Optimize charging for each device!Equipped with automatic power distribution function, the world's smallest 65W2 port charger "NovaPort Duo" crowdfunding "Makuake" is started
"NOVAPORT DUO" has increased the request of "I want you to eliminate the USB-A port and make more compact things!"It is a charger that is extremely small.In addition to the shape of the voice, we were particular about the functions and designs, and we challenged the development with the desire to create an optimal charger for everyone.
◆ 2 units simultaneous charging compatible
"NOVAPORT DUO" has two C ports and supports two simultaneous charging.Not only two smartphone charging, but also the "NOVA Intelligence" function, two PCs on the PC can be charged at the same time.It can be freely adapted to all places and environments, such as office and co -working space, such as business trips and travel destinations.
◆こだわりのデザインを採用電器の表面に一眼レフカメラのボディのような粗いシボ加工を施しているため、ペンや爪で引っ搔いたりしても製品表面に傷が付きにくくより多機能性を高めました。また、国内の有名デザイナー監修のフォルム、ラウンドとエッジを組み合わせることで、デバイスとの相性を保ちながら、手に持ちやすいデザインに。ポート部分にはCIOの表現する「未来感」を表すコーポレートカラーのCIOパープルをアクセントに。側面にはCIOのロゴをアルミプレートで配置することで、高級感を演出しました。◆放熱性に優れた設計次世代半導体のGaNチップを採用することで充電器本体の発熱を抑えつつ、極限の小ささを実現。充電の速さと小ささを兼ね備えたCIOならではの製品が完成しました。* Charging to multiple devices is automatically distributed to the optimal power, so it may not be the maximum power due to the combination of the device.