By, uav-jp 05/07/2022

Realization of drones remote autonomous flights and started providing "Smart Drone Tools" | 2022 | KDDI Co., Ltd.

February 15, 2022

KDDIはFebruary 15, 2022から、モバイル通信や運航管理システム、クラウドなど、ドローンの遠隔自律飛行に必要なツールを揃えた「スマートドローンツールズ」を提供開始します (注1)。2022年度の法施行が予定されている「有人地帯における補助者なし目視外飛行 (レベル4飛行)」の解禁で、物流やインフラ点検、災害時の監視などさまざまなシーンでドローン利用の加速が期待されています。「スマートドローンツールズ」は、ドローンの遠隔運用を検討されるCorporate customersのニーズに幅広く対応します。

「スマートドローンツールズ」は、ドローンの遠隔自律飛行に必要な基本ツールをまとめた「4G LTEパッケージ」に、お客さまの利用シーンに合った「オプション」を組み合わせてご利用いただけます。「4G LTEパッケージ」は、全国どこからでもドローンの遠隔操作・映像のリアルタイム共有を可能とする「運航管理システム」や、撮影したデータを管理する「クラウド」、データ使い放題 (注2) の「モバイル通信」の3つのツールをまとめ、月額49,800円で提供します。あわせて、多くのお客さまに体験いただくため、期間限定で「4G LTEパッケージ」を2022年12月まで無料でご利用いただける「トライアルキャンペーン」をFebruary 15, 2022から2022年3月31日まで実施します。

In addition, KDDI has developed a drone -only communication module "CoreWing 01" that realizes stable communication with a drone -resistant noise design, and will be launched in April 2022, and to 11 drones in Japan and overseas.CoreWing 01 "will be installed sequentially.As a result, customers can use the optimal drone according to the application without having to incorporate a module into the drone.

KDDI will fulfill the customer's thoughts, such as "Smart Drone Tools", which supports mobile communication, to fulfill the customer's thoughts more safely and more efficiently, and promote the drone social infrastructure.

Please refer to the attached sheet for details of "Smart Drone Tools" and "CoreWing 01".

We provide three tools, "mobile communication", "operation management system", and "cloud" required for drone remote autonomous flights.In addition to mobile communication use, it is possible to manage drones, real -time viewing of drone images, and automatically upload and manage data to the cloud.

You can add the following options as needed.You can use the cloud capacity, high -precision positioning, and accurate weather predictions of the flight destination.

February 15, 2022

Corporate customers

Please refer to the homepage for details.

This is a drone -only communication module optimized for the use of mobile communications.It usually supports the noise -resistant design, radio log and operating management system linkage function that requires individual development when installing a mobile communication module on a drone, greatly reduces the load on support development.

"CoreWing 01" is planned to be installed in the following models.In the future, the compatible aircraft will be expanded sequentially.

Scheduled for April 2022

Corporate customers

Please refer to the homepage for details.

We will carry out two "trial campaigns" so that many customers can experience the "Smart Drone Tools".

Please refer to the campaign site for details such as how to apply.

KDDI wants to realize a world where drones fly autonomously and help people with smart drones that support mobile communication.We value how to use someone, deliver luggage to the elderly who cannot go shopping, take responsibility for dangerous work with dangerous life, automate farming and take over the important fields to the next generation.In order to fulfill each and every thought, we are working on the realization of our customers in the fields of logistics, monitoring, inspection, surveying, and agriculture.