By, uav-jp 30/11/2022

``Ozone generator'' introduced to schools in Tondabayashi City as a ``corona countermeasure'' ``efficacy'' and ``safety'' have been pointed out...The city continues to operate

Last year, an "ozone generator" was installed at kindergartens and elementary and junior high schools in Tondabayashi City, Osaka Prefecture, led by the Board of Education. Although it was introduced as a countermeasure against infectious diseases such as the new coronavirus, the medical association has raised objections that it should not be used in the living environment of children. What the hell is going on? I got to the bottom of the issue.

"Ozone generator" installed at a school in Tondabayashi City

Elementary school in Tondabayashi City, Osaka Prefecture. An unfamiliar object is placed right above the blackboard. (Tondabayashi City Board of Education Toshinobu Ishida, General Manager of Education and General Affairs Department) "We have installed an ozone deodorizer on top of the blackboard. We have installed it after measuring the height so that it can reach the entire room. Ozone is generated in the classroom. It fills the entire surface and removes attached viruses and bacteria.We are thinking about it as an infection control measure.”The installed equipment generates ozone and removes bacteria and viruses. It was installed in most of the classrooms and the music room at this school. What exactly is "ozone"?

"Ozone", which is said to have the effect of inactivating viruses

Ozone is a substance found in nature, and causes an oxidation reaction with harmful substances in the air. For example, it is said to have the effect of eliminating odors by changing substances that cause bad odors, and inactivating viruses by acting on bacteria and viruses. In Tondabayashi City, a total of 666 "ozone generators" were donated by a private company. It has been introduced to all public kindergartens and elementary and junior high schools and has been in operation since last autumn. (Tondabayashi City Board of Education Toshinobu Ishida, General Manager of Education and General Affairs Department) is in the research stage”, so it is a countermeasure against infection.”

"Ventilation is the most important thing" A doctor who opposes the installation of an ozone generator

The ozone generator was initially introduced to educational settings as a "new corona countermeasure". However, there are those who disagree with this policy.

Tondabayashi City's

Dr. Masashi Fujioka, director of infectious disease control at the Tondabayashi Medical Association. He is also a school doctor, but it is said that the ozone generator was installed without any consultation from the city to the medical association.

(Dr. Masashi Fujioka, Director of Infectious Disease Control, Tondabayashi Medical Association) "It is meaningless to put such things in the living environment of children, and there is also the possibility of an accident. Yes.Ventilation is the most important thing to prevent new coronavirus infections.We believe that changing the air is the most important thing to prevent infection.I think I'll generate ozone and let it come into contact with the virus at a certain concentration. It conflicts with ventilation.” At the beginning of the school, the ozone generator was running while the children were in the classroom. The medical association submitted a written request to the city in September last year for the device to be recalled, saying that it was "contrary to the content of the Ministry of Education's manual." but…. (Dr. Masashi Fujioka, Director of Infectious Disease Control, Tondabayashi Medical Association) "(In Tondabayashi City) when children come home or use it unattended at night. It was decided not to use it where children are present. As a medical association, we believe that there is a problem in placing things that are originally medically meaningless in children's educational and living environments.

It has been pointed out that the ozone concentration that can remove viruses "has an adverse effect on the human body." It has been announced that even 0.1ppm is effective in decontamination. However, according to the interview, the research is based on closed conditions and does not assume situations such as classrooms. Should it be installed in school classrooms? When I spoke to Professor Hirohisa Takano of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies at Kyoto University, he pointed out that the concentration of ozone, which can remove viruses and the like, has a negative impact on the human body.

(Professor Hirohisa Takano, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) "Ozone is one of the air pollutants. If it is concentrated, it can of course kill the virus. Generally speaking, the environmental standard value is set at 0.08ppm, but if there is a concentration higher than that around us, it may affect us. On what grounds did you start using it, Tondabayashi City?”

On the agenda of the city assembly... Superintendent of Education ``Helping with infection control''

On December 9, last year, the Tondabayashi City Assembly put on the agenda the "ozone generator" installed at the school. [Interaction at the City Council] (Tondabayashi City Council Member Yuko Nakayama) "First of all, please tell us how the City Board of Education received the donation of the ozone generator." The request for the donation was sent to the mayor in early May 2021. Based on the opinions from the school site, we have systematically made the decision in mid-May (2021).” (Yuko Nakayama, Tondabayashi City Council) Councilor) "Please answer why the mayor sent a letter of appreciation to the donating company stating that it was for the prevention of the new coronavirus infection." (Tondabayashi City Board of Education Superintendent Michihiko Yamaguchi) It was a situation, so I think there were some expectations that it would be possible to help while taking sufficient measures against infection.The equipment that was donated was the same as the equipment purchased in the national project, so there was a problem. I don't think so."

The president of the company that donated the ozone generator said, "It can't be said to be a countermeasure against corona." It is said that an ozone generator equivalent to more than yen was provided free of charge. When I looked at the website of Mitomo Corporation, which donated the ozone generator, I found that it had been installed as a "Tondabayashi model." What are your thoughts on safety? When I applied for an interview, Masayoshi Daimon, president of Mitomo Shoji, responded to the interview.

(Reporter) ``Will this device be used as a countermeasure against coronavirus?'' (President Masayoshi Daimon) However, there is the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Law, so I cannot claim it.There are experimental results that ozone alone can inactivate the new corona under certain conditions in appropriate university hospitals and universities. (Reporter) "How much concentration will it produce?" (President Masayoshi Daimon) "I can't answer the concentration. Ozone is dangerous at high concentrations, so face-to-face sales will be made to prevent it from being used in that way. We are working hard to obtain evidence that it will be effective even at low concentrations, such as installing it." (Reporter) "Can you say that there is no effect on the human body?" President Masayoshi Daimon) "Regarding our proposal for installation, it means that we are proposing it in a perfect state. Infectious diseases are countermeasures for addition, so we will reduce the absolute amount of bacteria and viruses as much as possible. I hope that you will use it with high expectations.”

The company says, "If used properly, there is no problem with safety."

Tondabayashi City will continue to use ozone generators in the future for ``nighttime operation''

In Tondabayashi City, some guardians are perplexed that ``there is no appropriate explanation.'' have been submitted. What will the city do next? If you ask the mayor directly...

(Mayor Yoshimi Yoshimura, Tondabayashi City, December 20, last year) "For the sake of the children's safety, the children are also holding out in a difficult situation, so we decided to operate at night. ( Q: Will it not be used after being pointed out by the medical association?) It is effective in disinfecting and deodorizing, so we donated it in that sense, so we would like to operate it at night.”

At one point, the ozone generator was running 24 hours a day in the classroom. The city plans to continue operating the system after school when the children have left school.

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