By, uav-jp 11/04/2022

Nourishing! Types of "lentils" and how to use them deliciously (cosmopolitan) --Yahoo! News


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Beans are nutritious, low in calories, healthy and popular with women. Among them, lentils have been attracting attention recently. [Photo] I think it's healthy ... Actually, it's easy to get fat "Unexpected food" 19 Not only is it nutritious, but it's also very small, and although it's dried beans, it's easy to use because it can be boiled in a short time without any preparation. Is possible. This time, we have summarized the nutritional value, types, and usage of such lentils.

What are lentils?

The size and color vary depending on the area of ​​origin, but it is a flat round bean with a diameter of 4 to 8 mm and a thickness of 2 to 3 mm, which looks like an optical lens. People tend to think, "Lentils because their shape resembles a lens?", But the opposite is true! Lenses such as cameras, which were invented later, are said to have been named lenses because they are similar in shape to these lentils. In English, it is called "lentil". Lentils are said to be "one of the first plants cultivated by humankind," and are also found in Turkish ruins around 5500 BC. It originated in the Mesopotamia region and gradually spread to the west of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, etc., and is now eaten in various countries around the world. It is not a major food because it is not produced in Japan, but it is a familiar food overseas. The main producing countries are India, Turkey, Canada, the United States, Australia, etc., and most of the lentils distributed in Japan are imported from the United States or Canada.

Characteristics and nutrition of lentils


Cooking time is short and easy

Its thin shape allows it to be cooked in a short time, and it does not need to be flooded or boiled. Since general dried beans are hard and do not easily transfer heat, it is basic to soak them in water overnight as a preparation, but lentils do not take time and effort. Also, before using general dried beans for cooking, it is necessary to boil them down to shorten the cooking time and remove the lye. It's unnecessary, or even if it's done, it's very light.

Easy-to-eat taste and texture

The attractiveness of lentils is that they have a good flavor and texture. When chewed, a faint sweetness like edamame spreads in your mouth, and you can enjoy a soft texture like a soft potato. Recommended for those who are not good at the taste and texture peculiar to general beans.

Next page: High nutritional value

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Last updated: Cosmopolitan