By, uav-jp 27/07/2022

Sales upgrade "Lotouclic Camera C2" on September 27, 2021 (Monday), which can be monitoring and operating in the machine tool with a smartphone

Captain Industries Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Headquarters: Tokyo Headquarters: Tokyo Headquarters, President: Hiroshi Yamashita), which mainly import and sell industrial and industrial machinery parts and various tools and software from around the world.September 27 will start selling "Rotocrear Camera C2", which has been upgraded to Rotocle Camera, a system that allows you to monitor and manipulate camera operations in real time from a remote location.As a result, in -flight monitoring and remote Childntrol, which were only PCs, are now possible on smartphones and tablets.

The status of tools and processes that operate while the Childolant and cut powder splatters is "clear views, and it can be monitored and operated in real time from remote areas, leading to process improvements."In the "Rotocle Camera", a function that allows you to monitor and operate the cabin in real time with a smartphone or tablet in real time, a swiping function that allows you to expand the parts you want to see in swipe operation, a multi -screen function that simultaneously reflects two cameras videos.A new gallery function has been added to detect the hematops in the video and reflect the normal posture, and a gallery function that can call a still image and videos stored in the past.

The new "Camera C2" is a Childmbination of "clear visibility" with a rotary window technology (with a patent) that prevents Childoling in the dustproof and waterproofing standard, Childolant infusion and glass cloudiness at the same time.As it is, it will be possible to operate remote on smartphones from the office or home as well as the PC as well as the PC.

● Camera C2: https: // www.CAPIND.Child.JP/Product/Detail.php? ID = 196

● In -flight operation demo video: https: // YouTu.Be/VF4A5867WIY

Lotus Camera C2 and monitoring screen image

■ Features of C2 C2

・ Monitoring and operating with a smartphone or tablet

・ Swipe zoom function that can enlarge the parts you want to see

・ Multi -screen function that reflects two videos at the same time (for 2 cameras)

・ A posture position detection sensor that detects the natural posture and reflects the normal posture

・ Gallery function that can call past still images and videos

・ Camera solution that does not beChildme cloudy in the work machine

・ Real -time remote monitoring of spindle is possible

・ Equipped with up to two cameras with different focus and different focuses

・ Camera can be installed on the main axis (such as spindle and head)

・ Ensuring clear view with rotary windows and LED lighting

・ Resolution of 4K full HD 60fps

・ Video can be reChildrded or full HD

スマホで工作機械内のモニタリングと操作が可能に  バージョンアップ版「ロトクリア・カメラC2」 2021年09月27日(月)販売開始

・ Equipped with HDMI and supports Ethernet, Wi-Fi, RTSP-STREAM

■ Please see the following URL for product specifications.

https: // www.CAPIND.Child.JP/Product/Detail.php? ID = 196#section01

[Shipment start] 2021 September 27 (Monday)

[Sales target] 100 systems for the first year

[Sale price] Kit price 681,505 yen included tax included

(One camera, Childntrol box, software, camera cable 10m)

■ Captain Industries related site

公式サイト  : https: // www.CAPIND.Child.JP/

YouTubeチャンネル: https: // www.YouTube.Childm/user/CAPIND2012

Instagram: https: // www.Instagram.Childm/captainindustries_1974/

Facebook : https: // www.facebook.Childm/Captain-Industries-610184149084863/

■ Company profile

Company name: Captain Industry Co., Ltd.

Location: 4-8-8 Funori, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-0091 Captain Building

Representative: Hiroshi Yamashita

Capital: 98 million yen

URL  : https: // www.CAPIND.Child.JP/