By, uav-jp 12/12/2022

Considering the practical use of flying cars and the "from the top of the river"

Practice in public delivery services with drones

自動運転ラボ編集部 -TweetFollow @jidountenlab

The practical use of a flying car may start on the river first.There was an announcement from Zenrin.It is a topic that forms an empty path on the river for the safe and long -distance flight of the drone.

Certainly, in the practical use of a flying car, if you consider safety first at first, it may be better to fly on the river.Governor Yoshimura of Osaka Prefecture also stated at the governor's press conference held in February 2021.

"Flying cars actually have a river and the sea, so I can go if I go above it.If you go, you've been realizing what you want to do in Osaka now ~ (omitted below). "

空飛ぶクルマの実用化、「川の上から」構想 安全面に配慮


Let's introduce the content announced by Zenrin.From November 16, 2021, in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture, a new public delivery service will be launched to support shopping in the middle mountain area with drones.

The drone used in this initiative will fly along the "Sky Road" over the Mimine River, which flows north and south in the Hase district of Ina City on the way to the delivery destination.If you fly over the river as much as possible, the safety of drone delivery will be dramatically increased.

The development of the "Sky Road" seems to have been made by cooperating with local residents and local companies and using high -precision 3D map data.By the way, when the drone arrives at the landing point near the delivery destination, volunteers in each district will receive the product from the drone and deliver it to the delivery home.

In the middle of the middle mountain, the number of refugees is increasing due to aging and decline in population.This initiative can improve the convenience of shopping for local residents, and we can expect the revitalization of the local economy.


If you think, "What if your luggage falls on the way?"The same can be said for a flying car.It may be better to start flying from the river first, whether in drone delivery or transportation of flying cars.

[Reference] As a related article, refer to "Budget for flying cars! Governor Yoshimura" If you go through the river and the sea, eyan ".

記事監修:下山 哲平(株式会社ストロボ代表取締役社長/自動運転ラボ発行人)

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