explanation of villager growth conditions! How to deal with not increasing

    Explanation of conditions for breeding villagers in the integrated version! How to deal with villagers not increasing

    Introduces how to increase the number of villagers in the integrated version of villager Minecraft (BE version) and how to deal with when the number of villagers does not increase. To do

    Most of the reasons why villagers disappear are the above.

    The most important way to keep villagers from disappearing is to prevent them from being attacked by zombies.

    You can take precautions in advance, so please refer to the following.

    1. Use things like torches to clear out the entire village.
    2. Even if you surround the village with a fence and fill the springs, zombies may spawn from places other than the springs and attack the villagers. Enclose your village with a fence to keep zombies spawning outside out.
    3. If the above two things are troublesome, you can also lock the villagers inside the house. In that case, let's put a torch in the house and crush the spring.


    This concludes what to do when villagers are not in the village and why. The summary is as follows.

    Be careful not to be attacked by zombies and take measures to prevent the villagers from disappearing.